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It was finally the holidays, and after a very hard year of working in housekeeping, you could finally afford a modest vacation in Europe.

You had to ration your budget, and booked mainly dorm rooms in relatively cheap hostels, it was still one of the most amazing experiences in your life, you could never afford even a flight before, but you worked very hard this year to save money, and with the shrinking virus pandemic that was going on - flights were cheaper than ever due to low demand.

Usually dorms were packed with people, but at the last night of your vacation, in Berlin now, a little miracle happened and the dorm was empty, you relaxed on your bed reading “Game of Thrones” on your kindle, and just before you closed your eyes and went asleep, a beautiful young woman with a big backpack walked in, she was tired and soaked in sweat.

You turned to a sitting position, “oh, hi, do you need help with your stuff maybe?”

She suddenly sneezed, not covering her face in time and some of it sprayed you, you immediately took out a tissue and started cleaning yourself with a disgusted face.

“Perdon!” She said and then pulled her nose with a tissue she took out of her backpack.

“lo siento, no habla inglés”, she then added, you just nodded to show her you understand and laid back, if she’s sick you want nothing to do with her, it might be the shrinking virus, she coughed a little while unpacking her backpack on her bed at the other side of the room in front of you.

You didn’t understand how come she’s so reckless in a time like that, she’s sick! Why doesn't she put on a mask? Doesn’t she know it might be the shrinking virus? On women it sometimes affects them like a regular cold, but you really hoped it’s not the case and really just a cold, you had nothing to do about it now.

“tengo un poco de resfriado”, she said.

You didn’t understand, you just nodded and smiled, looking back at your kindle.

You slowly fell asleep while reading.


You woke up and had a strange feeling, it was a little dark, you rubbed your eyes and started looking around, you didn’t understand what’s going on.

You were naked, on some kind of a huge fabric.

Confused, you noticed some kind of a huge, flat structure, you started walking towards it and then your heart sank, it was your kindle, you were shrunk.

You walked on it, then tried looking for your phone, perhaps somehow calling for help. You saw it next to your pillow, but it was upside down…

You tried to somehow flip it over, but it was just huge… you would guess it’s like trying to lift 400lbs.

Desperate, you started shouting in the direction of the Spanish-talking tourist, but she was fast asleep, you could even hear her snoring as she had a runny nose.

You looked around you again, then you saw your glass, it was laying on its side, you figured that maybe you can roll it over and make it break on the floor, she will have to notice you.

So you went, and started rolling it over the sheets, straining hard, it took you maybe an hour, the sun started rising… and then you finally reached the edge of the bed and the glass started falling down.


“Ah dios mio!” The tourist jumped, you smiled while holding your knees and breathing like crazy, then started waving your hands and shouting to her.

“Hey!!!! Hola!!! I’m here!! Help me por favor!!!” You screamed in broken Spanish.

The tourist rubbed her eyes, looking around with a confused face, then she looked at the floor and saw the broken glass.

“¿Qué diablos está pasando aquí?” She mumbled, then her gaze slowly went up until you had eye contact, her confused face immediately turned to a surprised one.

“¡Dios mío, estás encogido! ¡tan lindo!” She exclaimed and smiled and you had no idea what kind of reaction it was. She started searching her backpack, and then took a small metal box out, she spilled it into a bag, it was coffee powder.

Then she tied the bag and dropped it inside her backpack.

You kept staring at her, trying to understand what she’s trying to do, realizing that asking about it in English will be useless.

Then she searched her backpack again, she took Leatherman knife out, she started puncturing holes in the metal box.

“Perdon, ke pasa?..”, you asked in an American accent, it made her giggle.

“Te llevo a mi casa, a Argentina”, she said with a smile.

“Ar..Argentina?… ke?…” you didn’t understand what she’s talking about, what Argentina has to do with anything right now?

She got up and got closer to you, you took a step back, you didn’t like the way she’s looking at you.

“Oh, relájate, tendrás una buena vida conmigo” she said and giggled.

“Ok stop, please don’t get near me”, you said, worried by her playful tone, but she just snatched you and dropped you inside the punctured metal box, then she went back to her bed.

“Please, what will you do to me? Take me to the hospital…” then you’ve been reminded that hospital has the same meaning in Spanish, “HOSPITAL! HOSPITAL!” You waved your hands and shouted.

“Oy ke lindo”, she looked at you and smiled, then started searching inside her backpack again, she got a banana out and started piling it, then used the Leatherman knife to cut some slices and drop them inside your box, then she paused for a moment and placed a bottle tap with water in it, “con apetito”, she said with a smile, then closed the box and placed it on a desk near her bed.

You were thirsty and hungry from pushing that glass, so you just ate, trying to think about words she said and if you could translate any of them, but you had no idea what’s happening.


She continued to travel for a few more days, taking you inside her backpack, she fed you and gave you water in the mornings and evenings, took care of you, you tried many times to talk to her but she just smiled at you like you are a cute pet that tries to communicate.

You were inside the backpack again, but this time you heard a lot of noises and chattering, she took you out and gestured “Shh” with a finger on her lips.

You looked around and realised you were in an airport.

“Oh my god, please tell me where are you going to take me”, you desperately said in English, knowing she can’t understand a word.

“mi pequeño recuerdo”, she said and examined you with a smile.

“Please! No habla espanol”, you said for the 100th time and she just laughed, placed water and some bread crumbs inside your box.

“Bebe y come bien, tenemos un vuelo largo”, she said and kept looking at you, you just shrugged helplessly, started drinking the water and eating the crumbs, she closed the box again and placed it deep inside her backpack.

Apart from the constant coffee smell the box had, now there was also a strong feminine smell from the clothes she had inside, over worn socks, panties, pajamas and daily clothes, all used up for a long time, it was hideous and you coughed a lot.

The backpack bumped from time to time, you realised it’s on its way to the airplane, you tried to lay down and use this time to get some sleep.


You woke up being lifted up inside the backpack, then thrown somewhere, you heard a lot of voices, this time everything was in Spanish, and it was very noisy. You tried to listen, maybe catch a word in English but there was nothing.

Few hours later you finally heard the zip being opened, the box was lifted up and being opened, her beautiful colossal face showed up, she checked you for a second and then cheered in happiness, she quickly placed you on a table and gave you a tap of water and more crumbs, you stormed and drank it like a starved animal.

“Bienvenido a Argentina, hombrecito, esta es mi casa!״ she cheered with a big smile, you actually got that sentence.

“Argentina… tu casa?..” you asked slowly.

“Si!!” She exclaimed and clapped her hands, happy you understood her.

“Ke.. ke paso.. tu me?…” you asked in broken Spanish, chewing on a crumb, trying to understand what will happen to you now.

“Eres mi esclavo de los pies, esta es tu vida ahora”, it was an explaining tone, but you didn’t understand anything, only “tu Vida ahora” which means “your life now”, so you just nodded, realizing you are now some kind of a pet.

She smiled and picked you up, walked with you to a laundry room and placed you on some platform beneath the table, you looked around you, there was nothing, just a vast metal surface.

“Esta es tu casa ahora, ¿entiendes?” She asked and pointed at the platform.

You also pointed at the platform, confused, “mi.. mi Casa?”

“sí, aquí es donde me lamerás los pies por el resto de tu vida.” She explained again, smiling, you just shrugged hopelessly, again something about your life, the rest of them? What does “los pies” mean? It’s the second time you hear her saying that.

She went to bring her backpack and started shoving her clothes into the laundry machine, then turned it on, she sat over the table and propped her feet in front of you, beneath her.

They were dirty, and the smell was very bad, much worse than deep inside her backpack.

“Ke?.. ke passa?… no entien…des” you tried speaking Spanish again.

She bent over forward and looked at you from above, she pointed at her feet and then at her tongue, and then at you, “lámelos, ahora es tu comida”, she said.

“Please, I don’t understand”, you said, tears started accumulating in your eyes, you felt so helpless.

“¡Lamer!” She shouted and pointed at her feet again, you just stared at them, “oh dios! que idiota”, she was a bit mad now, then she just left with an irritated face.

You didn’t understand what’s going on, why are you on this platform, and what exactly she wants with her feet.

She came back again, this time there were crumbs over the ball of her foot, she rested her feet in front of you again, “Lamer, por favor hombrecito!”

You started realizing what she wants from you, you went ahead and started licking the crumbs off her sole, then started chewing them, they were soaked in her foot sweat.

“¡ay por fin!” She exclaimed from above, you kept licking her feet, eating the crumbs away, swallowing foot sweat, until she eventually left again.


Since then, it was a daily routine, she sat on the table browsing her phone while resting her feet, slowly the quantity of crumbs decreased, and eventually all you had to eat was her foot sweat, and if you are lucky something edible that was stuck to her sole.

It took her just a few weeks to completely stop giving you water, the quantity just went down and down until there was none, so the only fluids you consumed were actually her foot sweat now.

You didn’t understand what was happening, what were her plans for you, but in time it seemed like she didn't have any plans for you, you were just a foot cleaner, being hidden here, a souvenir from her trip, something nice she got home and nothing more than that.

The platform was your entire world, and you craved for the times she rests her feet in front of you, you were constantly thirsty and hungry, you had nothing else, and in time - you also wanted nothing else, you forgot who you are, what are you doing here, how long you are here, and how to speak, you just kept licking her feet every time she sat and relaxed on the table, it was your entire world now.


I dedicate this short story to Gingee, who was among my first patrons and believed in me from the start far before I opened the Patreon page!



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