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Your date was awful, Dana kept talking about herself, the money she spends on pedicure and self care, all she asked you was what your job is and how much do you make.

She scrunched her face in disappointment from every answer you gave her, it was humiliating and annoying, you had no idea why you even stayed there sitting and listening to her.

“So what? Aren’t you looking for a better job or something? Cleaning hotel rooms is kinda pathetic”, she said at some point.

“It’s not easy finding a normal job today, it’s not what it used to be”

She chuckled, “you also gonna blame this shrinking virus for your inability? It’s so exhausting, literally every date”, she sighed and got another bite from the expensive meal she ordered.

You started blushing in anger, it’s going too far, “ok, listen”, you got 20$ out of your wallet and placed it on the table, “it’s been a delight but I think both of us aren’t interested”.

She looked at the bill with contempt, “it doesn’t even cover my meal”.

“It definitely covers mine”, you replied in anger.

“Wow, you are such an asshole”, she said and shook her head.

“I’m the asshole?!” You said a bit loud, people started looking so you started whispering, “you have zero self awareness!.. you’ve been mocking me throughout the date”, you were so furious you started feeling your face going numb.

“Whatever, you’re such a show off”

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

“You show a different lifestyle on your instagram but it’s clear that you are a cheap lazy ass in life”

You facepalmed yourself in anger and frustration, “this was before this fucking shrinking virus ruined the world”, you realised you can’t feel your hand on your face. You never felt anything like it.

She laid back and chuckled, rolling her eyes, “give me a break, someone like you - better off in bug size, you’re such a joke”

“Argh”, you were furious, you stood up to walk away but quickly sat back down, your legs were numb, you started squeezing them, something was off.

“Huh? What’s wrong with you?” She asked with a confused face.

You started feeling dizzy, like the room was growing around you, she dropped her cutlery and gasped, you saw how the table was growing past you until you were just 3 inches tall on the chair, confused and scared.

Some people from the nearby tables quickly got up and ran away, especially couples.

Dana got closer and looked at you from above, you were so scared you started shivering, then a few more girls and a waitress came closer.

“Hey, you need help with him? I know a good caretaker”, someone asked Dana.

“No, that’s ok”, Dana replied.

“I have tiny clothes if you need”, another said, opening her purse.

“Yeah that would be great I think he’s cold”, Dana said, you could see a grin slowly forming on her face while she’s looking at you, like the initial shock was finally gone.

The girl placed clothes next to you, “here you go tiny guy”, she said and you quickly started dressing up, ashamed and embarrassed by the situation.

“Listen, are you selling him?” The waitress suddenly asked bluntly.

“What?” Dana asked together with the girl who gave you clothes. Both were surprised by her question.

“I’ll buy him from you, how much do you want for him?” She insisted.

Dana grabbed you and placed you inside her purse, “what the hell is wrong with you?” Dana asked, the other girls felt like it’s a weird situation and just walked back to their tables.

“I know you’re going to enslave him, I heard your fight, I need a foot slave, let me buy him, why do you care?”, you could hear the waitress saying. You were worried Dana might actually sell you now.

“No I’m not, I’ll give him back to his family or something, leave me alone”, Dana replied in anger, then opened the purse and took out two 20$ bills and placed them on the table and walked away.


When she got home she sighed and pulled you out of her purse, placing you on her bed.

“D-Dana I’m sorry for what I said please help m-“

“Shhhhh…” she placed her finger on your face, “I am helping you silly, I’m going to give your meaningless pathetic life a purpose”, she said with a huge smile.

“What purpose? P-Please, don’t kill me”, you started crying, horrified by how small and pathetic you are compared to her, she can squish your head with her finger like it’s nothing.

“Why would I kill you? I have so many uses for you, aren’t you happy that you won’t be useless anymore?” She giggled.

“I wasn’t useless, I don’t want to argue-“

Her foot suddenly landed on top of you, squeezing you into the sheets.

“Honey, let’s just agree to disagree, it’s time for you to work for the 40$ I spent on that lame date”, she said while you squirmed beneath her foot.

“What do you want me to do?!” You screamed, fighting her toes to break free from her painful press.

“My feet got a little dirty and sweaty today, why don’t we start with a few licks?”

“Licks?!” You finally managed to escape from beneath her foot. Mortified by what she just said.

“Yeah, I feel like it’s the most suitable job for someone like you, you cleaned hotel rooms right? So now clean my feet”

You watched her foot with scared eyes, this can’t be happening, there’s no way this will be your life from now on.

“Dana, come on, let’s talk about it please”

“Hmm”, she smiled with pleasure watching you beg, “nah, I don’t negotiate with bugs”, and just like that she returned her foot on top of you, pressing playfully.

“Now if you don’t want to just get squished, I suggest you start licking”, she pressed a bit harder, you miserably got your tongue out and started licking the sticky surface, hating yourself for following her order.

“Good bug!” She exclaimed and laughed at your misery, “mmm… that actually feels quite good, much better than this awful date we had, I think we both got what we deserve”, she sighed in relief.

It took weeks until you finally realized and accepted your new place in our world, Dana mocked you at first but slowly became indifferent towards you, it was mostly commands, stuff she learned on social media, like using a shrunken slave to clean gunk between the toes, eat dead skin, the fact that shrunken slaves can survive only on foot sweat.

It was like your life kept degrading with every passing day, and you couldn’t do anything to stop it.




Who is this goddess?


From instagram, can’t remember but I have other photos from when I first found her profile (more than 7 months ago), once I bump into her again I’ll post it here


Wow what a story I love it