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It’s been a few days since Maya popped Tim’s head, she stayed home ever since, every siren outside made her jump and check the windows.

In order to relax herself, she worked out a lot at home and used you to lick her feet non stop, sometimes she talked to you just to ponder on what’s happening, consulting with you like an equal while you are actually a degraded foot slave licking off her workout’s sweat.

“Travis, you think they will come? What should I do?”

You gulped another ounce of foot sweat, she sat over the floor and looked through the window.

“I.. I think they would’ve come already, no?”

“Hmm, maybe Alisa was right? No one cares anymore? But a woman died, not some bug”, she made a nervous sigh.

“B-But it was burglary, and Tim is also missing, maybe they just closed the case without digging into it”.

“Alisa used something called ghost accounts to make the transfers but I just used my account, they can easily track me”

“Tim has no family or closed ones, what if no one will complain about it?” You replied.

She smiled, “thanks Travis, you really calm me down”, she laid back a little, then pointed at a spot next to her heel, “here’s some dead skin, why don’t you eat that?”

“Ah, of course, t-thank you goddess”, you approached and started grinding your teeth against it.

“Good boy, you are doing such a good job with my feet, they look so much better since you started treating them”, she smiled and brought her feet from both sides, engulfing you, it was a bit overwhelming when she did that but you never complained.

You nodded in gratitude and kept grinding your teeth.

She sighed and looked through the window, “I can’t believe Alisa is dead, how couldn’t we see it…”

You ripped off a piece of dead skin and swallowed it, “it’s not your fault goddess”, you said right after it slid down your throat.

“Yeah I know”, she said with another sigh, “keep working, no more breaks, harder Travis you barely remove skin”, she pointed back at her foot and said impatiently, you quickly went back to grinding your teeth.


Days turned to weeks, Maya stayed in her improvised lockdown, still no one came, no one called, nothing happened.

You served her during all this time and you felt like you were making a bond, an owner-slave bond, she kept feeding you solely with her foot gunk.

One day as she sat with her laptop and you licked her feet she talked to you again.

“Travis, I’m looking for a new apartment, you think you can help me with that? I was thinking of a penthouse, something luxurious”, she said tiredly, you stopped licking her foot and went to stand next to her.

“I wish I had a tiny computer or something so you could just take care of these things yourself”, she paused, “maybe with my phone?” She placed it on the floor next to you and unlocked it.

You looked at her with a confused face.

“Go on, take your shoes off and climb it”

You did as she said, you climbed the screen and tapped it with your feet, it actually worked.

She smiled and giggled, “perfect, so take care of that for me will you?”

“S-Sure goddess, yes, I will!” You responded excitedly, finally doing something that does not involve foot sweat.

“Great”, she used a towel to wipe off some sweat from her neck and face, “I’m going to shower, do a good job and you’ll get a treat”, she stood up and started walking to the shower.

*Knock knock*

“F-Fuck fuck fuck”, she immediately panicked, “it’s them it’s gotta be them what do I do”, she looked to the sides, then picked up the phone with you and placed you in one of her kitchen’s drawers.

You could hear her breathing heavily and then slowly opening the door.

“H-Hey Maya”, it was an elderly woman's voice.

“Oh, it’s just you, hi Martha”

“It’s been a while since I saw you, sweet girl, I’m just checking about the rent”

“Oh, of course, I totally forgot about it, sorry Martha, come in”, they walked together inside, Maya opened a closet.

“I know, you’re never late with the rent I thought something might have happened”

“Sorry, here, you can keep the change”

“Oh Maya there’s really no nee-“

“I insist, it’s ok”, Maya said gently, you could hear steps again as she escorted her out.

“Umm, thank you sweet girl”

And the door was closed, Maya let out a relieved long breath and the drawer opened again, she placed the phone and you on the marble, “almost lost my cool there, it was just my landlord”, she giggled, unlocked her phone again and continued to the shower.

You looked at the screen and gulped, looked at the direction she went and you could already hear the water stream, is this some kind of a trap? You can call for help easily now, how come she’s that reckless?

You started blushing all red and entered the phone app, then started pressing numbers, 911, your hands were shaking.

You gulped and opened your eyes widely, then pressed the green button and it started ringing.

You waited, frozen in shock.

“911 how can I help you?”

You jumped on the red button and hung it up, “oh god”, you ran to the sink and started puking inside, what’s going on? You couldn’t get yourself to talk.

Your mind was racing, is it out of trust or she just underestimates you so much that she doesn’t even think about the fact that you can do it?

You adjusted your breathing and walked slowly back to the phone, your hand was shaking over the recent call, but then you swiped right and deleted it from history.

Even if you made the call, and even in the best case scenario they so called “save” you, what will happen to your goddess? You don’t want anything bad to happen to her, right? She takes care of you, she feeds you well, her feet dead skin keeps you full.

You started realizing that you actually feel gratitude towards Maya for keeping you alive and spending time with you, you thought about escaping or being saved for so long but you never stopped to consider why? Your life is good here, you haven’t been so happy in years, Maya is beautiful and a very special person when you get to know her and now you have another opportunity to show that you are useful, so why the first thing you did was almost to get her arrested?

No, you should help her find a new apartment, what were you even thinking? Calling for ‘help’, you felt like a joke. Your goddess trusts you and you consider running away from her, you punch your thigh, punishing yourself for even thinking about it.

You quickly entered some real estate websites and looked for a penthouse suitable for a goddess, you made an organized list of locations and costs.

After a while you noticed Maya coming out of the bathroom with a towel over her head, she caressed her hair to dry it and slowly approached, yawning with a wide open mouth while walking.

You smiled at her and waved, excited to see her again, more than before now that you removed the idea of escaping out of your head.

“Found something interesting?” She bent closer.

“Y-Yes goddess! Here, I made a list!… I marked with bold 3 places that are relatively close that I thought you might be interested in, and the prices are good”.

“Oh wow”, she grabbed the phone and swiped over the list, she made a satisfied smile, “Travis this is great, you deserve a treat”

You jumped in joy, “t-thank you so much goddess! It was nothing!… p-pleasure to serve you!” It’s like something in your brain finally reached full acceptance with the fact Maya owns you.

She grabbed you and walked to the living room, placed you on the table and continued browsing her phone, then placed her feet on the table.

“Out of the shower and soft, eat as much dead skin as you want, you earned it”, she said casually while browsing.

You hoped for something else, but this was still great, you quickly approached the closest dead skin cluster and started biting it off, Maya released a satisfied sigh.

“So I guess I’ll buy this one, the view is perfect”, she paused and giggled, “Travis, imagine licking my feet on that porch”, she showed you the screen of her iPhone, you looked at it and nodded happily.

She laid back and giggled to herself while looking at all the options you found for her.

You felt proud and happy for assisting her, you swallowed another piece of dead skin and smiled to yourself, sneaking a peek at her from between her toes, she looks so beautiful to you now, you felt like you would do anything for her, even die for her willingly if she wanted to.


End of part 8



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