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Concluding April! Perfect month with at least 2 posts a day, sometimes I felt like literally spamming you.

Overview of published content, I’m going to miss some for sure:

Special Stories:

  • Ostracized

Short stories:

  • April’s Fools
  • Leona’s Husband (Epilogue)
  • Bella Hadid (celebs story)
  • Arrogant
  • For a date (+Epilogue) 👟
  • Cracked Case
  • Zoom Into My Softness
  • Pledge Yourself Button
  • Amazon - Parts 1 - 3 ✅
  • A Terrible Date
  • Bounty Claimed 😢
  • Good Care - Parts 1 - 3 (ongoing)
  • Taken Home (+ Epilogue)
  • Filming (+ Comics)
  • Story of Garbage 🗑️
  • Kneel - Sold
  • Making a Religion

Mini Comics:

  • Itchy Spot
  • Anti Crush Carpet

Social Media (Twitter / Facebook / WhatsApp / TikTok):

  • Leona’s Husband (WhatsApp ending)
  • Something Special (TikTok)
  • Cheap Price, High Cost
  • So Many Likes
  • Can’t Tame Them All
  • Goddess of FIFA ⚽️
  • Protein Shake 🍹
  • All Night
  • Tiny Lab 🧪
  • Kneel (TikTok) 🙇‍♂️

New Concept - Super Shorts:

  • Phone Booth
  • Bug In The Bathroom
  • Random Brats #1
  • Washed Off
  • Sleepover
  • Give Me The Code
  • Go Away
  • Changed My Mind

New Concept - Anime:

  • Lawyers
  • Kingdoms (1 - 10)
  • Get Jinxed (mini comic)


About May:

Old fashioned masterpieces, especially cruel, 1-3 parts. I'm super excited about some of them, I don’t want to spoil anything but some introduced characters from April will make an appearance in May’s stories.

Some Marvel grade crossovers 😅

It also includes a few special stories that I think will become your new favorites.

No long comics planned, and no new chapters of big titles, I plan to change it in June, while working on “Shrunken at Home” Beta phase in a more relaxed manner compared to how it’s been until today.

Save the date - 21th May, best story ever.


Regarding Kingdoms:

Guys, please calm down, I’m not switching gears, this content doesn’t affect in any way the amount nor the quality of anything else.

I know it’s different, too different perhaps, from my usual content and most of you aren’t enjoying it, it won’t replace main posts, ever.

It’s a slow burn, I'm trying to make it in super short doses so it will be easier to grasp. It’s not Game of Thrones, I wish it would.

I think that at some point I continued only for my own fun, it’s true that it’s not the same as getting tricked and enslaved by a beautiful woman, for me as well, but it’s different and in my point of view interesting to explore, maybe I’m wrong.

I guess I will continue it as very short secondary posts, the story is already in my head and I need to pour it out.

For Patreon - it changes nothing as every day will contain a “normal” post as well.

For DeviantArt - it will occasionally replace a daily post, expanding the gap of content between Patreon and DeviantArt.

If you’ve been following and read all 10 parts, I’ll be super happy to hear your thoughts.


Shrunken at Home!

Alpha Release officially starts tomorrow!

Some of you already got personal invitations to play, and I can’t express how excited I am towards this!

Waiting to hear your thoughts about the game, tomorrow’s secondary post will contain more details, tips, and a call for feedback.


Big Titles

Wanted to let you know that I’m aware of all the ongoing titles, and I’ve decided to permanently deprecate some of them, unless there will be a patron outrage.

I feel like the point of the stories, or at least what I planned in the first place for some of them, was covered in a way by other stories. I'm trying not to repeat myself too much, so I never got back to rewriting their planned endings.

  • Wedding Night - Mainly due to the lack of interest I felt amongst readers I’ve decided to scrap this story. I guess we will never know what Caroline had in store for her new husband, sadly there are some customs I paid for in this story that will never be published too.
  • The Office - there is a continuation in mind, of the protagonist being under Tracy’s care, trying to convince her to keep him. But with the lack of interest/likes around parts 10+ I start to wonder if there are Patrons who followed the ending of ‘the office’ who are even waiting for it.
  • New Job - is anyone still following and wants an epilogue for this story? Even when I start writing it, I pause to consider if anyone would even be interested.
  • Good Care - it wasn’t in my initial plan but due to overwhelmingly positive feedback I’m working on more parts. Part 4 will be published on May 2nd and I’m already writing part 5.
  • Inheritance - 3 parts have been finalized and the story will start publishing in June.
  • New Reign - I stopped working on this title mainly because I felt like I can’t find proper images to illustrate what I had in mind, but now with the use of AI I managed to produce some nice stuff. Still, I do not think that it’s going to be the 8+ parts story that I imagined, I’m going to conclude it in 1 or 2 parts.

In general, I have to say that I feel that the vast majority of my audience enjoys much more from 1-3 parts stories like “Amazon” than those that are 10+ like “The Office”.

Now that we are over 100 patrons, I think a refresh of tastes is needed, so during May - I’m going to publish some surveys, please participate.


Thank you all for the support, and goodbye April, you were an awesome month.

model here:





Just a small correction - every patron eligible for the game got a personal invitation, so if you read this and think you should've got one - contact me.


Sounds like the overall reception is poor, but I gave Kingdoms an honest try and ended up enjoying it. I admittedly avoided it at first, but it was very well executed imo