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Alright I know, being a dirty pervert who takes any chance to check out a girl's panties isn’t the best personality trait or moral thing to do, but I can’t help myself. Something about the soft fabric tight filled by a girl's butt is irresistible to me.

So when one of my classmates walked past me in the hall with her skirt hiked up, I quickly jumped into action. I walked close enough behind her that no one else would notice her skirt up, and I stared at her white panties the whole time.

My fun quickly came to an end though, as she dropped something and bent down to pick it up. As she was bent over our gazes met and I quickly turned around. That’s when she realized her panties were showing.

“You… You pervert! You were following me just to look at my panties weren't you!” She began to shout, so I could no longer act innocent and ignore her. I turned towards her and tried to quickly think of an excuse.

“No... I swear I wasn’t. I was totally zoned out and didn’t see your underwear.” She puffed her cheeks and frowned. She fixed her skirt and looked back at me. “I know you saw them, just admit it!”

“I didn’t I swear!” “Fine have it your way. A pervert like you would probably get a nosebleed seeing me wearing a purple thong.” “Ha, nice try you can’t trick me, you’re not wearing a purple thong, you’re wearing white panties.”

My eyes widen and I cover my mouth. “Aha! I knew you perv! You were following me just to catch a look. You should be ashamed, and you soon face the consequences of your actions!” She shouted as she ran off.

“Dammit, what is she going to do? If she tells the principal I might get expelled.” I looked around and no other kids had really been paying attention to us despite the yelling. “I guess It’ll be my word versus hers.”

I shrugged it off and headed to my next class. Several hours later the school day ends and I go home. I slept the night away and made my way back to school, where once again the same girl was walking around with her skirt hiked up.

At this point it’s her fault for being so careless. So I once again follow her, but this time I keep a bigger distance between us. I ended up following her to one of the really obscure and empty hallways in school.

She once again dropped something and bent over to pick it up. The item she was trying to grab rolled under a locker and she began trying to stick her fingers under it to get ti. I slowly got close and took a good look at her ass.

Her panties wear the same type as the day before, soft looking, white, and covering a good portion of her ass. The only difference between yesterday's pair and todays was this weird writing on it.

“What does it say? Obfuk, nakiom, hajipol, majikn, illroe polie?” I don’t know a lot of language but that all seems like gibberish. I went back to watching the girl when she turned around suddenly and looked at me.

“I know you’re there pervert, might as well come out.” Damn, I’ve been spotted. I walk out and put my hands up. “Wait, it’s not what it looks like. I came to tell you your skirt was hiked up, I wasn’t trying to peep I swear!”

To my surprise, the girl smiled and fixed her skirt. “Don’t worry little pervert, I’m not made, and I’m not going to tell on you. In fact, I have a gift for you.” I almost have a heart attack as she slips her panties down and takes them off.

“Here, you like them so bad, why don’t you keep them.” She then tossed them at me, and I caught them, but I just looked at her confused. “Why? Why are you going these to me?” She just smiles.

“Maybe I like a little desperate pery boy, it turns me on. Go ahead stick them on your head or give them a big sniff, do whatever you would have done if you stole them, I really want to watch what happens next!”

I had to have died because this was heaven. This might actually be the best day of my life. “It’s really okay for me to do this?” She just nods. I take the panties and hold them in my hands, then I put them up to my nose.

I took a big sniff, and I almost had a nosebleed. They were filled with her amazing scent, they were soft to the touch, and my dick was starting to get really stiff. “Oh wow, you really do like that, well don’t worry, soon you’ll have plenty of time with them.”

I remove her panties from my face and look at her. “Wait, you’re going to let me do this again?” As I finished that sentence I blacked out. A few minutes later I find myself staring up at the girl. “Wakey, wakey little pervert.”

I tried to sit up, but my body felt weird. Instead of a normal body, it felt like I was super small, and stretched. “You’re probably wondering what going on, well the short answer is I turned you into the very panties you sniffed.”

What the hell was she talking about? She then picked me up and walked over to the window, pointing me at it so I could see my reflection. “See, I wasn’t lying. You’re now nothing but a soft pair of white panties. I bet that’s a dream come true for you.”

She turns my face back towards her. “You see, perverts don’t actually turn me on, but tormenting a dirty disgusting pervert like you does, so expect when I’m wearing you for me to get wet just at the thought of your torment.”

She then once again flips me around and puts her legs through me. She slipped me over her thighs, and over her big ass, filling my entire inside to the point that I felt like I couldn’t expand anymore.

I was suddenly overwhelmed by all these new sensations. I was getting similar smells, to when I sniffed her panties, but they were so much stronger. It was also like I was licking her, as I could taste the body wash she had that morning.

She placed her hand on me, or I guess on her crotch and I felt a surge of pleasure. “I’m going to have so much fun with you, I’m already excited about it.” She laughed. “I’m sure you’re excited about it too.”

She was right, I know I kind of just lost my humanity and free will, but if what she has in store for me is half as good as this experience has been so far, I want to be her panties, and I never want to change back.

“For now we have to finish the day, hopefully, my excitement doesn't cause your fabric to swell too much.” She began to walk towards the next class, but I suddenly started to feel something drip into me.

Following that, my taste was filled with this weird flavor. I wasn’t sure what it was at first, as it was kind of dark under my skirt, but after I adjusted to my body more, I realized it was dripping into my face area, which was the font of her panties.

She was wet, I guess she really does enjoy doing this to me. I honestly don’t mind though, this could be an amazing relationship. A very horny sadistic school girl, and her incredibly perverted panties.



Riley Gendreau

This is a new story, the ten below are old stories that were made before I made my Patreon. If you haven't seen them, check them out, they may not be as great, but they're what started my work. If you have seen them, ignore them!


very good I really liked it! I’m not sure if this is part of your “Object transformation” series. On the one hand, the title doesn’t say this, on the other hand, the transformation here occurs after reading the text in an unknown language... but at the same time, the transformation itself is different.... in general, I’m in Confused, please tell me which option is correct!

Riley Gendreau

It is part of it. I just did it differently and forgot to put the series logo, I'll have to fix that