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You were taking a bath and relaxed, then the door opened and your step sister went in.

“Hey what are you doing??? I’m in the middle of a bath!” You shouted.

She raised her leg, exposing her shoe’s sole, there was a crushed man underneath it, blood splattered all over it.

“Do you know him? Stepped on him by mistake when I entered the house”

No matter how many times you saw crushed shrunken men, it always got you shaken, it was the blood, their broken bodies, thinking about their desperate final moments before the shoe landed on them and annihilated them to nothing like miserable bugs, it sent chills down your spine.

Above all else, what terrified you the most was the thought that it could easily be you crushed there, people are careless, especially women, almost everyone was inconsiderate, only men were looking down and walking carefully outside, making sure they are not taking any lives.

It was probably because the shrinking virus affected only men, and they could relate and had the same worries as you, but most women were like your step sister, shrunken men were bugs to them, an annoyance.

“Well?” She asked impatiently, “do you know him or not?” She got the shoe a bit closer to your face.

Then you noticed the tattoo on his crushed arm and gasped in terror, “Oh my god Jule it’s my friend Paul, I told him I left the door opened for him he probably arrived earlier”

Jule rolled her eyes, “Ugh, he stood at the entrance like a complete idiot, doesn’t he know he needs to hug the walls in such cases?”

“I.. I don’t know… maybe he just shrunk… oh god…” you started crying, holding your head and shaking, releasing a sob.

“He ruined my favourite shoes”, she lowered her leg back to the floor again, another terrible *CRACK* sound was emitted from beneath her sole as it touched the floor, you jumped in fear when you heard it and continued crying.

“His stupid bones will definitely leave marks, Ugh”

“J..Jule.. you… I’m sorry but you killed him… my best friend is dead…” you said while sobbing, she shrugged, “you do realize it’s not my fault right?” She asked.

“But, why can’t you just look down? It’s so easy, just… look down, what if it was me?” You asked in tears.

“It would definitely suck, but I hope you’ll be smart enough to hug the walls, I wouldn’t want to ruin another set of shoes”, she didn’t even smile or giggle, you were wondering if she actually cares more about her shoes than having you dead.

“I’m sorry but I’m not going to look down all day like some loser, shrunken people should be more careful, if they end up crushed then it’s on them”, she explained casually.

“Jule.. that’s terrible.. What should I tell his parents?…”

“Tell them they need to buy me new shoes”, she chuckled and went outside, leaving the door open.

The *CRACK* sounds on every step got more and more muffled with every step as poor Paul was grinded to nothing, she left blood marks behind her on the floor, probably expecting you to clean the mess your friend left, it’s your friend so it’s your own mess.

You stayed in the bathtub and cried helplessly, thinking about how you lost your best friend just because your step sister couldn't be more considerate.

Source: Goddess Lina (Twitter)



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