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“Lol Ella there’s someone stuck to your ass!”

You woke up from high pitch laughter, you shrunk on the beach earlier and then someone sat on you, you suffocated and were sure you died.

“You probably sat on him earlier, he’s covered in sand, that's hilarious!”

Her hot friend bent down to take a closer look at you, then gasped and laughed harder.

“Lol what? Take it off already”, the one you were stuck to her ass said.

“Oh my god it’s alive!” Her friend exclaimed and they both burst into laughter.

“Wait so we keep it??” She asked.

Her friend caressed your head, wiping some sand from it, “I swear that’s the most pathetic and funny thing I’ve ever seen, nah we won’t keep it”, she used her fingernail to scratch you off her ass, you fell all the way down and hit the sand hard, you broke a leg and started screaming in pain, they both looked at you from above.

“Look at him!” Her friend pointed at you and giggled.

“Can’t believe it was stuck to my ass like some bug”, she said while laughing.

“Wait, can I step on it?” Her friend asked.

“Lol go ahead”, she shrugged.

Then her friend’s foot hovered towards you and pressed your legs hard, you screamed in pain and tried to push her foot away.

“It’s squirming! Lol this one wants to live so badly!”

“Too bad our fun comes first, finish him off”

She twisted her foot in force, ripping you apart, you couldn’t move anymore, you just gasped for air, then she brought her big toe and pressed your head with it, pressing hard and twisting until *POP*.

The last thing you heard was their laughter.

(new tag - brats, because not all stories needs a title)



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