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You slowly pulled your face from her sole, you had a puzzled face, thinking that maybe you hadn't heard right, “Yarden, did you just say you are not growing me back?” You asked in a shaky voice.

She giggled, “well yes, I’m having so much fun, why would we waste this time on being normal size? We had enough of it for the last 6 months”, she explained casually with a smile.

You gulped, this is definitely not how you wanted your honeymoon to be like, “I’m glad you are having fun, I really am, but… it’s a bit overwhelming being like that, and after that experience with Helen I’m a bit shaken, and…-”

“Oh you’ll be ok”, she gestured with her hand and dismissed your worries like they were nothing but a mere annoyance, “Honeymoons are all about the bride, remember?”

Your mouth went dry, her smile was gorgeous so it was so hard to argue or being mad at her, but you were shocked with how inconsiderate she is, usually she is a very compassionate and a nice person, this attitude comes out of nowhere, but maybe she is just excited from the occasion, you reluctantly smiled back at her.

You paused to think about it, thinking about the odds of her to just keep you that way, but they seem very slim. Human trafficking and especially shrunken men trafficking is so illegal in these parts she wont risk getting persecuted, you figured she just wants the honeymoon of her dreams and probably having a shrunken slave is a part of it. It would be nice to know about this fetish in advance so you could mentally prepare for such a vacation, but that’s ok, it’s Yarden, you love her too much to think anything bad about her, and you were ok licking feet for her to be happy.

With that thought in your head you bent over on your knees again and started licking her feet, she smiled and laid back.

The grains of sand scratched your tongue and her gravy foot sweat stuck in your throat, it was a very inconvenient experience but it seems like Yarden is having fun, she kept browsing her phone and giggling while you worked hard.

After around an hour she pulled her feet and picked you up, “I think they serve dinner now”, she said with a tired voice and yawned, then walked with you to the dining hall, she placed you over a table and went to bring some food, you looked around.

Something was off, there were only young beautiful women, you watched at other tables and saw that in some of them there were a shrunken man also, probably husbands, you kept looking and tried to find a normal sized man but there were simply none, even the employees were local female philipinas, you started getting worried.

Yarden came back with a plate of food, she sat down and quickly threw some of her food next to you, “I don’t know if you are hungry after all that foot sweat but just in case you are”, she said and started munching, you tried to eat but you couldn’t, your belly was filled with her and Helen’s foot sweat and it was aching, your throat was sore, Yarden poured herself cold water and started drinking, her glass left a circle of water over the table, you cautiously walked towards it then bent over and started sipping the water, it washed the sticky sweat down, *THUD* She placed the glass next to you and kept eating.

“Wow, the food is amazing”, she said while munching, you wanted to express how worried you are with this place and about the fact that all the men here are shrunken, but you didn’t want to ruin her good mood, she looked very happy and satisfied and it made you feel good as well.

“Oh hi Yarden”, a familiar voice came from behind, you turned around to see Helen, “mind if I join?” She asked with a smile, holding a plate of food, the last thing you wanted was to be near her while she eats.

“Of course! Join me” Yarden said and pointed at the chair, Helen sat and started eating, you watched her teeth cutting the food and kept thinking about her poor husband and the horrible death he experienced.

“So have you gone to the other side of the island? I heard there’s a beautiful beach there”, Helen asked.

“Sounds good, but no, we just arrived today”, Yarden replied.

“So let’s go tomorrow morning? There’s a rumour that some of the men who escaped the resort are trying to survive in nature, if we are lucky we might find some”, you jumped as you heard it, ‘men who escaped’? What the hell is happening on this island, you looked at Yarden, you were scared, “well, if we are lucky”, she told Helen, they giggled and kept eating.

They were talking casually about random stuff and you just kept thinking about what she said, why would men need to escape in the island and try to survive on their own, something scary is happening here, you stood on your toes and gave the dining hall another look, and still, no men in the horizon, you felt unease, a weird discomfort over your chest.

As they finished eating, they hugged for goodbye and Yarden started walking with you to your room, it felt so wrong how close they got.

As she entered the room you noticed there are new stuff that weren’t there when you checked in, next to the bed was a cage, and next to it some toe rings with strings attached to tiny handcuffs, she checked it out with a smile and then opened the cage and dropped you inside, you immediately held the bars, panicked, are you supposed to spend the night here, you tried to say something but she already left to the shower.

She came out yawning, entering the bed and covering herself with the white blanket, she laid on her side so she faced the cage, “good night honey”, she said and giggled, you thought it’s the right time to express your feelings.

“Hey.. Yarden?” You hesitated, “I’m so happy you enjoy the honeymoon, honestly I would shrink all over again just to see how excited you are about it, but… I’m feeling very uncomfortable, this place gives me chills”.

She made a puzzled face, reached her hand and got the cage from the table to the bed, closer to her, “what do you mean?”

“This… this Helen killed her husband like he’s nothing, no one cares about it, including you by the way, and there were no normal sized men in the dining hall, absolutely everyone are shrunken”

“Well, that’s because this resort have a free shrinking center, who wouldn’t use it?”

You scratched your head, looking at her unconvinced face, “but.. what was that talk about men who escaped to the other side of the island, why would they do that”

She started laughing, the kind of laugh that suggests you’re being over dramatic, “you know that shrinking sometimes doesn’t work out, maybe they escaped because their wives were crazy, I don’t know, who cares?”

You gulped, “ok, but what will you do if you find some? Will you help them?”

“What? We don’t even know them, why would we help them?” She had a confused face again, her answer surprised you, you thought it’s obvious that she needed to help them.

“But… if I was lost wouldn’t you want the ones who find me to help me?”

“But I know you, and I know that you are cute, but other shrunken men? What if they are rapists or something, you never grow back men you don’t know, that’s the rule”, she reached her hand and turned off the lights.

You haven’t even thought about something like that, you imagine them as helpless and lost, not people who deserved it, maybe she’s right and you’re just too naive or don’t know this kind of life.

“Ok, good night honey, sorry for being too suspicious”, you said in the dark, and in response you heard a cute snore, she was always a fast sleeper.

You sighed and laid back inside the cage, closing your eyes and trying to sleep, you kept thinking about how cruel Helen was and how friendly and careless Yarden was towards her, you were also thinking about your shrinking process and reconsidered if it was a good idea to go through this.


End of part 3



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