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You woke up to the sounds of Caroline’s moans, you had a headache and you were dizzy, you walked and bumped into your cage’s bars, then you started remembering.

Caroline ate your brother, she fucking ate him like he was some snack, the sounds of her crunches still echoes in your head, you sat down in despair and watched over the bed, she sat on David’s lap and moaned loudly like she’s doing it on purpose so you could hear.

To be honest you didn’t care about it anymore, she is a murderous monster, you couldn’t even think about the Caroline you loved anymore, you hated her now, more than you hated anything in your life.

She had an orgasm, then kissed David and laid down.

“Need a bathroom for a sec”, David said and stood up, as he walked past you he noticed you.

“Oh hey Guy, saw me and your wife fucking?” He mocked, Caroline giggled from the bed.

“Heh”, you scoffed and turned back.

David was surprised, “what’s that, what’s wrong with him?” He asked and laughed.

“Just ignore that loser, go pee and come snuggle”.

You turned to him and gave him an angry death stare, “so you don’t even know?”

“Know what?” He asked back.

“Honey stop wasting our time together on that garbage, I want a foot massage, come back to bed”, she called and sat down, she seemed worried so you knew this is your chance.

“She killed Bill, you fucking asshole”, you shouted at him, “she ate him alive like a damn monster”, you said and kicked the bars, spitting in his direction.

David’s face turned pale, “w-wha..” he gulped.

“What did this loser tell you?” Caroline asked from the bed.

He placed a hand over his mouth and continued to the bathroom, you could hear he’s puking to the toilet.

Caroline got all angry, she was naked, “what did you tell him?” She demanded.

You turned your back to her.

“I can make your life a living hell, I’m your goddess you piece of shit”

“Hah”, you scoffed again, “fuck you”.

She opened the cage and snatched you, pressing you hard, you moaned in pain and it made her smile, “that’s more like it, you probably want me to kill you right?”

She pressed so hard you couldn’t answer.

“So guess what, I’m not going to kill you, I want you to see how everyone you ever love dies by me, and your father will be next”, she licked her lips, “I can still feel Billy’s bones stuck between my teeth, so annoying, even as food he’s a pain in my ass”, she giggled.

“S-So it’s true?” David asked from behind with a shaky voice, his face was still pale.

“What?” Caroline responded and rolled her eyes in contempt.

“You killed Billy? I knew him my entire life”

“So what? You want to cry about it? He was an annoyance so I needed to remove him”, her tone was cold, emotionless.

She dropped you on the desk next to your cage.

“Oh my god”, he started crying and went to sit on the bed.

“Are you kidding me right now?” She asked and looked at him in shock.

“Caroline this went too far, you can’t just kill people”, he held his head and looked down miserably.

“Wow”, she was angry now.

“I.. I was sure we are just going to torture Guy and show him how we spend his money and all that, b-but… Billy was a good man, he never did anything wrong to me… oh my god…”

He suddenly puked again, you actually felt sorry for him for a moment, then you were reminded that he’s a piece of shit, Caroline just stood there with a disgusted face.

“Gosh, you are so pathetic…” she looked over the puke, “let me get you a glass of water”, she gave him another look and sighed, shook her head and went to the kitchen.

David held his head in shock and kept crying.

“Hey! David!” You waved but he wasn’t looking in your direction, you looked at the entrance, it was weird that it took Caroline so long, then it hit you, she’s going to shrink him too! It’s not just a glass of water, she is probably mixing it with mutated virus now.

“David!!! SNAP THE FUCK OUT OF IT!!!” You screamed, jumping in his direction but nothing, “fuck”, you looked around you, there was nothing you could use to get his attention. If he finally realized this went too far he might help you now.

Caroline walked back with an irritated face and a glass of water in her hand, she stood next to David, “here”, she handed it over and rolled her eyes again.

“T-Thanks Caroline, sorry, I’m just shocked”, his hands were shaking, he held the glass with both hands and started drinking, you sighed and shook your head, such an idiot, he was always an idiot.

“Whatever”, she said, “we killed his brother and you lost it”

“We?!” He stood up and started coughing, “it was YOU, I would never do something like that”.

“Ugh”, she pushed him over the bed, “such a waste”.

She sighed and started dressing up.

You saw David's legs quivering in a weird way.

“W-What’s that, why can’t I move”, he asked in shock.

She facepalmed herself, then continued dressing up.

“What.. what have you done, Caroline plea-“

She placed her foot over his face, “shut the hell up already, you are so far beneath me, out of my league, what have I ever done with you anyway”.

You couldn’t believe your eyes, she is ruthless, she just had sex with the guy and now she sees him as trash.

She kicked his face and started walking towards you, you could hear David’s cry as he slowly shrinks down on the bed.

Without saying anything, she picked you up, then walked back to the bed, moving David’s empty shirt and shook it until he fell down. She picked him up with her other hand and started walking to the living room.

David squirmed like crazy, “Caroline come on!!! I’m still with you!!” He shouted.

You looked at him while she walked, “you deserve that David”, you called to him, he looked at you with a terrified face, then looked back at Caroline, “babe! I wasn’t planning on snitching you out I swear!”

She kept walking, looking forward, ignoring you both until she got to the living room, then she bent over and dropped you both to the ground, she stood back up and looked at you.

David shrieked in fear as he saw her feet, he immediately fell to his knees and started begging, you stood up and looked at her with contempt, you were used to this size already, David is still adjusting to the idea.

“Babe? Can you hear me? I swear! I’m with you on this!” He started crying, “I don’t care about Bill! I’m sorry!”

“David, can you shut the fuck up already?” She asked and started lifting up her foot, you gulped, she was bluffing… she’s trying to scare him or something, it didn’t make any sense for her to kill him now.

“B-Babe? Heh, come on, it’s m-“


Blood sprayed from your right, a loud crack as she stomped the ground, your eyes opened wide in shock, you slowly looked at her foot.

A red bloody pulp started forming beneath it as she twisted her foot, *crack crack crack*, David was reduced to nothing as his body continued breaking bone after bone.

“W..wah…” your mouth went dry, you started shaking, “what…”

Caroline lifted her foot up, some of David’s remains stayed glued to her foot.

“Look at me”, Caroline said in a cold tone.

You didn’t look up, you stared emptily at the crushed remains left stuck on the floor.

“I said look at me, NOW”, she commanded and you quickly looked up.

David was completely pulverized, ripped apart, stuck to her foot, as you and Caroline had eye contact she made a little smirk.

“This one is on you”, she said and lowered her foot back to the floor.

*smush*, a terrible sound when his remains squished again at the floor, then she just started walking to the bathroom.

You looked at her getting away, completely shocked, step after step you continued hearing his remains being squished as she’s leaving bloody footsteps behind her.

Once she got inside you heard water streaming, she was probably washing him away.

It didn’t make any sense, you thought she loved him, she just crushed him without blinking an eye, she turned into a cruel psychopathic monster… she cared about no one.

You looked around you, a glimpse of thought of trying to run away but you quickly dismissed it, there’s nowhere to go, and there’s no way you can bargain with her, the best you can do now is try and not to make her angry again and just hope she will lose interest and leave the rest of your family alone.


End of part 5

(Just FYI - the image for this part was commissioned personally, its exclusive for Patrons)



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