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FunMeYay's monthly reward January 2024

Theodora Hodgson is the most famous woman in business. There’s no one closer to the top than her. She had built a business from the ground up and expanded it and built it up until it was a Fortune five hundred company.

She was still a few leagues away from the top companies like Walmart and Amazon, but she was in the top twenty which was still a big deal, and the fact that she was the head of the company and a woman meant she got a lot of attention.

She was intelligent, and she used her knowledge to design the best products and grow the business profits, along with minimizing the cost of production. She was confident, never letting anyone talk down to her or letting a man take over in business deals.

She was also self-assured. She knew without a doubt that anything she worked on would turn a profit. She was constantly getting requests for interviews for the news and magazines as she was easily an inspiration for women everywhere.

Over the years though she become more grumpy and mean towards others. She considered most people beneath her, after all, she was the smart one who made all this happen, without her this place would crumble.

Of course, that’s what she told people, the truth was this place wouldn't exist if she hadn’t made a sketchy deal with a wizard all those years ago. He used magic to make her extremely lucky, which helped her get the loan to start her business.

From there the extreme luck she had helped her get business deals, make amazing products, and make people love her even if she was awful to them, and all she had to do in return was pay him one million dollars after her business took off.

Theodora however had no plans to pay the wizard, and once her company started to grow she cut off contact with him and did everything in her power to make sure he couldn’t get close to her again. Including hiring a special security team.

That brings us to the present. Theodora was on her way to meet the newest chairman of the board of her company. She wanted to be the first to meet him so she could use her looks and lucky charm on him to make sure he’d always go with whatever she wanted.

She had done this several times in the past, and each time was super successful so she had no doubt it would work this time. She was in the elevator going up to the top floor board room, an internet had gotten in front of her.

He was holding a tray of coffee was on the phone and was super loud and obnoxious. He didn’t even stop to see who she was, had he done so he would have realized the greatness that stood before him, and maybe shut his damn mouth.

The elevator reaches the floor she needs and the intern not needing to get off doesn't even bother to move out of her way so she could get out. So Theodora pushed him over, causing him to fall onto the floor and spill coffee all over himself and the elevator.

She laughs and steps over him and walks to the boardroom. Surprisingly no one is there, so Theodora waits for nearly fifteen minutes before the elevator dings and starts to open. Theodora rolled her eyes annoyed, she was going to make this guy pay for making her wait so long.

When the elevator fully opens she is surprised to see the wizard she made a deal with. He stepped out with a smile and apologized for being late, saying something about an internet spilling coffee in the elevator and being hurt.

She asked him why he was there and he reached his hand out and introduced himself. He was Edgar Wright the chairman she was waiting for, and he had come to to finally collect the debt that she owed him.

She claimed to have no idea what he was talking about, but inside she was starting to panic. She tried to use her lucky charm on him, but he seemed unaffected by it. She then tried to deny owing anyone anything even if she did they couldn’t prove it.

He put his hand up and cut her off, the first time in her career that a man was able to silence her. He explains to her that her debt was relatively small when it was originally owed, but now with interest, it had grown so much he doubted she could afford it anymore.

She scoffs at him and asks him if he knows how rich she is. If she did owe money there was no way she couldn't pay it off. The wizard reaches his hands out and using magic makes the contract they had signed appear.

On it, it had a number listed at the bottom for how much was owed to him. In the years since she signed, it had gone from one million dollars to just over seventy-five billion. Which was more than her company was worth.

There was no way she could pay that if he was really here to claim the debt. He tells her that’s okay as there was a clause for collateral if she was not able to pay the full debt when it was time to collect.

He then pointed to the section that mentioned her body, mind, and soul in exchange for missing funds. He pulls out a real piece of paper with all her assets and determines that they cover her soul and a bit of her mind, then says he’s going to take the rest.

Theodora begins to freak out, she runs to the intercom and calls for security. They say they’re on the way and Theodora tries to run to the elevator but is frozen in place. The wizard approaches her and starts to talk about her body.

He says she’d looked better in something other than a suit. That caused her suit to morph from a very expensive three-piece to a very skimpy bikini themed like the American flag. He then looks at her breasts and says they’re not nearly big enough for the bikini.

That caused her breasts to begin inflating, goring larger and heavier until they were five times bigger and nothing but big meat sacks. The top of her bikini was also struggling to hold them in place. He then looked disappointed and said they were nice but made her lower look small.

So her butt, hips, and thighs all started to grow like her breasts had done seconds before. She could feel her butt stick out behind her like she was dragging something around, it was large and round and flopping up and down.

Theodora’s thighs were so thick they touched and rubbed against each other and her crotch. Her hips were also so wide now it made her look like she had an hourglass figure, really she only needed a slightly thinner waist and she’d look like a slutty pron imagined woman.

Almost like he was reading her thoughts, he did just that. She was slimmed in until the curve from her hips and ass matched perfectly with her waist and lower bust. Now she stood in front of the wizard complying ashamed and humiliated.

She started to demand that he return her to normal right now. She even tried to use her position of power to threaten him, but he just laughed and said she had no power anymore. Her company, her positions, and her life were his now.

He walks over to her and places his finger on her forehead. He tells her there is only one more thing for him to claim. Half of her intelligence. She begs him not to do it, saying she’ll be good and do whatever he wants her to do.

He smiled and said she’d be doing that anyway, no reason to leave her with such a high Intelligence, she might find a way to use that against him. His finger glows and she feels her IQ dropping quickly. When he was done she wasn’t a total bimbo but had the intelligence of a fifth grader.

She was having a hard time focusing since she was desperately trying to hold onto bits of knowledge she felt slipping away from her. That’s when security jumped out of the elevator and surrounded Theodora and Edgar.

Theodora wanted to tell them that Edgar was evil and was trying to steal the company, but he quickly took over and ordered the guards to bring Theodora to the company's off-the-record site where they do all kinds of sketchy things, including making adult content.

They grabbed her, pushed her into the elevator, and brought her to a car in the parking garage. They then drove her two hours away to another facility that she had created years ago where a woman was waiting for her.

She took Theodora from the guards and brought her to the office area. The woman explained she got a call from the new chairman and owner that Theodora was coming to work at her division full time as moral support.

Her job is to walk around the offices, filming sets, labs, and more and wait for someone to ask for her services, then she’s supposed to do whatever they ask. Then at the end of the day, she’ll be locked inside a small apartment onsite built just for her, then the next day she’d do it all again.

For convenience for her work, she wouldn't be allowed to leave or wear anything more than the skimpy bikini she had on now. The woman mentioned Theodora could go nude if she wanted but that was up to her.

So this was the price of her debt, had she just paid it earlier she wouldn't be stuck here as a sex worker, all while the wizard takes everything she worked so hard for. It killed her inside to still be intelligent enough to know what she had lost, but not smart enough to figure out how to get it back.




Oooh that's a wonderful story! Straight 10 out of 10! And this is even despite the fact that my favorite gender change is not here... although one question for me personally remained unanswered, what exactly does this company do? ...okay, it's not that important, the most important thing we learned is that you can never be too greedy... otherwise the one to whom you owe will one day come and collect your debt from you with interest!