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Your salary was half the minimum wage, you worked almost 16 hours a day in hard labor at a factory.

You were all men, the only woman was your boss, a powerful and dominant woman.

The main reason you all worked there was the basic health insurance in case you catch the shrinking virus.

Everything became crazy once the vaccines stopped working, people you knew started disappearing, you lost your job, most places just fired males because of the shrinking risk, and this shoe factory was the only job you could find.

You were working there for almost 4 years now, you ranked up until you became in charge of a whole squad, but your salary remained the same since day 1, you never got a penny more and you were too shy and insecure to even ask your boss about it, you just waited for the raise to come from her… it never happened.

It frustrated you, after a very hard day at work with an extended night shift of 19 hours straight you had to say something, so you knocked on her office’s door.

“Yes?” She said from inside.

“Hi, it’s David”

“Come in”, she replied casually.

You entered the office, she was painting her nails using her desk, you coughed your throat nervously and sat down.

“Yes David, what can I do for you?” She asked, looking at her toenails while brushing them.

“Uhh.. Rachel, I… I’ve worked really hard last year.. and… I think I have come a long way in the company since I got here… I manage more than 30 guys now.. I think I’m doing a good job”

“Yes, you are doing a good job”, she said and started blowing on her toes to dry the nail polish.

“So.. I thought that maybe I deserve some kind of a raise…” you blushed, “even something symbolic”, you quickly added nervously, afraid you might piss her off.

“Hmm”, she hummed while examining her feet.

“It’s.. uhh… below minimum wage, you know.. it’s.. it’s very hard to pay the bills lately”

“The bills?” She raised an eyebrow.

“You know, rent and basic food… that’s my only outcome.. I can’t afford anything else”

“Uh…” she sighed, “I’ll give you a raise, but I have a personal favor to ask”

You opened your eyes in surprise, she actually said she would do it, “of course, what is it?” You asked excitedly.

“It’s my daughter, she’s in high school, can’t stop mumbling about having a shrunken slave”

You gulped, trying to understand what exactly she’s asking for.

“I’ll give you a significant bonus, 6 months worth”, she finally lowered her feet to the floor and looked you in the eyes, it never happened before.

“B-But what exactly are you asking for? I’m not sure I understand”, there’s no way she wants you to be a shrunken slave, right?

“Ah, maybe I wasn’t clear, it’s her birthday next week, I want to give her a shrunken slave for that day, I thought you might do that for me”

“Oh”, you said and started sweating.

“She’s a nice girl, probably will just make some TikTok videos with you or something, it will make her happy”

“Rachel, I don’t know…”

“If you do that for me, I’ll double your salary as a raise, and the bonus would be based on the new salary, so it will actually be a whole year of your current salary as a bonus, that’s a lot of money”.

She’s right, that’s a lot of money and it will give you some air to enjoy your life for a change and not just trying to survive.

“I really don’t want to get infected with the virus, they say there are many long term side effects”, you said, trying to convince yourself it’s a bad idea.

“Don’t worry about it, you won’t get infected, we will do it old school in a shrinking center”

“Isn’t it very expensive?”

She chuckled, “I’ll pay for it, I know you can’t”.

You paused, blushed for a moment, “and just for her birthday, right? One day?”

“One day”, she nodded.

You sighed, looking down, “well uh.. ok.. I’ll do it”.

Rachel made a big smile, “Ah, this is great, Zoe is going to be so happy about it”, she pushed her chair back and raised her hands behind her head, “thank you David”.

You nodded awkwardly, “Y-Yes.. thank you Rachel…” you stood up and left her office quickly.


Rachel was true to her word, she doubled your salary right after that conversation, but you were very worried about being given to her daughter like that…

The day finally came and Rachel came to you at the end of your night shift.

“Ok, ready to go?” She still held her car keys as she just got to the office.

“Ah, so early? I thought I’ll get some sleep first”, you just worked for 16 hours straight.

“Sorry, it’s her birthday, I thought about picking you up at 0:00 but I’ve decided to give you that time”

“Oh… ok”, you walked together to her car, she started driving, playing some music she likes.

“I have to ask Rachel… why won’t you buy her someone?…”

“What do you mean?”

“I know that there are enslavers all around the city.. I know they tame and sell shrunken men”

“It’s illegal, and terrible”, she stated, “what kind of example would I give to my daughter if I’ll support this kind of human trafficking”

“Yes, yes of course”, it was relieving to get this kind of answer.

You got to the shrinking center, Rachel paid for everything, you signed some docs and got into the shrinking room.

They placed you in an aquarium and gave you some time to put the clothes on, then went out to give you to Rachel, once she laid her eyes on you she made a very big and satisfied smile.

She placed you in the car and drove home, you used this time to get a nap before you will arrive.


You woke up when Rachel lifted up the aquarium and walked inside her house, you stood up and looked around, you envied her, she lives in a duplex with a huge yard while your apartment is an improvised 1 room with drywalls.

She entered the house and placed you on the kitchen’s table.

“Honey, are you home? Come down dear”, she called up the stairs.

A teenager went down, still wearing pajamas, “oh hi mom, what’s up?” She came by and then noticed the aquarium, her eyes opened up wide and she made a huge smile.

“That’s for you honey, have a happy birthday”, Rachel said smiling.

“Oh my god mom, you’re the best!” She ran and hugged her, you waited for her to explain that it’s just for today, but she didn’t.

“Can’t wait to try the new gadget!” She cheered and picked up the aquarium, “is it ok if I take him to my room?”

“Of course dear, it’s yours, you can do whatever you want with it”, she explained casually, you hated the way she referred to you.

Zoe went up the stairs, once she got to her room she opened the aquarium and flipped it so you fell down on the floor, she started removing her socks while still standing up and then opened a drawer looking for something.

She got out a collar and a small remote, then sat down in front of you, still smiling ear to ear.

“W-What’s this?” You asked, pointing at her hand but she ignored it and bent over, held you by your body with one hand and snapped the collar on your neck with the other.

You held it with your hands, it pressed your neck in a very uncomfortable way.

“Start licking my feet, slave”, she said and propped a foot in your face.

“Yes, ok”, you expected degrading tasks and were prepared for it, you placed your hands on her foot and started licking, scooping up disgusting sweat and miserably swallowing it.


An electric shock emitted from the collar, Zoe started giggling.

You started coughing out foot sweat, you were just swallowing an ounce when she hit the remote.

“Why??? I said I’ll do it! I’m doing what you asked of me!” You shouted in pain.


A longer one, it made you fall from your knees and lay on the floor, you started crying.

“Sorry it’s just too funny, is it that painful?” She looked at you and giggled more.

“Yes! Please stop!” You begged.

“Ok, ok I’ll stop, get back to licking”

You miserably got on all fours and pushed your head back to her sole. Fucking teenager, Rachel couldn’t be more wrong when she said she’s a nice girl.


“SIKE!” Zoe shouted and burst into laughter, you fell down and cried in pain, then her big toe landed at the back of your head and she started twisting it, shoving your face to the floor.

“You don’t have any right to complain, you are MINE, and you’ll be mine FOREVER, get it?!”

“No! It’s just for today!!” You screamed, “please stop with this!” You started pulling the collar, already feeling your skin got scorched beneath it.

“Huh? Just for today? Why would you think that?”

“I had a deal with your mother!! It’s just for your birthday!” You shouted, your face wet with tears and her foot sweat.

Zoe opened the door from behind her, “Mom! Can you come for a sec?” She called outside.

“What is it?” Rachel said while coming up the stairs, “I hope you haven’t killed it already”, she said in a frustrated tone.

“He’s saying he’s mine just for today, is that right?”

Rachel started giggling and arrived at the entrance, your heart sank hearing those giggles.

“Yeah totally forgot to mention it”, she said and you were relieved.

“It’s some bullshit I told it to get its consent, ignore it, it’s yours for the rest of its life”

Your heart sank again, she lied to you, easily manipulated you into becoming a pathetic slave for her daughter, not even a human, she keeps talking about you like you’re an object or a pet.

“Thanks mom!” Zoe said and looked back at you with a smile.

“Oh and honey don’t tire it too much, I have some dead skin on my sole, thought it could eat it later”

“Sure mom”, Zoe replied and Rachel went away.


You fell to your knees and coughed.

“Heard it? Now get back to licking you pathetic slave”

“Ok!! Just please stop I’m begging y-“


You fell down, twisting in pain.


You stopped squirming, just kept crying and sobbing quietly, can’t believe this is what your life came to be.

“Good, this is how I want you”, she said and giggled, “defeated and submissive, this gadget is amazing”.

You haven’t disobeyed her even once, she’s just being sadistic for no reason.

Her toes landed near your head, she used her fingers to spread them apart, “eat up”, she commanded.

You miserably crawled and started grinding your teeth between her toes, letting the disgusting grime inside your mouth and swallowing it, you will do whatever it takes not to get electrified again.

“Good boy, you are going to be such a good slave, mom just knows how to pick the best ones”, she sighed in pleasure, “I really hope you will survive longer than the last one, you are so fragile…” you ignored her and just kept licking and eating whatever you could find between her toes, panicked and scared for your life, realizing there’s no escape and you will have to spend the rest of your life to satisfy Zoe.


After hours of endless humiliation and foot slavery, someone knocked on the door, “honey? I’m going to take a nap, can I have the slave? It won’t be long”

Zoe stood up and opened the door, “sure mom, he’s so obedient, that’s amazing”

“All my employees are”, she giggled, “this one had the nerve to ask for a raise”

“What an idiot”, Zoe giggled.

She bent down and picked you up, handing you over to her mom, “so you want that too?” She showed her the remote.

“No, that’s ok, it will do what I tell it to”, she smiled at her daughter and went to her bedroom, checking you out with a smile while walking.

“Well, it’s time for the bonus I promised you”, she dropped you on the sheets and laid down, “my dead skin worths a year of your pathetic salary, eat it, being my daughter’s slave you will find out that my dead skin is the best source of nutrition you’ll have, so savor every bite”

You started grinding your teeth against her sole, scratching powder of dead skin and swallowing it while sobbing quietly.

“Oh, and David?”

You stopped grinding for a moment in order to hear her.

“You’re fired”.



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