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Not all giantesses wanted to own kingdoms, some loved to explore and see the world, see new things and visit peaceful kingdoms, maybe even to barter and exchange goods.

Jasmine was like that, a bright free mind, she wandered the land, looking for special things she could trade with, a scavenger of sorts, carrying a small bag with all sorts of things, including living tinies she used either as food or slaves. To her - they were just like any other tiny animal or bug, just tastier and smarter.

As she walked in the meadow, a pack of grasshoppers crossed her. It was strange, they were organized, she looked at them and gasped with a smile.

“Oh my god, wait!” She called and started running and waving, “h-how can you ride these things?! I’ve never seen anything like it!” She shouted while running.

They sped up, Rey was looking back in fear, “f-faster! Faster you ugly thing!” He stung the grasshopper with his small needle, everyone did the same but Jasmine was just far too fast, she bent over and caught one, quickly dropping him inside her bag, closing it quickly while moving forward, she kept chasing them.

“I just wanna talk! I promise I won’t harm you!” She called, they lost track and Rey was separated from the group, some of them stopped but Jasmine was already running too fast


She stepped on 3 grasshoppers together with their riders, “shit, just stop for a second!” She called, “stop or I’ll step on all of you!” She was angry now.

The pack stopped, looking at each other in fear, trying to understand where Rey was.

She raised her foot up and examined the casualties, “ew”, then bent down with a smile, “hi”, she waved gently.

They looked at each other, then Raul, one of the soldiers, waved back.

Jasmine was exceptionally beautiful, even among goddess queens, the soldiers hoped she wasn't like Zyrah and her family, they knew that not all kingdoms suffer the same fate as them.

“So you can ride bugs? That’s so cool, I’ve never seen anything like it”, she said, excited, taking out a small rag and wiping off the crushed bodies from her foot, they all looked in horror, “umm, sorry about your friends, it was an accident of course”, she said casually while cleaning.

“We should get out of here”, one of the soldiers told Raul, “we have no time for this”.

“Maybe she can help”, Raul replied.

“Help? Goddess queens never helped us”, another soldier said.

“Fuck it, I’m out”, the first soldier said, “Hiya!” He shouted to his grasshopper, stinging him with the needle, and they jumped.

With a swift move, Jasmine slapped him hard mid air, they flew over to the horizon, all the soldiers gulped in fear.

She sighed, “why do you guys never listen? You get me, right?” She asked Raul, he silently nodded, “good”, she replied with a satisfied smile.

“So tell me, how come you guys are riding these bugs? You managed to tame them?”

“It’s a new technology our people discovered”, he said and held his needle above his head, Jasmine reached her hand to take it, looking at it, it was a regular needle, she made a confused face.

She pressed it against her finger gently a few times, “I don’t get it”.

“Me neither, I’m not a scientist, they did something to the grasshoppers, we stab them in specific places and they ride, it’s.. it’s dangerous and unstable, sometimes they go crazy, many die”, he explained, some soldiers were mumbling around him.

Jasmine gasped in awe and handed him back the needle, “where are you from?” She asked.

“K-Kingdom of Zyrah”, he said, the other soldiers were looking at him in anger, he shared too much.

Jasmine made a disappointed face, “ugh, no way I’m entering this hell”, she mumbled and sighed, “are there any of those scientists available out here?”

He gulped, slowly looking at Dwain, the only scientist in the group, he opened his eyes in fear and shook his head, trying to inaudibly tell Raul not to tell her about him.

“Him?” Jasmine asked with a smile and blocked Dwain with her hand.

“N-No! Raul what are you doing?!” Dwain screamed.

“Y-You fucking traitor!” Another soldier screamed, running towards Raul with his needle.


Jasmine used her finger, the poor soldier flew miles away with a crushed body.

She continued to grab Dwain and held him in front of her face, “I don’t know why the scared face, you are going to do amazing things with me, this knowledge is invaluable”, she said and opened her bag again, the grasshopper jumped out but the other soldier she caught was still inside, “oh, forgot about you”, she giggled and then dropped Dwain inside to be with the other soldier and closed the bag.

Only Raul and 2 more soldiers remained on the grass in front of her.

“Mmm, so, you wanna be my slaves?” She asked them nonchalantly.

Raul nodded, half smiling, he fell in love with her the moment he first laid eyes on her.

One of the soldiers coughed his throat, “goddess, we are on an important mission”, he tried to say with respect.

She placed her hand in front of Raul, letting him climb it.

“That’s ok”, she said with a smile, “I have no use for you guys”.

She closed her hand on Raul and stood up, looking down at the 2 remaining soldiers.

They started climbing back on their grasshoppers, trying to leave as soon as they could.


She pressed on both of them with her left foot, giggling to herself, twisting her foot back and forth, producing crack sounds both from the poor soldiers and the tamed grasshoppers.

Raul gulped in silence inside her hand, as someone who grew up in the kingdom of Zyrah, cruelty wasn’t new to him.

“That’s perfect”, Jasmine said smiling, “taming wild bugs, wow”

She went to a small pond nearby, placing her belongings on grass, together with Raul.

Then she entered the water to wash herself, removing her clothes, Raul watched her from afar, having the hardest erection he ever had.

She wore another dress and sat next to him, “it was a long day, and my feet are kinda sore from chasing you guys”, she implied gently.

Raul ran straight to her feet and started kissing and licking them, it made her giggle, “good boy”.


Rey didn’t look back, knowing that his party was lost, the mission was too important, he had to get to Vera’s palace, he had to ask her for help with the rebellion against Zyrah, this was their only hope.


In time, Jasmine and Dwain worked together to tame different kinds of bugs, providing him with everything he needed to expand his knowledge and expertise. Jasmine was smart, even though he was her slave she acted like he had a say in everything, she let him eat delicacies he never ate before, and also treated him with respect.

She caught young tinies to be his students in order to own more with the skill of taming bugs

Dwain was happy, he forgot all about Ruby, the mutiny, Zyrah - he could focus on his work and share it with a bright exploring mind like his.

Raul helped however he could, but it was mostly around licking and treating Jasmine’s feet.

They learned how to control butterflies, beetles, all sorts of amazing bugs even the scientists at Zyrah’s kingdom couldn’t tame.

As time passed, Jasmine was forming a massive mercenary army, an army of tinies riding all sorts of bugs, fully obedient to her.

She was a goddess general, and this is how they referred to her, she didn’t want the title of goddess queen, always saying it’s too boring.

It was all thanks to Jasmine's special mindset and different vision of things, together with Dwain’s genius brain and tiny hands that made it possible.


Attached - different variations of scenes.



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