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Hey, so on Monday I published the “your ideal giantess story” poll and your response was amazing, thank you for that. I’m just sharing some interesting conclusions and observations I figured from the poll that were actually news to me:

* Most of you aren’t into giantess armpit content, which is a shame, it’s a personal favourite and to be honest one of the reasons I started writing giantess stories in the first place, no one wrote about it or made such collages, it was so rare and frustrating that one day I just asked myself “why wouldn’t I write about it myself?”

FYI November already have 3 armpit stories scheduled 😂 I won’t postpone or cancel them so I’ll let the amazing 5 patrons who like it to enjoy themselves, IMO those stories are awesome.

The story on the first day of November - I hope it will somehow turn some of you to start liking it, it’s a special one, you’ll see.

* You prefer a ”natural” shrinking from the shrinking virus more than being drugged by a giantess, yet most of you love a manipulative / cruel Giantess, I always thought that if she’s manipulative and cruel it probably means she also drugged you, so that’s an interesting observation I got from the poll.

* Most of us are on the same line regarding feet worship and cruelty, which is cool, and thats what perhaps 80% of my stories are about. 

* I was very surprised with the low votes on being crushed, many of my stories ends that way, (I mean, you love cruelty and cruel Giantess but no crush?? 🫣🤣). I’m still not sure what to do about it, unfortunately I think it won’t change much, it’s something that I enjoy too much writing about. So embrace yourselves, she is going to crush you.

I hope that you will see that as an aspect of cruelty and still enjoy it, and that’s the price of loving cruel giantesses, you don’t get to choose wether they prefer to crush you or not 🤷🏻‍♂️

*Also, I’m very satisfied that most of you love a personal enslavement by someone you know well, in fact there are 2 long stories in creation now (talking about 7-10 parts each) that are specifically about that, so you are going to enjoy them very much.

Thats all for now, if you’re reading it and haven’t voted yet - please vote 🗳 

every vote counts ❤️





I've read your post about the conclusions of the poll and I wanted to say to you about the "cruel giantess / crush" that you found weird. At first I wanted to say that of course you will do what you want with your stories, I just want to share my opinion about it. So, in my opinion and I think all the other guys who voted like me. It's deeper than than. For a giantess to crush you is almost doing you a favour. freeing you from enslavement. I see it as mercy in most of the times. The true cruel giantess will leave you there enslaved to live your every day worse than before torturing you etc etc. Look at the greek myth about prometheus who gave the fire to humanity Zeus could actually kill him with a snap, but what he did was cruel. He tied him on a cliff and torturing him day by day until the end of time. Thats my point of view on the subject! thanks for reading!


That’s a very good observation, I tend to agree, it’s even more cruel to maintain the torment and sometimes I go in that direction. But when I do that, I always have a feeling that the story is not really concluded (for example its a feeling I have now with “her souvenir” story), maybe it’s an OCD. Also, sometimes I find it not realistic, I think at some point she would get used to it and won’t get turned on because of the torment, but it depends on the character. For example in “Shrunken Custody” I felt like it makes more sense that Clementine will find the torture not interesting after she told Mathieu everything when she was drunk. So if I get that right, if the giantess is crushing someone in front of you just because you know you suffer watching it, it’s a “good” crushing in your opinion?


Happy that we are on the same page! To answer the latter if you mean that you also are tiny and she crush another tiny in front of you so yes thats a very “good” crushing! Also what i am saying is that sometimes of course the ending should have crushing but i would not consider it a cruel deed from her! It depends on the character of the giantess and the story of course!