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While relaxing in a resort with your wife, sitting on the porch and drinking something alcoholic, you noticed her checking her foot and giggling.

“Huh? What is it?” You asked.

“I think it’s their kid”, she said drunkenly.

“What?…” you were confused.

“The couple next room, pretty sure it’s their kid lol”, she giggled again.

“What the hell are you talking about? What kid?” You asked.

“That noisy kid who sprayed water on Daria, Look”, she raised her foot in front of you, that was a little bug like squished being at the ball of her foot, it seemed strange.

“I don’t get it”, you said, she’s imagining stuff? No one shrunk in years, almost everyone is vaccinated.

“Look closer!” She said and reached closer with her foot.

You examined it again, then gasped and placed a hand over your mouth.

“It’s him, right?” She giggled.

“I-Oh my god, fuck”, you closed your eyes and caressed your forehead, “oh no, shit”

“Lol, what?”

“It’s their child, how come he shrunk? What a terrible accident”

“They are probably anti vaxxers, and it wasn’t an accident”, she said casually and finally placed her foot back down.

You opened your eyes in shock.

“What? He sprayed water on our little daughter don’t you think he deserved it?”

You kept staring at her, shocked, can’t believe your ears.

“I saw him running outside, like a little bug”, she stopped to laugh a little, “when he saw that I noticed him he waved at me and asked for help, wasn’t sure it’s him though.”

“A-And what d-did you do?” You reluctantly asked, afraid to hear the answer.

“I was pretty sure it’s him by then, so I told him ‘that’s for spraying Daria you little shit’ and stomped him, hilarious right?” She laughed and took another sip from her drink.

You felt sick, she was always mischievous and cruel, it’s cute about her, but this was an entire new level you couldn’t even imagine, you got up with a hand over your chest.

“You ok?” She asked with a confused face, “it was just a bug, you know that, right?”

You opened the glass door and ran to the toilet, kneeling and puking inside.

She came after you.

“Lol, too much alcohol babe?” She asked, you watched her foot and imagined the poor kid getting smashed beneath it.

“No!.. Linda, are you crazy?!.. I don’t know what to say, we should tell them something, they will be looking for him”

“What? They are anti vaxxers babe, fuck them, they deserve it”, she shrugged and went back to the mini bar, taking out another drink.

You walked out the bathroom and saw the tiny blood marks on the floor, she left with her footsteps.

“M-Maybe they do, but the kid?”

“He sprayed Daria!” She shouted.

It woke up Daria, she rubbed her eyes and looked at you both, “mom? Dad?”

“It’s alright sweetheart, get back to sleep, your father started caring for bugs apparently”, she said gently and went back to the porch, opening another drink.

You stood there, looking at Daria laying back to sleep, looking outside at your wife drinking from another bottle, then down at the bloody marks she left, not sure what to do.

What would you do?



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