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Soon I’ll start working on the next big title that will start after a few weeks after “Tiny Cuckold”.

I want to make a long story that will involve kids as well, and will happen in USA (it will affect the story the same way it affects in the USA series and will have the same assumptions on how the government deals with the virus), so both options will have this setup.

1) “Inheritance”

While trying to leave the country with your family because your son caught the shrinking virus and you want a better future for him, you also catch the shrinking virus and goes through a terrible car accident. You and your son are the only survivors, being claimed as your passed wife property - you are being passed away as inheritance to her only sister, you don’t know much about her since your wife cut ties with her before you started dating.

2) “IRS Audit”

You are a single parent running an independent business, everything collapses when you catch the shrinking virus, the government doesn’t care about that or about your 3 kids, they only care about the year’s taxes you didn’t pay, so they send an employee to make an audit, a normal sized beautiful woman named Mia. She offers a solution - to let her claim you as property in order to avoid the year’s taxes, otherwise you will go to shrunken custody and probably won’t survive. She is willing to adopt your kids as well, but she bit her lip in a weird way while talking about them.


These are the options and I guess eventually I’ll write both ideas but I want the community to vote on which one you want sooner.

Of course there are other unfinished titles, such as “New Job”, “New Reign”, “Wedding Night”, I haven’t forgot about them, it’s just a mental block that will be unlocked at some point, it usually happens when I meet the ones that inspired me to write them in the first place.

Feel free to elaborate your choice in the comments 🙏🏻

The poll will lock in 1 week.



I would like there to be a lot of suffering and that the story be long


I’m super happy and surprised with this poll, finally we are not unanimous 😂


I would like both tbh


When will you release it plz?