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2 days ago your neighbor shrunk and snuck into your home somehow, your wife accidentally stepped on him. For some reason you couldn’t explain, her casual and lightweight attitude towards the incident made you so horny you spent half of the day in bed with her.

It was the best sex you ever had as a couple, it was clear that even though she tried to act like she’s calm and cool about it - she also gained a powerful rush and got horny from snuffing out a life using her foot.

Afterwards, you went outside of the bedroom to clean up the remains as Leona just fell asleep.

You weren’t worried about getting infected - you were vaccinated, you guessed the guy next door was just reckless and perhaps even an anti vaxxer.

You felt sad for him as you cleaned the floor, thinking about his last moments and how he burst under the beautiful foot of your wife. And to think that he stayed alive to hear her sexy giggles as she pulverized what’s left of him, it sent chills down your spine but just by thinking about it you started having another boner.

You finished cleaning and threw the bloodied rags to the garbage, then washed your hands, you went to bed and saw half of his crushed body still stuck on her foot, you brought another tissue to clean it off, it tickled her so her foot jumped a little.

“Babe?” She asked.

“Sorry, just cleaning him off, go back to sleep”, you replied, she sighed with a smile and laid her head back.


You were wrong, gravely.

The guy next door was vaccinated, it’s the virus that mutated lately, these days it was rare but the vaccines weren’t 100% proof anymore, resilient variants of the shrinking virus started rising, and the virus was in your blood now. In fact, you could shrink at any moment.

And it happened this evening while you were relaxing in the living room, Leona was still at work.

You couldn’t believe it’s happening to you, you walked around on the sofa, trying to flip your phone somehow but it was pointless. Shortly after it happened the door was opened.

“Babe I’m home”, Leona said and sighed to herself, hanging her coat next to the door, “babe?” Her voice boomed in the enormous space of your home, that now seemed like the size of a whole world.

She went to the bedroom, walking around with a confused face, “he said he’s home…” she mumbled, you jumped and waved from the sofa but your squeaks and pathetic jumps could not be seen.

She got her phone out of her purse and called you, you knew this was your chance, you ran straight to your phone and stood on it, it started ringing, vibrating your whole body.

“Babe???” She called, hearing your phone, then she approached and finally you had eye contact, she quickly kneeled in front of you.

“Oh my god! Babe! How did it happen???” She asked with a huge smile.

“I-I don’t know, it suddenly-“

“You are soooo cute!! Hahaha”, she started laughing and you blushed, “wow, but I thought you were vaccinated”

“I am! I’ve no idea what happened, we must go to the hospit-“

“You remind me of that tiny neighbor that was here the other day”, she giggled, “wow I think you’re just his size, let me check”

She sat down and removed her shoes.

“Babe, it doesn’t matter, we need to understand-“

“Wait, let me compare your size”, suddenly her foot was in front of you, covered with fresh sweat, the smell was hideous, you covered your face.

“B-Babe what the fuck-“

Without warning, her hand grabbed you and shoved you to her foot, smearing your face in her foot sweat, you struggled and squirmed in a weak attempt to escape her grasp.

“Wow, yes, you’re definitely his size! Babe, I think he infected you!” She started laughing.

You kept trying to push yourself from her stinky foot, “babe come on!” You cried, “we must go!”

She released her grip and you fell back to the sofa.

“But don’t you want to have some fun?? It’s an opportunity, people pay to get shrunk, we got it for free!” She giggled, her foot still in front of you.

“Listen, Leona-“

“Ha, since when do you call me by name??” She smiled.

“Babe, please, I’m scared, ok? Please let’s go”

“Oh you think you’ll end up like that guy next door?” She asked mischievously, slowly hovering her foot on top of you, pressing you gently into the fabric.

“N-No!! Hey!! Stop it!!”

She leaned closer.


She made the sound with her mouth and started laughing, you squirmed and pushed harder, her laughs got louder and she removed her foot.

“That wasn’t funny!” You shouted miserably, wiping off foot sweat from your face and chest.

“Come on, you got horny when I crushed that poor guy, let’s have some fun, look how small you are”, she pushed you with her big toe and giggled.

“Babe I’m scared I might have to stay like that, I shrunk being vaccinated, aren’t you worried?”

“Well, worst case scenario you’ll become my tiny foot slave, I promise I’ll be a good owner”, she rolled her eyes to the side and smiled.

“Please don’t talk like that!” You shrieked in fear.

“What? I’ll feed you.. twice a day”, she giggled, “I think only foot sweat, maybe some dead skin if you’ll be a good tiny boy”, she leaned closer and smiled, you froze in fear, almost starting to cry.

“And… if you won’t obey me…” she got her tongue out and licked you, “mmmm…. I’ll just.. eat you”, she giggled.

You started shivering, quickly wiping off her saliva, “y-you are joking, right? We are married-“

“Oh that’s right, and I’ll have everything to myself, wait babe, what about your life insurance?” She suddenly asked with a confused face.

“What about it?” You asked in fear, slowly stepping backwards away from her.

“Isn’t it 1.5 million? Wow, I can be a millionaire”

“Come on, please stop talking like that”, you said in fear.

“All I need to do…” she suddenly grabbed you and placed you on the floor, hovering her foot above you, you embraced yourself and screamed.

“One.. little.. tiny.. step..” she giggled, descending her foot until her sole touched your head, “and pop! I’m rich” she slowly pressed her foot.

You squirmed, screamed, tried to crawl out but her grip was firm, she laughed viciously, you couldn’t believe this is happening to you.

“Oh babe, this is so cute, wow, I love you so much in this size”

“P-Please! Please stop!” You begged her.

She tapped her foot on your face playfully a few times, then twisted it on your face.

She closed her eyes and sighed in pleasure, “oh my god, I can’t believe I actually want to do it so badly… mmmm…” she removed her foot and placed it next to you, you entered a panic attack, checking your body to make sure nothing broke.

“Can you beg me?”

“B-Beg you?” You asked in tears.

“Yes, beg me babe, you are so little and fragile, and I can gain so much by crushing you right now”, she sent a hand inside her panties, you gulped, you had no idea she’s into that kind of stuff, she never shared it with you, as far as you knew she never owned any shrunken man before, you would’ve never expect her to act like that.

“P-Please babe, we were about to make kids, you always said you don’t care about the money, remember?”

She started thrusting her fingers, moaning, you felt so humiliated and awkward, she never masturbated in front of you either.

“Start kissing my toes, slave, beg your goddess for mercy”, she said and kept moaning.

“Y-Yes, of course, p-please don’t crush me, my goddess”

“Ahh…” she let out a high pitched moan when you said it, you got on your knees and started kissing her feet while she kept masturbating, moaning harder and harder.

Her feet smelled horrible, soaked in sweat, it got into your eyes, you even had to swallow some of it, you were never so scared and terrified in your life, you didn’t understand what’s happening and how it’s going to end.

Suddenly her toes pushed the floor hard.

“Aaaahhhhhhhhhh…..” she came with a majestic loud moan, throwing her head back with closed eyes, she pushed you back with her foot and laid down on the sofa, “mmmmm.. oh my god…. That was amazing…” she sighed in such pleasure and joy, you’ve never seen her having such an orgasm, “I’m so not letting you go”, she said with another satisfied sigh.

“We should celebrate”, she said, then stood up and walked to the kitchen, “follow me”, she said with a giggle, you did as she said, nervous and scared.

She opened the winery and took a glass, pouring for herself and sat at the table, then bent down and placed you on it.

“So, babe, let’s raise a glass”, she smiled, you stared at her silently, not sure what’s going on.

She took a sip from the wine, smiling a gorgeous smile, “ahh…”

“W-What's going on?” You asked in fear.

She raised her legs and placed them on the table.

“We are celebrating babe, your new role in my life”

“L-Leona, come o-“

She snapped her finger, cutting off your sentence.

“To work”, she said with a smile, taking another sip from her wine.

You watched her feet, shiny with sweat and covered in dead skin, it was the same foot that crushed the poor guy next door. Looking back, the way she behaved back then was a huge red flag, but you were just too horny to even think straight.

You looked at her again, she looked so smug, so full of herself, so happy.

With your head bowed down you approached her foot, got your tongue out and desperately started licking off a dead skin cluster.

“Ahh…” she let out a breath after having another sip of her wine, “babe, you were a really good husband, and I still love you, but there’s no way I’m giving up on this, sorry…”

You swallowed an ounce of foot sweat and started crying.

“Look, if it’s any comfort - it probably won’t last long, try to enjoy it while you can babe”

You didn’t understand what she meant, you kept licking with tears.

“Once I find a new potential partner I’m going to crush you babe, this insurance money is a game changer, think about it, I could finally move to the city center like we always wanted”

You stopped licking and fell to your knees, placing your hands on her rock hard heel, crying loudly.

“That’s so cute babe”, she sipped again, calmly, “but if you love me you should be happy for me, now get back to licking please, I don’t want to force you”

You shoved your face to her heel and licked, sobbing uncontrollably.

“Thanks babe”




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