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Ever since you could remember yourself you had a giantess fetish, you always dreamed and fantasized of being a shrunken foot slave.

Once the shrinking virus pandemic started you had such a rush and excitement, you immediately shared your fantasy with your girlfriend.

She thought it’s weird and asked a lot of questions. She tried to convince you that it’s a bad idea but you kept insisting on it.

So you traveled together but you never caught the virus, you even had a trip to Taiwan where it says that the shrinking virus pandemic is at its peak, but you safely returned home.

“Maybe you’re just naturally vaccinated”, your girlfriend said one evening when you were home watching tv, you shrugged in sadness while caressing her feet, almost crying.

She tried to cheer you up by shoving her foot in your face, you kissed it with half a smile, “thanks Amina I appreciate it”.

~Breaking news, a ‘shrinking center’ is being established in Vegas, it will be the first in the world, it will be able to shrink anyone on demand, and even grow them back afterwards!

The process is somewhat expensive, especially the growing part.~

“Oh my god”, you said while watching the TV with wide opened eyes.

~the costs being mentioned are 15,000$ to shrink, 50,000$ to grow back.

Wow, that’s insanely expensive, who would do that?”

“Me!” You shouted at the tv, then looked at Amina with hope in your eyes.

“Are you sure? It’s insane”

You quickly opened your phone and started selling stocks and checked out all your saving accounts, “listen, I can arrange 13,000$”, you paused, “Amina please, just 2k, I’m begging you”

“B-But we will never be able to pay for the growing part”

“It’s ok! Amina living as your foot slave is my dream, I mean it, there’s nothing else I want”

She made an irritated face, “ok I guess…”

“Thank you so much I love you!” You hugged her and kissed her face over and over again, she gently pushed you backwards.

“But John, I’m serious, if you regret or something in a few years I’m giving you to my sister or something, I don’t know, there’s no way I’m paying to grow you back, that’s shitload of money”

“I’ll never regret, never! Oh my god”, you quickly went and started packing your stuff.

“What are you doing?” She followed you.

“What do you mean? We are going to Vegas!”

Amina started giggling, “silly they haven’t opened up yet, there’s like 2 or 3 months before they take customers, did you even listen to the news?”

“Ah”, you were disappointed and placed the clothes you picked up back in the closet.

“Besides, don’t you want some time together before you give up your life to serve my feet? It will never be the same once you shrink”

“Y-Yeah, you are right”.


The day finally arrived and you went to Vegas, you entered the shrinking center, you both were signing tons of documents, you didn’t read anything you just signed it all but Amina took her time and it bugged you.

“Amina, come on, please sign already”

“Can you relax? I’m not just blindly signing a contract”

“Argh”, you shrugged in frustration and walked inside the room.

“John, I’m going to be your legal owner, show some respect”, Amina said in a giggly voice, pointing at a part of the contract that mentions that, “and did you know that as your owner I can do whatever I want with you? And they are just kindly asking that I won’t kill you? And you’re ok with it?”

“Stop teasing me, just sign already”

“You know what, ok”, she started signing page after page blindly, “let’s get me a pathetic filthy foot slave that will live on the grime between my toes and one day gets crushed by my feet by mistake, no problem”, she ranted.

You had a small boner just by hearing that, “good, you’re not threatening me”, you smiled and looked at her signing the contract impatiently.

“Here”, she handed over the contract to an employee and they escorted you to the shrinking room. You didn’t even say goodbye to Amina, you were so thrilled and excited about finally being shrunken.

The process ended and you stood naked on the bed, looking around you, the room was huge, so huge it made you dizzy and you sat down, “oh my god, this is amazing”.

The employee walked inside, a beautiful blonde, she grabbed the clothes you left behind and threw it away, then came back with tiny set of clothes, she grabbed you with an indifferent look.

It wasn’t pleasant, it was actually terrifying, you felt like her hand can crush you at any time.

“H-Hey, I can put it on myse-“

“Shut up”, she said, brutally sliding you inside the shirt.


“Get used to it, you don’t have a say anymore you tiny piece of shit”

You gulped, she started sliding you inside the tiny pants, leaving the underwear behind, then dropped you inside an aquarium.

“Why are you being so rude!” You shouted in tears, caressing your head from the hit.

“I heard your girlfriend, pathetic foot slave? You’re probably going to die soon, I have no smiles to waste on bugs”, she explained while holding the aquarium and walking out, her expression immediately changed and she smiled towards Amina.

What a terrible welcome to your new life, you hoped things will only get better from here on out.

“Hi there!

So the process is complete, John is now completely under your care and practically serves as your property”, she handed over the aquarium and Amina grabbed it, examining you with a blush.

“T-Thanks”, she stuttered.

“You can also give him away, crush him, throw him in the toilet, and if for some weird reason you want him back to normal size you can come back here and pay 50k”, the employee excitedly explained with a giggle.

“Huh?… yeah I know, ok”, Amina looked at her suspiciously and started walking outside on her way to take the flight home.


“How are you?” Amina asked when she had a chance and she was waiting to board the plane.

“I’m.. I’m fine, can’t wait to be next to your feet when I’m this size”.

“Yeah don’t worry, we will be home in a few hours and I’ll let you eat some dead skin, this trip was exhausting”.

You nodded excitedly with a small bump in your new pants.

“Try to get some sleep, once we’re home I’ll need you energized”, she said in a giggly voice.

You nodded in approval and laid in your tiny bed.


“Wake up John”, Amina said, waving with her socks in her hands, “are you hungry?”

You jumped, “finally! Yes!”

Amina giggled and picked you up, then placed you on the kitchen’s table, “ready for it?”

“Yes! Please!!” You jumped and waved all excited.

Amina laid back and placed her feet on the table.

It was beautiful, the feet you love more than anything in your life, now in colossal form in front of you just waiting to be licked, you watched the shiny foot sweat pouring down, good, she didn’t shower, you were drooling with a smiling face.

But then you had to cover your nose, the smell wasn’t the gentle feminine sweat you love so much, it was a million times more intense, your smile disappeared, you slowly kept advancing to her foot, waiting to get used to the smell but it felt impossible.

“There’s a lot of dead skin around the heel, make sure to clear it, ok?” Amina asked.

You stood near it, the smell was so strong your eyes had tears, it was overwhelming.

You got your tongue out and started licking the surface.

It was burning, sticky, slimy, nothing like your fantasies.

You pulled your head back and started coughing out foot sweat miserably.

“Shit”, you mumbled, then you bent forward to try again, it was just disgusting, there’s no way around it, in this size her foot sweat tastes horrible, simply impossible to swallow, you suddenly couldn’t imagine a life where this is your only food.

“Is something wrong? I barely feel anything”

You gulped, weren’t sure what to do, you tried to caress it with your hand, her sweat engulfed your hand, then you tried to gently taste it, you immediately coughed it out miserably.

You started having a panic attack, heavily breathing, oxygen barely got in your system, you walked to the side of her foot, Amina was on her phone.

“A-Amina… Amina!”

“Hmm?” She lowered her phone and looked at you, “what is it? Why aren’t you licking?”

You started crying.

She lowered her feet to the floor and got closer, “what’s going on?”

“I-I don’t know, it’s.. it’s not what I thought I… I can’t breathe, I.. I can’t-“

“Ok, calm down, I’ll take a shower and we will try again, just relax”, she tapped your head with her finger a few times, she probably thought it’s gentle but it sent you sitting forcefully.

“It makes sense, it’s foot sweat, it’s disgusting, you thought it would be tasty or something?” She asked and got up, stretched calmly and went to shower.

You remained seated there, shaking, nervous, looking around you, realizing how helpless and pathetic you are right now. What if Amina decides to crush you? You are a bug! You couldn’t maintain your panic.

Amina came back with wet hair, “have you calmed?” She asked and sat down.

“Y-Yes, I.. t-think” you stuttered shakingly.

She placed one foot in front of you, “here, it’s clean and soft, I scrubbed it for you”, she smiled.

You slowly approached, the smell was good now, you had half a smile and you approached a dead skin cluster, you got on your knees and started grinding your teeth against it, taking a piece ripped off, you started chewing it.

Disgusting juices got squeezed out into your mouth, you coughed a few times and continued chewing, but eventually spat it out and got on all fours, coughing over and over again.

You started crying again, shouting.

Amina looked at you, “are you serious right now? It’s YOUR fantasy, what the fuck?”

“I-I know!!! I know!…. B-But… it’s horrible Amina, oh my god, what have I done… oh no…”

Amina sighed in frustration, pinching her upper nose with closed eyes, “I tried to warn you over and over again, I’m sorry, get on to lick my feet, I don’t care, let’s just get on with it”

You raised your head in panic and looked at her in terror, “n-no Amina, please, you don’t understand, it’s-“

Her foot pinned you down, getting your head between her toes, she spread them with her fingers, “here, the grime you always talked about, eat it”, she was irritated and impatient.

“Amina no!!!” You cried.

She pinched your head with her toes, you had no choice but to take your tongue out, you pathetically licked the grime and got it in your mouth, the taste was so strong you almost choked on it.

“Swallow! Now!” She increased the pressure, pinning you down with her foot.

You swallowed and burst into crying, she removed her foot.

“Oh my god John, this is so pathetic”, she said and sighed again, then started typing on her phone.

You cried and mumbled stuff, shouting from time to time, a tantrum panic attack like you never had before.

“Amina!… we have to grow me back, we have to!”, you sniffed, “I’ll take a loan or something! Oh my god I can’t live like that, please don’t do this to me”.

She ignored you and kept staring and tapping at her phone, then at some point just grabbed and threw you back inside the aquarium.

“I’m taking you to a professional enslaver, I’m sorry, I can’t deal with you bitching all over the place, you made a decision to give me your life, it’s far too late to regret”.


End of part 1




Those social media screenshots always make an phenomenal addition to the stories. I’m excited for part 2 and what you have in store for February. Thank you for your great work my friend 👍🏼


Thanks I appreciate it 🙏🏻 This one is a 2-parts story :) and February forming out to be one of the best I think 😁