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There is a misconception where people think that the professional enslavers are the cruelest, kidnapping someone and deleting his character, making him a slave and then sell him.

But in reality, smugglers were far more cruel.

They would travel to a third world country, shrink whoever they could, whether it’s kids, teenagers, men, they just saw price tags above their heads.

It was literally a “shopping spree”, and the smugglers were creative, manipulative and cruel. In the first days before the authorities knew the phenomenon even existed, they used hollow huge platform shoes, sometimes promising the victims a bright future in America.

Before traveling back home, they would shove everyone inside, even if there’s not enough space, they would ignore the terrified screams, the panic, the horror, and just close them inside with some crumbs and hope that most of them somehow survive.

But the truth is that many of them died during the trip, average survival rate was perhaps 20%, sometimes they would get home, open the shoes and realize everyone died.

If they were lucky they would just sell the survivors to enslavers who would tame them to accept their new lives as foot slaves.

To think that so many died helplessly beneath the feet of some spoiled cruel brat trying to earn money off their misery, it was terrifying to even think about it.

It was an industry, a terrible one, and males were nothing more than a product to be used by the wealthy.



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