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It didn’t take long, Kiara convinced her parents that moving to the US was always a dream, you heard some phone calls, you had no idea how she arranged it so fast but in less than 2 weeks you were all on a plane already.

She bought smuggling shoes, you were inside with 2 kids, the other shoe had the other 4, and the teenagers were hidden in her bra.

You prayed to be found, you didn’t know if you could keep doing it to the poor kids, you thought about the pregnant wife you left at her home, as a future father, how can you do this?

But Kiara made it, she landed in the US and passed all the checks easily, no one found either of you, who would suspect a 19 years old girl?

She had a cute little apartment in a building in central Milwaukee, she started unpacking, she removed the teenagers from her bra, one of them didn’t make it, he drowned in her sweat, the other one passed out but was still breathing.

Then she started opening her smuggling shoes, you were blinded by the light, she seemed relieved that you survived, she took you out as well, placing you on the table, you caressed your eyes and tried to adjust.

She opened the other shoe, she gasped, then released a sob, “oh no”, she said, placing a hand on her mouth, she flipped the shoe and bodies fell down, they didn’t make it.

You started crying and hugged the 2 kids that were with you, you sat down and sobbed, you wanted to scream at Kiara, but you remained quiet.

She was actually crying too, she used her finger to wipe off the tears. You didn’t know if she’s crying because they died or because she lost some of her worshippers she worked so hard to get.

She picked up the bodies in her hand and walked to the bathroom, then you heard she flushed the toilet.

You cried even louder, the kids cried too, and the teenager slowly woke up, coughing out Kiara’s sweat, you quickly approached and helped him.

“We are ok”, you said and looked at them, still crying, “we made it, we will worship her and we are going to be ok”, you said and you could see that they believe you, even though you don’t.


Your relocation theory proved itself, it was just too easy for Kiara to expand her collection with new shrinkies here in the US.

In a matter of a few years you already welcomed 20 new members to the community, Kiara was thrilled and happy, going on dates and returning with new members, she grew up to become a beautiful young woman, you could understand how people are falling for her so easily.

She had a simple routine - a drugged bottle of wine, she lured her date partners to her apartment, drinking wine, and shortly after a new guy was joining your community.

It wasn’t always easy for them, and when they protested too much - Kiara would just squish them nonchalantly.

After a while - she started recognising the problematic ones before adding them to her collection, she made sure to squish them before even placing them in, afraid it might corrupt the minds of her other worshippers.

It was like she was making auditions, and in time - she accepted less people inside her community, it was like she was taking in only the most obedient and weak minded.

It made it easy for you as well, people like that were adjusting quicker to this way of life, some of them were even thrilled to start worshiping Kiara as a goddess, which was odd but you never made them feel bad about it.


It’s been around 5 years living like that in the US.

Kiara brought home a stray cat and named him Felix, sometimes he slept on the display case. For the kids it was like some kind of a safari experience, which was nice to see them so happy every time Felix was close.

Kiara found a job in a high tech company, she was happy, loving her life’s routine, adding whoever she could to her growing collection.

You started noticing that she’s asking “candidates” weird questions, if they have a loved one out there, if they were ever in love, it was like she’s looking for something - but you never found out what, and you never asked her about it.

It seemed like she couldn’t find what she’s looking for, and she kept adding guys to her collection, a bit disappointed even, as she figured they weren’t what she was looking for.

In time, the water the community were having changed to Kiara’s foot sweat, and the food changed to dead skin powder from her feet,

You were the only one drinking and eating proper food as she took you out occasionally for the “private sessions”, consulting new methods with you, asking you about how the community is doing, it was like you were her little spy.

You didn’t care anymore, you were fully obedient, this is your new life, you did whatever it took to keep your belly filled and your thirst satisfied.

You preached and educated the community, snitching out non believers, you were used to the crack sounds of shrinkies getting crushed between her toes and underneath her feet, you didn’t even flinch anymore.

You slowly got devoted to your own creation, the religion you wrote down in less than 3 weeks, it became real, the holidays were celebrated accordingly, Kiara’s birthday became the happiest day of the year for all.

Everyone was taken out of the display case and kissed her feet while wishing her well, people prayed to her, for real, asking for good fortune.

It was a madhouse, sometimes you felt like you were the most sane man in this glass cage, being insane yourself.


You sat down on the Jar’s cover one day, looking around.

Kiara was on her bed, caressing Felix’s head, her Mac was on her lap and she was on a virtual meeting at work, 3 devotees were worshiping her feet, licking it and grinding their teeth to clean it off dead skin, they were happy to finally be out of the display case.

On your left - 4 teenagers were holding Kiara’s Bible, 2 of them were the kids who came with you from London, all grown up, arguing about something related to Kiara’s toe jam. They talked about a birthmark she has between her fourth and fifth toes, arguing where exactly it is, every one of them trying to show that he knows her feet better than the others.

In front of you was a young man, kneeling and praying in the direction of Kiara, “Goddess give me purpose, allow me to lick your feet”, he kept mumbling stuff.

On your right, an excited devotee who got here 3 years ago and was in love with Kiara, told someone else that he can’t wait for her 27th birthday, which means that every single one here will get to kiss her feet 27 times.

You sighed, but then a smile started forming on your face. It was a good community, you couldn’t help yourself but feeling proud of what you achieved here, you actually made a new religion from scratch and people were following you and the stuff you once wrote. At least Kiara was kind to you, considering Liz and the average customers - you started to finally realize how lucky you were to end up like that.

You felt sincere gratitude towards Kiara, you nodded to yourself, this was a moment of acceptance, you will serve her until the day you die, and it’s ok.



This was the backstory of Kiara.

Model - goddessjenn133 

One of Bill’s neighbors in “Shrunken at Home” - the new interactive story that’s on Giantess-Interactive.


Everyone with lifetime support of over 30$ already got a message with a personal invitation to play, make sure to verify you have access, if there’s any issue - contact me.

A proper announcement will be released later today!




The added character depth is very cool.