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Alternative life story, try to pause sometimes and imagine living this life with someone you know and love.

It’s you and her, just in a different reality.


You dated in high school but she always complained about your devotion to the relationship although you were 100% into it.

Before her 15th birthday you had a big fight, and one argument she made really pierced a hole in your heart, “you don’t make any sacrifices for me, you are an egoist, you always think only about yourself”.

She said it just because you couldn’t make her birthday party in your house since your parents didn’t allow it.

You wanted to prove her wrong, so at her birthday you shrunk yourself down in a shrinking center and shipped yourself to her as a gift, just to show her you are willing to give her anything, including your freedom.

You attached a note, “to the love of my life, I’m forever yours”, you thought it’s an amazing romantic gesture, you were sure it will melt her heart and she will get you back to the shrinking center to grow you back afterwards, but when she got the package and read it she burst into laughter.

“Wow, that’s a nice sacrifice, ok then, welcome to your new life as my foot slave”, she mocked you casually, you will never forget the humiliation, the feeling of betrayal, the shame and pain in the chest you felt, the feeling stayed with you for months.

She bought you a metal cage and kept you inside at all times, the only times you were outside was to lick her feet, you tried to disobey at first but she starved you into obedience, since whatever she stepped on that day was your only nutrition you just had to do whatever she said eventually, it was a cynical abuse if your survival instincts.

She enjoyed it, knowing that someone gave her his life just like that - to prove he loves her, she bragged about it to friends, framed the note you gave her and hung it in her room. Your family could do nothing about it, she even mocked them and sent them photos of you licking between her toes. After 6 years of legal battle they ultimately lost and had to pay her compensation money for harassing her, that’s when they probably lost all hope to ever get you back and gave up on you entirely.

It took a few more years, but she took you for granted eventually, she didn’t even lock your cage anymore, she lost the keys and never bothered to get new ones, it wasn’t needed anyway, it was clear to you that you can never escape on your own, with or without this cage.

You got used to the taste of her foot grime, you craved her foot sweat, all she had to do was sit next to your cage or just place her feet on the floor in the living room, you would voluntarily go out your cage and start licking her feet, feeding yourself and going back, she didn’t even check how thoroughly you cleaned her feet anymore, she just didn’t care, you were nothing to her.

The hardest part was that she stopped talking to you, you missed her teases, the mocks, anything at all… it made you forget your name, even hers sometimes, until a guest arrived and you could hear her name again. Her feet became your entire world, you had nothing but them.


She was getting prepared for her 30th birthday, sitting on the floor and using a hair dryer, brushing her hair, you noticed her foot and you were hungry, you left your cage and approached her toes, licking and biting off grime from beneath them.

She looked at you for a second then continued brushing her hair.

“Can you believe you are here for half of your life?” She asked nonchalantly.

Your heart started beating, it’s been years since she last spoke to you, you stopped licking and looked at her with shiny eyes, almost crying from happiness just by getting a glimpse of attention, you nodded excitedly.

“15 years, wow… I’ve been through so much since then. Can you even remember anything from when you were an actual human being? Feels like another life”

You paused for a moment, then shook your head, she is right, being anywhere else but here feels like a dream from another life.

She continued brushing her hair for a while. You went back to licking the ball of her foot, biting and chewing off some dead skin she had there.

“What if I told you I would release you? Giving you back to your family, even growing you back at a shrinking center? I mean it, I don’t care”

You froze, you couldn’t believe you were hearing these words, you dreamed of being free for so long, but you forgot all about this hope already, it was long gone by now, how will you be able to live differently after so long? You didn’t know anything else anymore.

“Well? I’m serious, if you want I’ll let you have your freedom back, I don’t need it anymore”, she turned off the hair dryer, waiting for an answer.

“I-I don’t know… it’s ok.. there’s no need…”

She smiled in satisfaction, “what’s ok? I want to hear it”.

“I want to stay… please..” you begged, tears started pouring down your cheeks.

She turned on the hair dryer again and started laughing to herself, looking back at the mirror, shaking her head, “oh god, that’s the most pathetic thing I’ve ever seen”, she scrunched her toes over your face and released it after a giggle. You used to hate it when she did that, but now you were grateful for any kind of attention.

“Ok, I’ll allow you to stay because I’m such a merciful goddess”, she mocked you while brushing her air and looking at the mirror, “but you’ll have to lick harder, show me it’s important to you”.

You immediately picked up the pace, shoving your face into the sweat and dirt, it made her laugh even harder.

After that everything went back to normal, she continued to ignore you completely until one day you just collapsed and died on her foot, she didn’t really care, she threw you to her garbage bin like any other useless trash, you remained her foot slave until your last day, the ultimate sacrifice and she never really appreciated it.



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