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Once you finally calmed down you noticed that there are still 2 bottles of water inside the aquarium and even some crumbs left, you quickly went and started drinking the water, washing down the disgusted taste of Olivia’s foot sweat.

You closed the bottle and walked closer to the aquarium’s entrance, you tried to open it and realized they locked you in, you sighed, trying to imagine what awaits you this holiday, you laid over your bed and cried yourself to sleep.



“Hey, wake up Shawn! I need your help”, voice booking from above, you woke up to see a foot pressing the aquarium’s glass from above.

“W-What…” you stood up, you really hoped it was all a nightmare but it’s actually happening.

“Get out!” She pressed her foot harder against the glass, a terrible smell found its way inside the aquarium, her foot was so sweaty it left sweat marks over the glass.

The aquarium entrance was open, you quickly walked outside, standing in front of her other foot.

“Good morning down there”, Jessy started giggling, “how’s the smell?”

You made a humiliated sigh.

“Go on, kiss my big toe, wish it good morning”.

Jessy wasn’t like Olivia, she was cruel on purpose and enjoyed it, you couldn’t understand how anyone would treat a stranger like that.

You just woke up and you didn’t want any troubles, so you got on your knees and gave her big toe a kiss.

She started laughing again, then bent over and picked you up, even her hand was slippery with sweat.

“I worked out all morning, made you a very tasty breakfast”, you just nodded and looked down, trying not to look in her eyes, it made you feel less than a human.

She laid over the wooden floor and spreaded her hand, placing you inside her armpit, you were standing knee-high inside her sweat, it was almost boiling, sweat kept pouring out of her skin, it was hot and humid, reminded you of your last trip to the Amazonas in Brazil, and the smell was unbearable, you placed a hand over your nose and coughed.

“Start drinking”, she said in a giggly voice.

“Oh god”, you mumbled miserably, closing your eyes hard, “this can’t be happening”.

“Oh, it’s happening, start licking or I’m closing my armpit”.

“Jessy, come on, we barely know each other, let’s ta-“


Her armpit closed on you, you were literally drowning inside a thick layer of sticky sweat, you started squirming and crawling in panic, her skin was so smooth and soft, you managed to get half of your body out of the armpit, then coughed and gagged out sweat.

Jessy opened her armpit and you fell back inside, coughing more sweat out.

“Ready to do it now? Bon appetit Shawn”

You got to your knees and shoved your head inside the sweat, desperately sipping it in, struggling to swallow each ounce of it, Jessy laughed loudly.

“Hey, why didn’t you wait for me?” Olivia came closer, still rubbing her eyes.

“You know I wake up early to practice”, Jessy replied in a giggly voice.

“Oh yeah?” Olivia towered above you, standing next to Jessy, “I can’t believe he’s actually doing that, it must be hell inside your armpit right now”.

Jessy replied with a laugh.

“I mean seriously, after practice you smell the worst”.

You continued sipping her sweat while your eyes filled with tears again, your body just couldn’t handle it, you started puking the sweat out.

“Ewww”, Olivia made a disgusted face, covering her eyes but still peeking.

“Disgusting, Olivia - teach him a lesson”


“Push his head back to the sweat”, Jessy said and you quickly shoved your head back in, hoping they won’t torture you further.

But then you noticed Olivia is raising her foot, you stood up in panic and raised your hands but her big toe just pushed you back down.

“Plea-“ you started begging but your head was already inside the gravy sweat.

Slowly her whole foot pressed you down, you were stuck between Olivia’s sole and Jessy’s armpit, she started twisting her foot pushing you harder into the flesh, you started squirming in panic to no avail, she pressed hard.

You could hear their muffled laughs from outside, probably from feeling you squirm like that.

Then Olivia finally pulled her foot up, you were stuck to it, coughing miserably.

You saw Jessy’s face beneath you, she gasped in surprise and started laughing.

“He’s stuck to your foot!!!” She shouted while laughing, Olivia held her foot above Jessy’s face.

“Oh my god, it must be your sticky sweat, can’t believe it’s happening this is epic”

They both laughed and you tried not to move much to prevent yourself from falling down, but it still happened, the stickiness got weaker and you fell down straight into Jessy’s laughing mouth.

She stopped laughing as she choked, quickly sitting over, you held her bell, screaming like crazy as you felt her breathe from below, sure you are going to be eaten alive.


A burst of air shot you out of her throat and mouth, you fell over the floor, *CRACK* *THUD*

An immense pain from your hand, it broke for sure.

“Fuck… eww.. I got some sweat in my mouth, disgusting”

Olivia held her knees and started laughing so loud your ears hurt.

You remained laying on the floor, covered in Jessy’s saliva and sweat, you could barely move.

“Is he ok?” Jessy pointed at you.

“He hit the floor so hard. Shooting right out of your mouth, it’s the funniest thing I’ve ever saw”

Then she bent over and picked you up, you screamed in pain, your hand was twisted.

“What’s wrong??” Olivia asked.

“M-My arm!!! My arm broke!!” You screamed at her.

“Oh, Jessy he broke his arm”


“What should we do?”

“It’s the holidays, there’s nowhere we can take him now”, she replied, still touching her neck from choking on you.

“Bummer” Olivia said and went to your aquarium, putting you inside, “sorry Shawn, we were just having some fun”

The pain was so intense you couldn’t even reply, you just moaned.

Jessy sighed, “I guess he’s done for”.

“It’s just a broken arm, can’t we fix it?”

“Not sure if it’s worth it, but let’s see”, she went to the kitchen and opened a drawer, then took a toothpick out, she broke it in half, “bring a string from mom’s sewing kit and call her to help us”

Olivia went away.

Jessy came closer to the aquarium and looked at you with a spiteful smug as you continued moaning.

“That’s kinda pathetic, take it like a man it’s just a broken arm”

But you replied with a sob, she rolled her eyes.

“So what happened here?” Their mom came with Olivia.

“He broke his arm, can you fix it?”

She sighed and took the broken toothpick out of Jessy’s hands then went to the aquarium and picked you up, you screamed in pain but she just dropped you on the table with an indifferent face, literally treating you as a broken toy.

She placed the pieces of the broken toothpick around your hand, brutally straightening it with her fingers.

“Olivia, hold him like that while I tie it up”

“Ok mom”, and she did as she instructed.

Their mom started tying it up, fixating it.

“I don’t know if it will help, he’s probably going to lose his arm, do you care for him? Who is it exactly?”

Olivia blushed, “umm, not really, he was shipped here yesterday, by mistake”

“Huh? Why didn’t you ship him back?”

“Uhh… I don’t know”

“We just wanted to have some fun”, Jessy said, like she’s protecting her sister.

Their mom sighed and shook her head, “well, you can’t ship him back now, not after you broke his arm, it might be an issue”

You desperately raised your head, “I-I won’t say anything! I swea-“

“We never thought about setting him free anyway”, Jessy replied nonchalantly, Olivia gasped and tried to shush her, “what? I’m sure he knew it as well, why would we release him?? He’s literally a Christmas gift shipped to our doorsteps”

Their mom sighed again, “whatever Jessy, just make sure he won’t escape or anything, if I see him on the floor I’m crushing him”, she stood up and started walking back to the living room.

“Ok mom, thanks” Olivia said, then picked you up and placed you in the aquarium, locking it behind you.

You went to drink some of the water that was left there, trying not to move your arm, still shocked by the terrible yet obvious news.

“You shouldn’t have said it like that in front of him”, Olivia told Jessy, “now he won’t lick between my toes for the video I wanted”, she sounded a bit angry.

You laid down, the fact that your life as you know it is over slowly sinks in.

“Olivia he can’t do it anyway, he’s broken”, Jessy mocked her back.

“I’ll take care of him, you’ll see”, Olivia said and opened the fridge, taking some of yesterday’s leftovers out.

“Suit yourself”, Jessy shrugged and went away.

Olivia threw some food inside the aquarium, “hey, get your hand healed ok? I really want you as a foot slave”, she said with a smile, “do you have enough water?” She asked but you just flipped over, turning your back to her, then sobbing quietly.

“Don’t be sad, I swear I’ll be a good owner, Jessy is leaving for college, she won’t torture you”, she explained calmly with a smile, then stood up and left as well.


As days went by, the condition of your arm kept getting worse, you drank and ate but without proper treatment the injury got infected, the pain was unbearable, Olivia checked on you every now and then but you could tell that even she starts to realize you’re done.

It was New Year’s Eve, the whole family sat at the living room watching TV, then Jessy came by to the aquarium, “are you ready? It’s 5 minutes to midnight”

You looked at her confused, your fever was high and you weren’t sure what’s real and what’s an illusion.

She picked you up and you quietly moaned in pain, she threw you on some platform next to the television, you didn’t understand what’s going on.

She towered above you, she was wearing some kind of a swimsuit or underwear, she was so hot, you didn’t even try to understand why.

“Remember Jessy - that’s my parting gift before you go to college”

“I know, stop saying that”, Jessy giggled.

“W-What’s.. going on…” you asked but no one could hear.

Suddenly they all started counting.

“Ten! Nine! Eight! Seven!”

You sat down, holding your painful arm, they counted on the tv as well, you turned and looked at Jessy, she suddenly looked down to you.

“Six! Five! Four!”

She raised her foot up, then you realized what’s happening here, you started screaming and searching for a way down.

“Three! Two!”

Shadow formed around you, you looked up and saw her foot as it touched your face and pinned you to the platform.



“Happy new year!” They all shouted and Jessy laughed, turning over and raising her foot, showing Olivia what’s left of you.

Even their mother joined the laughter.

“Imagine being shipped somewhere by mistake just to be tortured for a whole week and crushed like a pathetic bug”, Olivia said and their laughter grew louder, “it’s going to be the best year ever”.


Happy new year 🥳



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