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One day when you came back home, your son wasn’t there, his phone was still in his room, his computer was open, but he was nowhere to be found, and there weren’t any pile of clothes or anything that would indicate he shrunk. He’s vaccinated anyway, there’s no reason for him to spontaneously shrink.

So you called his best friend, Liam.

“Hi, I’m looking for Rey, do you have any idea where he is?” You asked.

“Oh no, I think he pledged himself to Tanya, I think I saw him on her video earlier”, he sounded nervous.

“Hold on, he what? Who’s Tanya?”

“Mr Rubin she’s a TikTok star, they added this ‘pledge yourself’ button, he couldn’t stop talking about it”

“B-But what does it mean? Where the hell is he?”

“She’s using him as an insole!”

You froze, you couldn’t understand the meaning of his words, “Liam, is this a joke? What’s going on?”

“Wait, I’ll send it to you, oh my god I knew it’s him”

“Argh, ok”, you said and he hung up, shortly after he sent you a link to TikTok, you opened it and couldn’t believe your eyes.

Rey was there, tied to one of her shoes, she waved it in front of the camera.

“Another one pledged himself to support my beautiful feet, thank you everyone, your pledges are cheering me up, keep on going!” Then she dropped the shoe on the ground and placed her foot on top of Rey, it looked like he’s screaming in fear.

You shrieked, your face turned pale, the video played again and you watched it, still can’t believe it happened, you entered her profile and saw that “Pledge Yourself” button, so Rey just voluntarily pressed it and gave himself to her? What was he thinking?!

Then you saw the message button, you immediately pressed it.

“Hello miss Tanya, I’m Rey’s father, there has to be a mistake, I need to get him back”, you sent it, you didn’t know what to do, you called the police.

“911 how can I help?”

“It’s my son, he was kidnapped, it’s someone on this TikTok thing, you got to help me”

“Sir, did he pledge himself?”

You gulped, “she’s using him as an insole”, you said, trying to change the subject.

“Ok, but did he pledge himself using the platform?” She insisted.

“I-I don’t know, listen, I just need help knowing her identity, she’s using a mask in her videos”

“Sorry sir, it sounds like your son willingly pledged himself to a TikTok star to show his support, we have this a lot lately”, she explained in a bored tone.

“You got to help me, please listen to me”, your voice started to break.

“The platform added it last week and we get a lot of calls, but it’s legal, the contract is legal, if he pressed it and signed the contract then your best shot is to message her and try to get him back, it’s not a matter for the police”

“B-But what if she won’t reply?!” You asked in fear.

“He is her property now, legally, there’s nothing we can do, it’s only up to her…”

You finally digested what’s happening, you broke down and cried.

“I’m sorry, I do hope you’ll get him back, good day sir”, she hung up the phone, you fell to your knees and kept crying.


It’s been a few hours and she hasn’t replied, you sent another message.

“Please miss, that’s my son, he’s all the family I have left, can we please talk”, you didn’t care to seem desperate, you’ll pay whatever it takes to get him back.

You waited by the phone, you called to ask Liam to make sure you sent the messages properly, he explained to you that 2 v signs means she saw the message, you looked and realized she actually saw it.

“I’m begging you, I’ll pay, let me have him back”, you sent again and waited by the phone, you saw one v sign turned to 2, but you got nothing in response.

You were helpless, you kept sending messages every once in a while but she ignored them all.

A day passed, and then another one, and then there was a week, you couldn’t stop thinking about Rey, what he’s probably going through, you checked her recent uploads and you couldn’t see him, she kept showing other kids that pledged themselves, you started blaming yourself for even buying him a smartphone in the first place, you had no idea something like that can happen.

She looked so young, perhaps 20, how can she be that cruel? They are just kids! It drove you mad, you couldn’t sleep, and when you did you had nightmares.

You woke up in the middle of the night one day, grabbed your phone and checked the messages again, of course she hadn’t replied to anything, you watched her profile again… “fuck that”, you said and pressed that damn “pledge yourself” button, it showed a contract, you digitally signed it and your phone scanned your face to approve it.

Then the app was locked and showed a big “Pledged to Tanya” message, “status: pending”.

You wondered how it’s going to work, this whole thing didn’t make any sense, you went back to sleep.


You woke up from a phone call.

“Hello?” You asked in a sore voice.

“Hi there! I’m calling since you pledged yourself to me a few hours ago”, a young woman said from the other side of the line.


“Yes! It’s me, I’m gonna need you to shrink and ship yourse-“

“I’m Rey’s father! I’ve tried to contact you for weeks!”


“Yes! My son! He pledged himself, y-you used him as an insole!”

“Haha, I don’t know, maybe, anyway - shrink and ship yourself to

7961 Brown St.

San Jose, CA 95112

Did you get that?”

“I-I want him back”, you stuttered.

“I’ll send you the address by message as well”

“No, I won’t do it unless you promise I’ll see him”, you insisted with a shaky voice.

She started giggling, “oh honey, you already pledged yourself, I own you as we speak, if you won’t do it willingly I’ll just send someone to get you by force, it’s my right now”

You gulped and remained silent, this world got insane.

“I’ll send you the address, do it now, meanwhile I’ll look for your son, Rey?”

“Y-Yes…” you stuttered, she hung up, you sighed and looked around at your house, you’ll probably never see it again, it now belongs to that TikTok star apparently since you are her property.


When she opened the door and laid her eyes on the aquarium you were in, she made a very satisfied grin, she stayed on the porch and opened it, pulling you out, giving it back to the carrier, “you can take that, I’ve no use for the aquarium”, she said with a smile and he went away with it.

“Hey buddy, thanks for the support and all that”, she giggled, she wasn’t wearing a mask, you could finally see the face of the devil who took your child, and she was beautiful.

“I want to see him, please”, you pleaded but she just placed you on her porch’s table, then sat down.

She placed her foot in front of you and pointed at her sole.

“What you want doesn’t matter, you’re not a person anymore, you’re my property, an object, only what I want matters”, she kept smiling, like what she’s saying isn’t terrible.

“P-Please miss-“ she used her finger to shove your face to her sweaty sole, you tried to push yourself away from it but she just pressed harder, smearing your face into a small sweaty pond that was formed above her heel.

“Take your tiny tongue out”, she commanded with a cold tone and you obeyed, you started licking the disgusting putrid surface, getting foot sweat inside your mouth.

“Rey isn’t here, sold him the day after he pledged himself, I’m not into enslaving kids, it’s just good money”, she explained.

“Wh-What?! WHERE IS-“ she used her finger to shove you back to her foot, she pressed hard until you got your tongue out again.

“I’ve no idea, sold him to an enslaver friend, she probably sold him to someone already, kids are always being sold fast, that’s the only reason I started with that stupid TikTok thing”

You swallowed another horrible ounce of foot sweat, “NO! I HAVE TO FIND-“ she pressed harder, scrunching her foot so the crevices pinched your face, it was painful.

“The only thing I love to enslave are the parents, you guys are so pathetic and hilarious, your despair and helplessness is priceless”

You started crying, thinking about what your son is going through, knowing that you won’t be able to do anything to help him, won’t be able to do anything at all, you walked right into foot slavery in a desperate hope to see him again but you’ll never will.

She moaned in pleasure and pressed your head again, “Ah, yes, cry my little foot slave, I love it”, you had no other options, you placed both hands on her sole and licked over and over again while crying.

So began your new life.


If you want another story from Rey’s perspective let me know.




Absolutely would love to see Rey’s pov


I would love to see it, enslavement are my favourite scenarios, an epilogue like to the other stories 👍🏼👍🏼


Thanks for the feedback, I actually wrote it so long ago, need to read it again and be reminded of Rey’s fate first 😅


Enslavement is the best woohoo