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Ransom was probably my cruelest piece (in my opinion not in a good way), yesterday it got to my attention that all it’s photos were deleted and patrons could only see the description now.

I’m not sure if Patreon deleted it on purpose (I got no notification, warning or message about it). It might also be a bug, because the type of the post changed to Text and I couldn’t even add photos to it.

I didn’t have backup so I lost all the original WhatsApp conversation photos, if you read it and you’ve downloaded it - please send it to me 🙏🏻

To be honest, I thought about just deleting it, but a patron asked for access to the story (thinking I was the one who removed it) and I didn’t want to disappoint.
So I’ve made a remake, found the relevant collages on my Adobe cloud and wrote everything again by memory, I’m sure it’s not like the original one but the main narrative is the same, and it’s still horrible.

Please - this short WhatsApp story is exceptionally cruel, it’s not suitable for everyone, if you have issues with it just don’t enter the attachments. Last time I published it someone asked for a refund 🤷🏻‍♂️ It’s cruel even for me and I haven’t made similar stuff since then, so please, I’m asking again - avoid it if you have problems with over cruelty.


Original Description:

Lina grew up as a very poor girl, she became an orphan at an early age.

Now, not even reaching her 30’s she’s one of the richest persons in her third world country.

She found the easiest way to earn massive amounts of money in a short timespan.

She visits other countries, goes to rich neighborhoods and waits for an opportunity to kidnap and shrink a kid.

Then she flies back to her country and demands a ransom from the kid’s parents, a monthly payment she keeps increasing until they can’t pay anymore.




I thought this was fine not that this wasn't great but I've seen worse but no one writes a story like you so


Yoir good friend