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In the year 4530 society reached the peak in medical science and body manipulation through biological and technological means. It's been used in tons of different ways to help the planet and humans evolve, and it has several ways that are kinda of meaningless, like entertainment.

That's where I come in. You see, I live in the underworld, which is just the name for the surface of the world now since most people live in floating cities above the earth. Down here, there aren't many jobs for us, so most of us participate in the fighting arenas.

I started when I was about fifteen years old, back then most people down here didn’t have any upgrades, we were all just basic humans. So after many years of hard work and kicking ass I became the top fighter.

I remained on top for nearly ten years, but then the overworld took notice of our fights and they found them just as entertaining as we did. So they decided to come on in and take over, and soon enough there were even more fighters.

The only problem was, that the overworld sponsored certain fighters, and insisted they get upgrades to make them bigger, faster, or purely giant metal death machines. The amount of enhanced fighters quickly pushed out basic fighters like me.

I was the last one left during the last tournament. I was still the champion, so I couldn’t be kicked out until I was defeated. Which I knew was going to happen soon, as keeping up with my opponents was too hard.

Several of my bones were already broken from the crazy opponents, and I feared my body would soon give out and be unable to handle fighting anymore, but I was the champ, even if I only had one more fight, I was going down fighting.

That's what happened, a massive ten-foot guy covered in robotic-enhanced limbs with big spikey ball hands crushed me in the finals. It was a bit of a blur after that, I honestly thought I was going to die.

I remember hearing doctors talking, and my vision fading in and out. When I woke up I was surrounded by overworld doctors who all seemed to be monitoring me. I sat up and most of them cheered that my surgery was a success.

I asked them what they were talking about, and they explained that my body had been completely destroyed, but my brain was fully intact, so they did an emergency brain swap surgery with another fighter whose brain had stopped working.

I quickly sat up and looked at my arms. I definitely had a different body. My forearms now had metal plates with spikes attached to them. I guess I’m no longer a basic fighter, but an enhanced one.

The doctors instructed me to get up and when I did I immediately noticed how much smaller this body was. I began to inspect it further, and that's when I realized not only was it smaller and enhanced, it was a female body.

When I asked why I was put into a female body, they said it was the only available body at the time. They then told me if I was unhappy with it, there were plenty of options for changing sex up in the overworld.

The catch is as an underworld dweller, I wasn’t allowed up there, but if I agreed to become their newest fighter, they’d allow me to go up there and swap this new body in any way I’d like. I really didn’t want to be stuck like this, so I agreed and signed up.

Over the next couple of months, I trained using my new body. Luckily it was very fit and fast as hell thanks to the biological enhancements they gave me. Unfortunately, this body was weak, and the biological enhancements for strength have limits on small bodies.

The only way to get strong would be to replace my physical body with mechanical parts, and over time expand my size, but I’m not willing to do that. Maybe it’s because I’m old-fashioned, or a bit scared of it, but either way, these metal plates are as much as I want right now.

Which I’ve been told is fine by the staff I know work with. They said my experience is already showing, and I’ve already adapted to moving around and my fighting technique has changed to compensate for my smaller body.

It’s suggested with the current fighters in the next tournament, I have a good chance of making it through to the finals, but they’re not positive that I’ll be able to fight the current champion, the man who killed my old body.

The thought of him frustrates me, but it also drives me to work harder. I know the whole point of becoming sponsored by the overworld was to make this body like my old one, but now I kinda of want revenge on the big guy who put me in this one.

So I’ll train my ass off for the next month, then I’ll get back into that arena, kick everyone's ass, take my title back, and head to the overworld to get my body fixed. A simple plan, but it should go smoothly right?




Well, what can I say... the concept is very unusual. I can't even remember where else I could see gender reassignment through brain transplant... overall I liked it, keep up the good work!