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You were living in a flat in NYC, sharing it with a roommate, Gabriella.

She was a great partner to live with, she was very thoughtful when the rumors about the vaccines not being as effective anymore started spreading.

You were worried and stayed home while she bought groceries and took care of everything else.

Meanwhile, you lost your job, you struggled paying rent and did whatever you could to keep up.

It’s been months, you did your best to help with the chores of the apartment but being depressed it wasn’t easy to even get out of bed. Gabriella never complained, she even joked and cheered you up many times with her sense of humor, you thanked god for having such a roommate.

Bored at home while organizing the stuff you had in the attic, you found your old childhood chess board, you cleaned it from dust, brought it to the living room and played with yourself. It was evening and Gabriella came back home, much later than usual, placing some groceries near the door.

“Oh hi”, she said.

“Hey gab, how was your day?” You asked, a bit depressed.

“Found a tiny today!” She exclaimed, “and guess what? He was vaccinated!”

“Oh my god”, your hand was holding the bishop piece, shaking a little.

“Got him to the shrinking center, oh my god there was such a long line, I waited for 2 hours can you believe this?! he had this shrinking insurance thing, pretty cool, they grew him back to his normal size without charging a dime”, she said and sighed, “oh my god, haven’t seen a chess board in years”.

“Y-Yeah, found it in my old stuff”, you said, slightly smiling, trying not to think about the chaos outside as vaccinated people are catching the shrinking virus, it felt like the first wave of the pandemic all over again, even worse.

“Are you good at this?” She brought a chair and sat in front of you.

“Not really”, you admitted.

Gabriella started moving the pieces to their starting point, “let’s have a match”.

“Really? You into this?” You asked and helped her setting up the board.

“Yeah why not”, she said with a smile.

“Cool”, you said happily, “wanna go first?”

“Sure”, she said and moved a piece.

“Wanna make a bet?” She asked and giggled.

“Ok, on what?” You replied while moving another piece.

“Ummmmm….” She moved a piece, “I don’t know, not money though, it’s boring”.

You paused and looked at her, thinking.

Gabriella is an awesome girl, and you might shrink any day now, it feels imminent and inevitable.

“Ok so I have an idea”, you said while playing your turn, “if you win, and if I shrink some day - you can have me”.

She started laughing.

“I’m serious, if I shrink I’m yours”, you said in a serious tone, “if you win of course”, you added.

“Kevin stop being funny, what are you talking about? Having you as what?” She asked and looked at the board.

“Whatever you want”, you said while moving another piece.

“Like a pet?” She asked and covered her mouth, laughing shyly.

You blushed a little, “if that’s what you want, yes”.

“Hmm, sounds cute to be honest”, she smiled and moved another piece, she just missed an opportunity to take out your knight.

You remained silent and played your turn.

“And if you win?” She asked.

“Umm, your call”, you said, looking at her moving a piece, she wasn’t so good in this game, it’s not going to be easy letting her win.

“If you win… I’ll clean your room”, she said with a smile.

You couldn’t help yourself and started laughing, she was so cute, “nice wager, if you win I’m practically giving you myself and if I win I get my room cleaned”.

She started laughing too, “what? You said it’s my call, not my fault you give yourself so easily! Besides, your room stinks!” She finally noticed that knight and took it out.

You looked at her and smiled, playing your move, practically making mistakes on purpose, you wanted her to win.

The game went on, you lost most of your pieces, she kept making mistakes but you did your best to let her lead, you just lost your queen.

“Wow, you really aren’t good at this game”, she giggled.

“Heh, totally missed it”, you lied.

“Well, I hope for you that you aren’t going to shrink soon”, she giggled.

“Haha, yeah…” you said and looked at the board.

“It’s your turn”, she said after you stared for a while.

“Y-Yeah, I know.. umm, so if that happens, what will you do with me?” You asked nervously, blushing a little, then finally moved a piece.

“I think a foot slave, my feet desperately needs a treatment, can’t find the time to get a pedi-“

“What?” Your face turned pale, you thought you hadn't heard right.

“What's wrong?” She asked confusedly and moved a piece.

“Not sure I heard right”, you said and gulped.

“Just thought you’d make a good foot slave, you said I can do whatever I want right?”

You chuckled, but she kept staring at you, “it’s a joke, right? You’re just messing with me”, you said nervously, looking at the board, trying to see how you can still win this.

“Like, what else can I do with you? Look at my foot”, she raised her foot up and showed it to you, then pointed at a nasty dead skin cluster near her toes, “I heard tinies can eat those”, she said and tapped it, “lol but it’s so hard, how will you do it being so tiny?”

“G-Gab but that’s not what I meant”, you stuttered, a bit panicked, you moved a piece and took out her bishop, “I thought about it like a caretaker or something”.

“Lol, so what’s the bet here, if I win it means I get something in return, not another chore, right?” She asked and easily took out another piece of yours.

You gulped in panic, “B-But Gab that’s so unlike you”.

“I would never do something like that to anyone, but it’s your bet!” She said, “you can’t change terms now”, she said and looked at the board, thinking.

You started sweating, thinking about that dead skin cluster, this is crazy… you desperately tried to make a defensive move but it was hopeless, the best you could do now is try to force a tie.

“Lol can you imagine living like that? Licking my feet when I come back from work and stuff like that”, she started laughing.

You blushed all red and watched as she was taking out another piece, “that’s not funny”, you mumbled.

“Check”, she said, and you noticed your king was exposed, you moved it.

“Oh my god I’m actually winning”, she giggled, “check”, she threatened your king again.

“Gab I’m really uncomfortable with this, can we just call it off?” You said and moved your king again.

“Lol you can’t just change terms now when you’re losing!” She laughed and moved her knight, blocking your king, you looked at the board and noticed all your other pieces can’t move.

“H-Ha! It’s a tie!” You exclaimed.

“What? How?” She asked, confused.

“My pieces can’t move anywhere, so it’s a tie”, you explained with a relieved smile.

“That’s so stupid, how come it doesn’t mean I won?” She asked with a disappointed face.

“That’s how chess works! Ha, haha”, you chuckled.

“So I guess I need to clean your room now”, she shrugged.

“What? No you don’t, it’s a tie, so the wagers are off”, you said quickly.

“Ha, nice try but it doesn’t work like that, it means both of us lost our wager”, she said with a smirk and went to your room, you followed her.

“Come on Gab”, you said while she started wiping the floor.

“Haha Kevin you better not shrink any time soon! My feet are soreeee”, she said with a mocking tone.

“Can you stop?” You asked.

“K sorry, just teasing you”, she giggled and continued cleaning.

“I’ll go shower…” you said and grabbed a set of clothes.

“Ok my future foot slave”, she said and laughed, “I’m kidding! Lol relax already!” She added mischievously.

You made a grumpy face and went to shower.

When you came back your room was clean, you grabbed your phone and noticed she changed your home screen to a photo of her foot, with an arrow pointing at the dead skin cluster and “food” written on it next to a laughing smiley, you blushed and quickly changed it.

“Gab, that's not funny!!” You shouted, only to hear her laughing from her room.

You sighed, then turned off the lights and went to sleep.


You had a dream, being with a collar tied to Gabriella’s toe ring, she shoved your head to that dead skin cluster, laughing cruelly, smearing your face on her sole, you woke up soaked in sweat.

Something was off, you rubbed your eyes and grabbed the sheet you were on, it didn’t feel right, you jumped in place and looked around.


You mumbled as you realized that you have shrunken, a few centimeters tall on your bed, naked and sweating.

“Oh no oh no”, you mumbled in fear, walking around your bed, looking at the window, it was still night, you didn’t know what to do, you were terrified, it means you belong to Gabriella now, you can’t be a foot slave, “oh no”.

How did it happen? Oh god, you are such an idiot, Gabriella probably brought the virus yesterday from the shrunken guy she helped to, and you got the virus from touching the same chess pieces as her, you recklessly got yourself infected!

And what if she did it on purpose?! You can’t stay here.

You went to the edge and started climbing down, you have to get out of here, maybe find a neighbor who could help or something, you nervously climbed down step by step until you reached the cold floor.

Then quickly started running towards the entrance.


You heard a loud voice booming from behind you, you turned back and saw Gabriella just leaving the bathroom, rubbing her eyes and turning off the light.

You couldn’t believe your eyes, she was gigantic… thousands of times your pathetic size, you quickly got back to your senses and started running like crazy.

She slowly walked back to her room - in your direction, step by step the floor below you was shaking, it got closer and closer, you were panting, running as fast as you could.


“Ah!!!” Gabriella jumped and shrieked, her foot landed right on top of you, “w-what happened!” She mumbled loudly, took another step and turned on the lights, grabbing her foot.

Your whole body was smashed, you could barely move, you saw Gabriella’s terrified face as she was looking at you, smeared on her sole like a splashed bug.

“K-Kevin?!” She shrieked, “N-No! What have you done?! Why were you walking here like that?!”

“G…G..” you couldn’t even respond.

She placed a hand over her mouth and started crying, “oh my god Kevin you're such an idiot! You thought I’d really make you a foot slave or anything like that?!” She asked in tears, “I would gladly be your caretaker or even take you to the shrinking center if you wanted to!!”

You twitched miserably.

She brought her finger and tried to move you but you moaned in pain, she gasped sadly and sobbed, “so sorry Kevin… I.. I guess I’ll deliver you from your misery…” she made a sad face and turned her foot back to the floor. You saw the floor getting closer to you as her foot was descending.





Damn that story started great, would you consider doing alternate ending? With some more teasing from Gabriella and then cruelly enslaving her roommate?


Haha, that was the initial plan, but I’m trying to explore different narratives as well, feeling like I’m repeating stuff too much.


That’s very unfortunate for me hehe, but I’m sure your other viewers enjoy it 👍🏼


Try something else once in a while 😜 don’t worry, tomorrow’s story is more to your taste.