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“Ugh, my feet are killing me”, Cait said as she placed her feet on your lap, “why are we never doing giantess sessions??? All my friends’ boyfriends are doing it and they talk about it all the time!” She complained again… it happened once in a while throughout your relationship, it was exhausting.

You sighed, “I told you, I don’t like it”, you said for the hundredth time.

“How would you know! You never tried it with me! Only with that bitch ex of yours”, she said and crossed her arms, you started massaging her foot and sighed again, you were so tired of hearing that already, you decided not to say anything and just let it pass.

“Ruby is working in the shrinking center she can arrange us a free coupon, it’s such a waste that we aren’t using it”

“It’s not about the money…”

“So about what is it! You did a giantess session with Laura haven’t you? So why are you being so stubborn about it with me”.

“Because I hate it! What’s there not to understand? You know how terrifying it is being so tiny and helpless?” You started getting angry.

“Oh, so that’s it, you finally said it”, she looked aside, offended.

“What? What did I say?!” You asked loudly.

“You don’t trust me”, she said without looking at you, her mouth started twitching.

“What? How did you understand it that way?” You really had no idea.

“You don’t trust me, we’ve been dating for almost a year now and still you think I’ll somehow abuse you or I don’t know what, ok, never mind”, she said and tears started flowing out of her eyes.

“Hey, no, that’s not what I said”, you said in shock and leaned forward, but she pushed you away, “Cait of course I trust you, it’s not that, why can’t I just be scared of it?”

“If you really loved and trusted me, you would do that, but probably you trusted Laura more than you trust me”, she said in a spoiled tone, wiping a tear from below her eye.

“B-But, you got it all wrong, that’s really not about it, come on, don’t be like that”, you said and caressed her leg but she pulled her feet away from you and placed it on the floor.

“I think you should go”, she said in tears.


“I said I think you should go, I’m not feeling comfortable with someone who doesn’t trust me”

You had no idea what to do, you loved her more than anything and you do trust her, but last time you did a giantess session it was a 4 days long complete nightmare, you actually broke up with your ex because of that, you didn’t want it to happen again.

“Listen, ok, I’ll do it”, you said defeatedly.

“I’m not in the mood for jokes”, she said and looked sideways again.

“I mean it, ok? We’ll go tomorrow morning to the shrinking center”, you reassured her and placed a hand on her shoulder, “look, I really love you and I’ll do it to prove it to you”, you said and gulped.

She finally turned her face to you, her eyes shining, “really?”

“Y-Yes, ok? Please stop crying”, you said.

She jumped and hugged you, “oh my god!” She exclaimed happily, it made you smile as well.


The next day was perhaps the hottest day of the year. In the shrinking center they highly recommended avoiding an aquarium as the glass might actually burn you inside, just the thought made you shiver.

“So how should I carry him home?” Cait asked, sitting next to you in front of the agent, she was so excited about it that you were worried about saying anything wrong.

“It might sound terrible, but in this time of the year - a plastic cage”, she pointed at a shelf with a lot of white plastic cages on, Cait got up and examined one of them, she showed it to you, “that’s so cute”, she said and you gulped.

“Cait, maybe we should do it another day then?” You asked.

She made a disappointed face and returned the cage to the shelf, “I knew it’s too good to be true”, she said and sighed.

You looked at the agent and signed the contract, “ok let’s just get it over with”, you said in an irritated tone.

Cait hugged you again and you walked together to the shrinking room, you could see her looking excitedly from the window as you laid on a bed and got shrunk down to 3 inch tall, then you got dressed, an employee placed you inside the white plastic cage and took you out.

“Awwww oh my god I'm so excited!!” Cait shrieked and grabbed the cage, her huge eye staring at you from between the bars, you were reminded of your trauma all over again, “sooo cute!!! We’re going to have so much fun together!!” She said and it was so loud you felt like your ears were about to burst.

She happily went back with you to the bus station and drove home. People in the bus were staring at you, you hated this feeling, you noticed one lady biting her lower lip and just couldn’t get her eyes off of you, it was so humiliating, like you’re a cute pet that people stare at.

You finally got home and Cait placed you on the sofa, then quickly unlocked the cage, “you’ve no idea how perfect you are in this size”, she said excitedly as you walked out of it, you looked at her, it was like she’s a thousand times your size, you felt so powerless and insignificant, you just nodded in approval.

“Awwww you’re just adorable!” She said and sat down, “I’m going to enjoy breaking you so much”, her feet landed in front of you.

“What?” You said in shock, you probably didn’t hear that right, you watched her feet, she was in flip flops all morning, they were dirty and sweaty, the smell was hideous, you walked away, “Cait?” You asked, covering your mouth and nose.

“What are you looking at you adorable thing? Dig in, start licking”

“L-Licking?” You shrieked, even Laura didn’t force you to lick her feet, “C-Cait there’s a misunderstanding”

“Misunderstanding?” She asked with a huge smile.

“Yes, I thought you’ll get a shower and it’ll be a massage or something”

“Oh, no, lol”, she paused and laughed, “you’re going to lick my foot sweat and eat the dirt”

You gulped, trying to understand if she’s joking, “h-hey, that’s not coo-“

She pushed her foot to your face, giggling mischievously as she smeared it, you squirmed and tried to crawl out but she pressed harder.

“Oh my god this is so much more satisfying than I thought!” She exclaimed with a laugh, “finally!

You managed to push your head from between her toes up and looked at her, you never saw her like that, smiling with crazy eyes.

“F-Finally what?! Please stop, I'm begging you!!” You cried from between her toes.

In return, she squeezed your head from the sides and leaned forward, “awww, you’re so sweet when you beg like that”, she said and reached her finger from behind your head, you desperately tried to escape but she pushed your face forward between her toes, smearing your face in horrible gunk.

“Mmm!!! Mmm!!!” You tried to scream but you could barely even breathe.

It made her laugh harder, “you bought my act so perfectly last night, I love nerds like you, few tears and you immediately roll over”, she said with lust and licked her lips joyfully, “should’ve done it long ago”.

She finally released her grip and you pulled your head back, reluctantly swallowing toe jam and coughed.

“Why?” You asked in tears, trying to push back but she squeezed her toes again to stop you, “w-we are together for almost a year, how c-could you do this to me”.

She tapped your head with a finger and caressed your hair like you’re a pet, it was soaked in foot sweat.

“Why? Just for fun actually, I suffered your stupid jokes and nerdy habits for almost a year just for this moment, now I finally get to have my fun”, she said in such a cruel tone that made your whole body shiver.

You didn’t know what to do, you couldn’t stop crying, panic slowly sank in as you realized she might actually not let you go, never.

“P-Please, ok, I’ll do whatever you want, j-just please let me go afterwards”, you said while crying, it made her burst in laughter and you looked at her, frozen in terror.

“Letting you go??? Oh god, you really have no idea”

“What?” You asked and sobbed, still stuck between her toes.

“You won’t go anywhere ever again, you are mine now silly, forever”, she explained with a big smile, savoring the moment, getting pleasure from every word that gets out of her mouth, “or for the rest of your miserable life at least, you guys usually don’t last long”

“I… oh my god”, you shrieked in a weak voice, tears choking you, “C-Cait, come on, y-you won’t… you won’t kill me right?!”

She laughed again, “of course not, I want you to live as long as you possibly can! I’m having so much fun!” She said and squeezed a little harder, you moaned in pain, “in fact, I kept something just for this day!” She exclaimed and opened a small drawer, taking out 2 nylon bags and 2 rolls of tape, then finally released her grip and you pulled yourself away from her foot, crawling backwards, looking at the items she took out, trying to understand what’s going on.

“H-Hey! What’s that!” You pointed at the tapes.

“Let me show you, cutie!” She grabbed you easily and *SLAP*, slapped you over her sole, *TSSRRIPP*, you heard her ripping off a piece of tape and she used it to glue you to her foot.

You squirmed in panic, desperately trying to release yourself, *TSSRRIPP*, she took another piece out and glued your head to her sole, “n-no Cait please! Please stop! I’m begging you!” You cried miserably but she just giggled and ignored it, then she opened a nylon bag.

“Oh my god, on such a hot day my feet are gonna get soaked!” She giggled, as you realized what’s about to happen your eyes opened up wide and you screamed as she placed her foot inside the bag.

“No!! No I’ll die! I’ll die!” You screamed but she completely ignored it, sealing you inside, you squirmed in panic, then she removed it.

“Oh my god I almost forgot!” She exclaimed in a giggly voice, *CLICK* She took a photo with her iPhone.

“Cait! I’ll do fucking anything! Don’t do this!” You cried but her foot got shoved back inside the bag, she used a strap to seal it.

She laid back in joy, you were in a boiling hot hell, in mere minutes it got so steamy that you couldn’t even see the outside, her skin got sweaty and sweaty, literally washing you with foot sweat.

You squirmed and squirmed until the tape was finally detached from her skin, thanks to all the sweat, and you fell into a small pond the height of your knees, you pushed miserably against the bag.

“H-Help! Help!” You screamed, scratching it helplessly, she scrunched her toes a few times playfully, sweat didn’t stop pouring down, it happened so fast…

You took your tongue out and pathetically licked her foot, trying to somehow beg her to release you.

“Mmm that’s so good! It’s so cute that you know your place! Lick harder”, you felt the bag vibrating from her voice, you licked as hard as you could, desperately trying to beg without actually talking to her.

The sweat kept pouring, it was as high as your chest now.

“Cait! *cough cough* please! Open up! I’ll die here! *cough cough*”

It was so hard to breathe, and the sweat was horribly hot and sticky, your tongue and mouth were filled with it, but no matter how much you swallowed - more of it showed up, gallons of it.

When it got to your neck, you stopped licking and just scratched her sole in a desperate attempt to make it clear to her that you’re about to drown.

But nothing happened, her foot moved casually so you knew she’s awake and feeling you, her foot sweat got to your face, you tried to crawl up her foot, trying to somehow breathe the toxic steamy air, but the sticky sweat pulled you in.

You weakly kicked her sole over and over again, drinking her foot sweat, desperately trying to breathe, but your body couldn’t take it anymore and you drowned in her foot sweat, the last thing you saw was her sweaty sole.

Few minutes later, she quickly removed the bag, sweat poured out like she spilled a glass, together with your lifeless body, she blushed all red, dropping her phone from her hand.

“Fuck”, she mumbled and started pressing her finger against your chest, “wake up you idiot!”

But it was hopeless, you were long gone.

She was too busy on her phone that she didn’t even notice that you are drowning in her sweat, she was so excited from chatting with her friends about finally catching you that she actually ended up killing you by accident.


This is a special story so don’t forget checking out the rest of the photos.



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