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The next few days were relatively better, Sapir left you to survive on the floor, you always had crumbs to find and eat, you were like some kind of a pest surviving in her home.

The problem was water, and Sapir knew that, so sometimes she sat down after a long day and coughed her throat, you knew it’s a sign for you to come and lick her feet, and once you finished drinking her foot sweat or when she coughed her throat again, you had to kiss her foot and thank her.

You could tell she love that arrangement, you were a miserable slave living on her scraps and she was a merciful goddess.

*Ahem Ahem*

She was coughing her throat, you noticed she’s sitting on a wooden chair at the guest room, propping her foot forward, you started running in her direction, throwing yourself at her toes, shoving your head and licking any drop of sweat you could find.

“I’m leaving for a few weeks”, she announced, “you’ll have to survive here, I’m going to leave you some water”

You pulled your head out and looked up at her, “yes goddess, thank you”, you were actually relieved she’s not going to be here for a while.

“But it doesn’t mean you get to slack off during this time”, she added, then you saw she’s throwing a piece of rag down, it fell next to you, “you’ll polish the floor thoroughly while I’m on my vacation, I want it SPOTLESS by the time I get here”.

You looked at the small rag and gulped, “y-yes goddess, of course”, you stuttered.

She smiled, then the doorbell rang, she stood up and walked past you to the entrance.

“Sapir!” You heard from the door, it was Tal’s voice, she had a big suitcase and sunglasses, they walked in together.

״איפה הוא? אני רוצה לראות אותו״

(Where is he? I want to see him) Tal said.

They entered the area and Sapir pointed at you with a smile.

“Oh my god John! Such a long time!” She said and towered above you, you looked up and nodded, then looked in front of you and saw her feet inside her flip flops.

“How about some licks for good old times John? Greet my friend properly”, Sapir said and pointed at her feet.

Tal giggled and raised her toes up, you climbed on the flip flops and started licking beneath her toes, her giggles turned to laughter.

״וואי ספיר, ממש אילפת אותו״

(Ah Sapir, you really tamed him) Tal told Sapir.

״נו ברור, הוא חי בשביל הכפות רגליים שלי עכשיו״

(Well of course, he lives for my feet now) she replied.

״טוב, שלא נאחר לטיסה״

(Ok let’s not late for the flight) Tal said and used her toes to push you away on the floor.

Sapir went to bring her suitcase as well.

“John, don’t forget, if the floor isn’t spotless when I return you’ll spend a month in my heels”, she said and walked out with Sapir.

״אמרת לו לנקות את הרצפה? את גאון״

(You told him to clean the floor? You’re a genius)

You heard Tal saying just before they close and lock the door.

You looked at the rag and sighed, it’s like asking someone to clean a city with a broom…


Time passed, you surprised yourself with how well the cleaning progress went, you managed to clean the living room, kitchen and her bedroom almost thoroughly, you rationed the water and crumbs she left you.

You started cleaning hidden spots beneath the sofa and beneath her bed.

Then one day you heard the door being unlocked, you were cleaning a spot in the kitchen, Sapir looked around for a moment, she didn’t notice you, she placed the suitcase in the living room, then walked to the shower looking down and smiling to herself.

You quickly went to the footsteps marks she left when she got in and cleaned them, trying to do what you can to impress her when she will go out of the shower.

She went out smiling and went to the kitchen, made herself coffee, stood and looked around until she saw you.

*Ahem ahem* she coughed her throat and raised a foot, you ran over and kissed it.

“You missed a spot”, she pointed at a small mark next to her foot, it was a drop from her coffee, you immediately fell over to your knees and cleaned it, she giggled.

“Good boy, the house is so clean, you did a good job״ she said smiling while towering above you, you were so relieved to hear that, she tapped her toes and you quickly crawled to lick them.

“I’m working from home today so perhaps you can join me”, she said while looking down, you nodded although you had no idea what her work is.


Later that day Sapir dressed up with a black leather clothes and put on knee high leather boots, then a photographer came by and took pictures of her around the house.

You realized she doesn’t just look like a top model, she’s actually doing that for a living, you just watched them from beneath her living room’s sofa.

After perhaps 2 hours of photoshoot, Sapir came by near the living room and turned back to speak English.

“John? Come out here” she ordered and you obeyed, quickly walking out and looking at her.

״מה זה? יש לך עבד? חשבתי שכולם מתו״

(What’s that, you have a slave? I thought they all died) the photographer said.

״לא, זה אחד מיוחד, תעשי לנו תמונה טובה ביחד״

(No, this one is special, make us a good photo together)

Sapir replied and started opening her boots, then rested them next to her, she sat down smearing her feet one in another and pointed at her toes.

You defeatedly walked and placed yourself between them, the smell was hideous and her toes were drenched with her sweat, you couldn’t breath, the photographer bent over and took a few photos.

״אוי אלוהים הוא כל כך סובל, את מורחת את הזיעה שלך על הפנים שלו״

(Oh my god he suffers so much, you smear your foot sweat all over his face)

The photographer said and they both burst into laughter, Sapir closed both her big toes over your face and twisted you around a little, her vile foot sweat smeared and pushed into your mouth, you swallowed it and started coughing, the photographer continued taking photos and laughed.

Eventually Sapir stood up, they continued speaking in Hebrew and went to the kitchen to drink coffee, you used your hands to clean off the sweat from your face and went back beneath the sofa.

You realized you didn’t care anymore for the humiliation, you just wanted to stay alive at all costs, and somewhere deep down you were actually thankful you were Sapir’s property, you can’t take for granted that you are being kept alive.

When the photographer left Sapir took off her clothes, she came to the living room wearing only underwear and sat down exhausted, she snapped her fingers, raising up her feet.

You watched it from beneath the sofa, her feet never sweat so bad before, you could see them wet from this far, but you still quickly approached and started licking it, Sapir sighed in satisfaction.

You licked everything, between her toes, the sole, you swallowed gallons of her intoxicating foot sweat without a single complaint, her feet slowly fell back to the floor but you didn’t stop, you kissed her toes one by one.

״אני נרדמת״

(I’m falling asleep)

Sapir mumbled in Hebrew, she stood up and went to the porch, laying over a mattress mat and quickly falling  asleep.

You went outside, it was open, it was the first time you could escape.

Sapir was snoring her cute snores, it happens when she’s super tired. She is after a flight and a photo shoot, she’s probably not waking up any time soon, you could make a significant distance, she will never find you.

You can survive in the wild, you know you are capable of doing it, you’ve thought and planned it many times before, maybe even find someone who could actually help you and take you to a shrinking center so you can finally get back to your original size and fly back to England.

But then you looked at Sapir again, her magnificent body, her cute beautiful face.

How can you walk away from her? She enjoys you so much, you gulped, you realized you actually fell in love with your owner, such a cliche but you couldn’t alter your feelings.

She might be cruel, but she’s also playful, cute, and you feel like she cares about you in a way, if you run away it will make her sad and that’s the last thing you want to do.

You used your hand to clean some foot sweat from your cheek, you swallowed it and closed your eyes, a tear filled your eye and dropped down, it was the moment you reached full acceptance with this life, being Sapir’s slave and make her happy are your only reasons to live now, and you were ok with that.

With a smile, you walked back inside the house to your regular spot beneath the sofa and waited for Sapir’s next orders.


The end.



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