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Another ravishing vacation to an exotic place, on a luxury yacht, using the money you once owned, the money she took over by claiming you as her property after keeping you in secret for 3 years.

3 years of endless slavery, torture and mocking by her, and then who knows how long, but at least she started using you in public so you could see some sun.

When she found you in the street and enslaved you for a few days she was about to step on you just because you couldn’t lick between her toes without puking. You mentioned that you were rich when you were begging her not to step on you, proving it later by entering your account from her phone.

So it convinced her to keep you alive, just long enough to claim you and everything you owned.

At least she didn’t kill you afterwards, you were sure she would

She sighed in anger while tapping on her phone, you knew it’s a bad omen so you picked up your pace and licked faster, shoving your face at a spot between her toes you knew she especially enjoys.

She held her head in anger and sighed again, “fuck it
” she mumbled, then locked her phone and threw it sideways, shaking her head.

“Stop”, she ordered and you immediately pulled your face out, soaked in sweat and toe jam. She looked at you with utmost contempt.

“Pathetic fucking slave-worm”, she scorned you for no reason, you were used to it, you were always her punch bag when she was angry, “useless, you are a useless foot slave, garbage, why do I even keep you?!”.

You just bowed down, shaking, she placed her big toe over your head, pushing it into the cushioned bench she was sitting on.

“I should just do it, squash your idiotic brain and be done with it”, your whole body was shaking, you uncontrollably started peeing in your pants, scared she might finally do it and squish you with her foot.

“Pathetic”, she pulled back her foot, “you don’t even worth a second of my time”

You knew better not to say anything, you remained bowed down and terrified.

She sighed, “you are a total waste of my time”, she said and got up, you raised your head and looked at her, scared to death.

“Enjoy the rest of your miserable life, I’m done with you”, she said nonchalantly, picking up her phone.

“H-Hey, please wait! D-Don’t leave me here I’m begging you!” You called, scared to raise your voice too much.

“Fuck off, I hope a seagull will eat you or something, at least you’ll be used for something useful”, she said in a vicious tone.

“B-But I’ve always done everything you asked of me!
 I.. I gave you everything”

“I took everything, there’s a big difference, one more word and I’m going to stomp you like the bug you are, slave-worm”, she threatened, you immediately became silent.

You watched her walking away, just leaving you there.

You went to the corner and started crying, looking up, scared of the birds, slowly digesting that this is it, you can’t survive without her, you are going to die here.

A seagull just landed on the bench, looking at you and slowly getting nearer, you embraced yourself, shaking in fear.

“Shoo, shoo!” A voice boomed and then a huge shadow covered everything, the seagull escaped, you slowly opened your eyes, it was one of the yacht’s staff, an Indian woman, she started cleaning the bench with a rag.

You stared at her, scared and helpless, but your only chance to survive is if she would help you so you stood up and walked forward.

She bumped into you with the rag and you fell aside.

“Ah”, she exclaimed, jumping a little, “are you Miss Rachel slave?” She asked.

You slowly stood up, used to the pain of being thrown around like that, “y-yes”, you replied.

“Should I take you back to her?” She asked, leaving the rag on the bench.

“She left me here on purpose”, you explained, not sure how she would react.

“Oh”, she paused, “like garbage?” She asked, you thought she’s mocking you but her face was straight, she actually asked that for real.

“Y-Yes, I guess, like garbage
” you replied, humiliated.

“I see, so I should throw you away”, you jumped alarmed as she sent her hand forward and picked you up, walking to her cleaning cart.

“N-NO WAIT!!” You squirmed in her hand, “wait please! I can be useful to you!” You begged.

She opened her hand and looked at you, a glimpse of mercy in her face, you had to cling on it.

“I’m a foot slave! Your feet must be sore after this work! U-Use me! Please!” You begged, kneeling on her hand.

“Hmm”, she was thinking, “I’m not sure I’m allowed to keep you, you are Miss Rachel’s garbage”

“Believe me it’s ok! She wouldn’t care! And I’m a very good slave! You won’t regret it!” You continued begging.

She paused for a moment and then dropped you inside of her pocket, she continued cleaning, you were relieved for not being thrown away like a piece of garbage.


She took you out in her room and placed you on the bed.

“I’m flying back home after this trip, my niece is getting married”, she said, you looked at her, “you will be a gift, ok?”

“O-Of course, yes, I’ll be a gift”, you repeated her.

“Good”, she sat down on the bed and stretched, then raised and placed her feet on the bed, closing her eyes and relaxing, they were filthy, covered in dead skin, you looked at it and started approaching it, the smell was hideous.

You got your tongue out and started licking around the ball of her foot, she retracted her foot.

“No!.. b-bad slave, what are you doing”, she exclaimed, alarmed.

You didn’t know what you’ve done wrong.

“D-Don’t touch me, it’s disgusting”, she was actually disgusted with you, you sadly bowed your head down, she’s of a different generation, probably thinking this whole shrunken foot slavery thing is nonsense, you stepped back, relieved for not having to do it.


It’s been a few days, she barely fed you with anything, very small doses of water she just dripped on top of you and crumbs she usually found when cleaning around, until finally the Yacht docked again, she placed you inside her suitcase between some used socks, like you were a fragile vase or something, then poured a glass of water on top of you and closed the suitcase, you were in the dark, terrible smell engulfs you, and you were all wet, it’s going to be a long trip.

She left you with nothing to eat and you could barely breathe, you tried to suck whatever you can from the socks around you, at least they were wet, you were waiting eagerly for the suitcase to be opened again because if it continued like that you won’t make it out alive.

After many hours you passed out.


The suitcase was opened, a strong ray of light woke you up, you embraced yourself, squirming a little.

“F-Food”, you begged in a sore voice.

You heard an exclaim, “nana you really got me one”, a young woman with a heavy Indian accent.

Before you could react a hand picked you up, everything was still blurry, “hey! What’s your name??” Her voice boomed your ears, you squirmed and tried to cover your ears.

She looked at her aunt, “is he deaf?”

“No, we talked before”, she answered.

She placed you on a desk, “can you hear me??” She asked loudly again.

“Y-Yes! Yes! P-Please”, you said in a sore voice and coughed.

“Oh he wants water”, she said and giggled, then went to the kitchen, you raised your head and saw her aunt who brought you here, she shook her head and walked away as well, you heard her talking with another matured woman, probably your new owner’s mom, her sister.

They were all speaking English, you had no idea in which district of India you were.

Then a bottle tap filled with water was placed in front of you, you quickly shoved your head inside and started drinking as much as you could, it’s been so long since you had water served in a vessel, Rachel never let you eat or drink anything that’s not stuck between her toes, all densed with grime.

The girl giggled, “I’m Saavni, what’s your name?” She asked kindly.

You pulled your head out of the water, breathing heavily, “I-It’s Ben”, you stuttered.

“Hi Ben, namaste”, she bowed down with her hands like that 🙏

You awkwardly quickly did the same, “n-namaste”, you repeated after her, stuttering and embarrassed.

“Nana told me your owner threw you like garbage?” She asked, shaking her head a little.

“Uh, y-yes, yes she did”, you confirmed in shame.

“Why? You didn’t obey her?” She asked with a smile.

“N-No! I’m very obedient, I’ll do whatever you say!” You quickly bowed down in defeat, scared as hell that she might also just throw you away.

She giggled, “that’s ok, so you are a foot slave?”

“Yes!.. I’m useful, t-tamed, very tamed, please, keep me”, you begged, almost crying.

“Ok, I’m getting married soon, I want smooth and clean feet like in the girls in the Hollywood movies, you can do that?”

“Of course! Yes, just like in the movies, I swear”, you were panicked although there wasn’t really any reason to be, she was calm and smiling.

“Ok”, she said and placed her feet on the table, they were dirty, you quickly spotted many clusters of dead skin around her toes and heel, you haven’t wasted any moment and started licking off the sweat and dirt, the taste was entirely different than what you were used to, the smell was so strong you couldn’t even keep your eyes open, it was burning.

The first gulp scorched your throat and tongue, it was horrible, you let out a painful moan but you held it back, doing your best to hide your suffering.

“Saavni, using him already?” Her nana walked by.

“Yes, thanks nana, that’s the most special gift I ever received”, she stretched her foot a little, pushing your face back, but you quickly resumed licking and grinding your teeth.

You continued licking and chewing off dead skin while she watched the old TV they had there, until she finally pulled her feet down, you looked at her shyly, only now noticing how beautiful she actually is.

Then you coughed a few times, trying to hold it in.

She pulled her foot and examined it, then smiled to herself, “good job little one, that’s a very good start”, she stood up and walked barefoot to the kitchen, then came back with more water and a piece of nan (Indian bread).

You looked at it, shocked, it’s been so many years since you were actually served with normal food.

You looked at her for permission, scared it’s just a trick and a way to torture you somehow, like Rachel used to do, pulling food away just before you reach it.

She made a puzzled face, “it’s not good? You want something else?” She asked.

“N-No, it’s perfect, thank you Saavani”, you kneeled and took a bite from the nan, it was so good, you closed your eyes and started crying while chewing it, it was the most amazing thing you ate since you were born.

She giggled, “it’s Saavni, and I will be around, probably check on you in the evening”

You nodded quickly, bowing down in front of her with utmost gratitude, shaking and crying, you couldn’t comprehend the happiness you feel.

“If you need anything just wave to someone to call me, and let me know when you’re ready for another foot treatment”, she said with a smile, you nodded quickly and she walked away.

You cried miserably, tears of joy, still struggling to believe this is happening, taking another bite from the nan.


You couldn’t ask for a better owner, Saavni treated you like you were actually a living pet and not like a slave-worm.

You treated her feet with gratitude and motivation, you pushed yourself just to make sure she’s satisfied, you never worked this hard for Rachel.

You put your heart in it, and you didn’t just act out of terror and misery.

It took a few months but her feet were finally smooth like she wanted and she thanked you for it, she kept you even after her marriage to be her foot slave.

You were genuinely happy, glad that Rachel threw you there, it was destiny that led you to become this Indian goddess foot slave.


FYI - the second image, the one of “nana” cleaning the yacht’s deck, was done with Midjourney 5, she may be a bit younger than I imagined but it felt like the best fit after spending a while trying to generate a proper image.

What do you think? I think it’s pretty cool that I can add more images to stories based on my imagination that aren’t just feet and slaves and gives more background to the story.




Great photos, I like the installation of mid journey


I prefer cruel owners but still a great story đŸ‘đŸŒđŸ‘đŸŒđŸ‘đŸŒ


It started with one 🙂 happy ending once in a while is good for the soul