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After long desperating hours of surviving at the beach, you finally saw someone, a young woman, you ran like a maniac towards her.

She stood up and looked around, probably trying to find a spot to sunbathe, you got close to her foot and started rubbing it.

“Hm?” She looked down.

“H-Hey! Please help me! I’m begging you!!” You screamed up.

She shook her head arrogantly, “go away”, she commanded, gently pushing you with her big toe.

“No! Please! I’ll die out here!”, you fell to your knees and started begging, crawled to her toes and started kissing them, you will do anything to be saved.

She pushed you again, harder this time, “hey! How dare you kiss me, you pathetic bug!” She raised her foot up.

“Ok! Ok I’m sorry!”, you raised your hands in defense.

She slammed her foot on top of you, shoving you to the hot sand, as she lifted her foot again you were stuck to it, slamming your fragile body over and over again into the soft sand with every step until she found a spot to sunbathe.

You remained stuck to her sole under the burning sun, desperately trying to detach yourself from her skin and run away, to no avail.

Slowly dehydrating, your skin burning, you squirmed until you couldn’t move anymore and just lost consciousness.

You miserably died stuck to her foot while she enjoyed the sun, not even thinking about you, you were just an annoying bug.



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