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Life as Maya’s slave was hard. Degrading and demeaning, almost unbearable, you did everything she told you to and it never stopped her from mocking and punishing you.

In the first months she used you constantly to lick and treat her feet while she relaxed in front of the TV, it happened almost every evening once she came back from work.

You survived only on her foot sweat and anything edible she randomly stepped on, it was horrible but it was enough to keep you alive.

After a while, the invention of “anti crush boots” took place and they were sold on the black market. Of course as a rich woman Maya managed to buy them easily.

Once she bought them - you were never apart, she took you out all the time taped to her sole, serving as a living insole, licking her foot until you pass out, every day was complete hell.


After maybe 2-3 months under her care, she got home and removed her shoe, quickly detached the tape and threw you over the table, it was just like any other day but once your eyes adjusted to the light you noticed Maya is not alone, it was blurry.

“Wow, you actually kept him there all the time?” It was Alisa’s voice.

Maya giggled, “yeah but it’s rather exhausting keeping him alive that way, I think I’ll stop with that”, she sighed.

“T-Travis? Is that you?” Someone whispered.

You couldn’t see straight, your eyes were soaked in Maya’s foot sweat.

“It-its me, Robert”

“QUIET”, Maya snapped and *THUD* hit the table.

He quickly embraced himself and crouched in fear.

You rubbed your eyes and sat down, it was Robert indeed, a friend from your team at the office, another engineer. You wanted to warn him or help him somehow but you knew better than to piss off Maya at this point.

“Ok Robert - your codes, passwords, everything you own, we are going to take everything, start spilling it out”, Alisa said with her eyes on the keyboard.

“W-what?! Come on, how can you do this to m-“


Maya slapped next to him, the gust made him fall down.

“Listen, you filthy bug, we can crush you in an instant if we want to, if you want A CHANCE to stay alive like Travis here - you better start talking”

Robert looked at you in fear, then looked back at Maya, “ah.. please, I have a family”

Robert wasn’t like you, he has 3 kids, he’s a family man.

You see what’s happening, Maya and Alisa are using you cynically to get your friend to talk, but you know there’s no chance Alisa won’t just crush him after he talks.

Maya looked at Alisa and giggled, “oh he has a family”.

“Oh, wow, we care so much about your annoying kids Robert, so maybe we won’t take ALL your money”, Alisa said and they both laughed, Robert kept watching them in fear.

“Yeah, let’s leave 3$ in his savings account, one dollar for each kid”, Maya added mockingly.

“Now talk, your options profile, what’s the password”

Robert fell to his knees and started crying, you knew exactly how he felt. Then he looked at Maya furiously.

“How can you be so cruel! We… We worked together! I was always nice to you both!” Then he looked at Alisa, “I was giving you a ride home almost every day!”

“Listen, Robert, there’s nothing to be done”, you talked in a shaky voice, he turned to you, still panicked and terrified.

“They.. they won’t stop until you give them what they want…”

Maya looked at you and smiled in satisfaction, like you were a tamed pet who just showed it can be resourceful as well.

“T-They did the same with you?” He asked.

“They took everything, options, savings, my freedom…” you shared in an indifferent broken voice.

“I want to see my family again”, he said, almost breaking in tears again.

“We will let you see your family again if you play along”, Maya said playfully, you knew her well enough by now to know it’s a cruel lie.

“I.. ok.. the password is Jimmypop!72”, he bowed his head in defeat, “my son's name”.

Maya looked at Alisa with a smile and she already typed the password, “ok I’m in”, a gentle white light projected from the screen on her smiling face.

“How much?” Maya asked her.


Maya giggled, “after Travis it feels like peanuts, but still nice”, she told Alisa and turned back to you, then placed her foot on the table and snapped her finger.

“Ok Robert, time to show us how bad you want to see your family again”, she pointed at her sweaty sole, “start kissing, if you behave I will consider it”.

He gulped and looked at you, you helplessly nodded in approval, what else can you do…

He approached Maya’s foot and got on his knees, then he started kissing it, you could hear his sobs between kisses.

“Selling everything splitting in half, my script works like a miracle, it makes everything so easy”.

“We got so good at this”, Maya said with an arrogant smile, she gave you a quick look and chuckled, then snapped her fingers again, “Robert, bank account, we want your savings as well”.

He walked backwards, staring at her sole and then at her face, “M-Maya.. please, you got the options, leave something for my family”.

“I already told you, we will leave 3$”, Maya said with a smile and Alisa started laughing, hiding her mouth with her hand.

Robert sobbed, “there’s not much in there, you already have so much, please”, he cried.

He was right, they got more than a million each just from you, they could spare his savings, it's like by now they are doing it mostly for fun, it’s just pure cruelty.

“Why? How much is there?” She asked him.

“Not more than 100k, I swear”

“You’re an engineer, where is all the money?” Alisa asked irritatedly.

“Mortgage, I bought a house, I have 3 kids, please, have some mercy, I’ll do whatever you want, let them have something”.

Maya sighed and looked at Alisa, like they were considering it for a moment.

“Ok, so give us the details, show us you don’t lie”

“Y-You promise not to take it? I’m begging you”

“Sure, start talking”

“It’s.. JPmorgan, 926715”

“What’s the password”, Alisa asked.

Robert looked at you and sighed, “mandycorp@712”

“Heh, his wife’s name”, Alisa said and typed it, “ok I see it, heh, just 70k he wasn’t lying”.

“So lame”, Maya said in a disappointed tone.

“So should I just leave it here?” Alisa asked with a confused face.

“Of course not, transfer everything”, Maya said coldly, Robert shrieked and screamed, “Ah right, leave 3$”, she added and laughed.

“Hahaha you got me there as well, thought you’re feeling sorry for him or something”, Alisa said and kept typing on the keyboard.

“YOU LIAR! YOU FUCKING LIAR!” Robert screamed and cried, pointing at Maya but she just giggled with Alisa, you stepped back and bowed your head down, poor guy, you felt so bad for him.


“Who said I need a slave?” Maya asked arrogantly, Robert gulped and went quiet all of a sudden, slowly digesting the meaning of what she said.

He looked at Alisa, “please”, he mumbled in a broken voice.

“Ok it’s done, left 3$”, Alisa said and stretched her hands and neck, then stood up on the chair.

“What’s going on? Hey, talk to me”, Robert was confused, looked at Alisa towering all above the table, he slowly turned to you, you just bowed your head down, trying not to make eye contact.

“Travis please, what are they doing?” He asked shakily, you noticed Alisa is slowly lifting her foot up.

“Hey Alisa wait, I promised that he could see his family, I don’t want to break a promise”, she started browsing her phone.

“Huh?” Alisa asked, lowering her foot back to the chair.

“Here Robert, take a good look”, she turned her phone to him, it was opened on his Facebook account and on some photo from a family vacation they had before the pandemic, “here’s your family”.

He looked at it in tears, “please, girls, I gave you everythi-“



Alisa stomped the table without warning, crushing Robert like a bug, you screamed and covered yourself, trembling and shaking in terror.

“Bammm” Alisa said cheerfully and started twisting her foot, squishing poor Robert and smearing whatever was left of his body.

Maya laid back and laughed, looking at the ceiling, “those naive engineers, it’s just too easy”

“Nerds”, Alisa giggled.

“Talking about his kids! If they were shrunken here I would pop them one by one like tiny grapes!” Maya exclaimed in laughter.

“Gosh, the times he brought them to work, so noisy”, Alisa slowly stopped laughing.

Maya got up and opened a closet in the kitchen, “Travis, you deserve a treat for helping us”, she giggled, then took a Nature Valleys snack out, you peeked from between your arms, releasing a sob, you just watched your colleague die a gruesome death.

“Right, he actually helped us, good boy Travis!”, Alisa laughed and closed the laptop.

Maya opened the snack and handed over half of it to Alisa, then took a bite just above you on purpose. Crumbs were raining all around you, but you were too scared and shocked to move, then she laid back in her chair and kept eating.

She placed both legs on the table and looked at Alisa, “listen, it feels so good getting everything they worked for”.

Alisa took a bite from the snack, then examined her sole with crushed Robert’s remains on it, “you can say that again, missed that feeling of them helplessly breaking beneath me, been a while”.

“Are you sure his family can’t track the money?”

“Trust me, it’s impossible”, she leaned to the side and pulled out a moisturized tissue, then started wiping Robert's remains off her foot like he was casual dirt.

Maya looked at it, “that crack, it’s like crushing a cockroach huh?” They laughed together.

Alisa looked at you, “hey, why aren’t you eating?”

“Ah, maybe he’s waiting for my permission”, she snapped her fingers, “you can eat Travis”, she smiled.

You sent a shaking hand towards a crumb, held it and slowly got it in front of your mouth, you gave it a bite and started chewing.

It’s been so long since you ate something that doesn’t taste like foot sweat, you started crying from happiness as you continued taking more bites.

“Wow”, Alisa gasped, “you tamed him like he’s some dog, I didn’t even know it’s possible”.

You ignored them and kept getting crumbs in your mouth, trying to eat as much as you can before going back to being a starving slave.

“Of course it’s possible, he does everything I tell him to, he’s my foot bitch”, she turned to you, “hey Travis! Foot sweat, now!” She pointed at her right foot, you dropped a crumb from your hand and quickly approached her sole, you got on all fours and started licking it, totally obedient.

“Creepy, but cool”, Alisa said with a smile.

“Why don’t you try to enslave the next one?” Maya asked, sighing in satisfaction as she felt your pathetic licks.

“Nah, not sure it’s for me, I enjoy crushing them too much… besides, I was never good with pets”, she replied.

“Hehe, well, suit yourself, you have no idea how fun it is”

“Anyway, enjoy your afternoon, I’m going to look for a new apartment to buy”, she placed the laptop in her purse.

“Wait, already? I thought we are taking some time before we spend their money”, Maya was surprised.

“Listen, no one cares, the country is in chaos, we are not the only ones taking advantage of that virus, I don’t care, the police won’t do anything any time soon”, Alisa sounded confident.

“Hmm, if you find something interesting let me know”, she laid back with a smile, shaking her foot gently, you knew it meant she wanted you to put more muscles into your licks so you licked harder.

Alisa nodded and left.

“Good job today Travis, you impressed me”, Maya said in a satisfied voice, “when we bring more of your friends, I want you to convince them to cooperate, get that?” She pulled her foot to look at you.

You nodded miserably, “y-yes goddess”.

“Good boy, keep licking”, she placed her foot back and you went back to licking between her crevices.

You felt terrible for Robert, but you knew it’s not your fault, it’s Maya and Alisa, you just did what you have to do in order to improve your miserable pathetic life, even if it’s just slightly.


End of part 4




Thought about using the second image as attachment but I loved it too much 🫣 Hope it didn’t spoil to anyone, if it did let me know!