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This is a fan request and a bit darker and crueler than usual.


Kimberly was teaching in a public elementary school in a poor area, the school was part of a government program that believed in shrunken education, it had a lot of benefits, the kids were more obedient, open to learn, and you could put many more kids in the same class.

That way, every class could have almost 200 kids and just one teacher. It saved the government billions of dollars a year.

The kids would all sit far from each other so they couldn’t talk during class.

At the end of the day they would just grow back to normal and go home.

Kimberly loved this arrangement, teaching with so many kids at her feet made her feel like a goddess, she abused her power in any opportunity she had.

Detentions were her favourite tool of punishment, and the kids were terrified of her, while other teachers just placed the kids inside a box during detentions, Kimberly used tapes to glue them to her foot, ordering them to lick her sweat and eat her dead skin, especially beneath the toes, that’s where she enjoyed the most. After a whole day in heels - it was an unbelievable torment that even grownups would have hard time to withstand.

The thing was, everyone behaved perfectly during her classes, she couldn’t find any kind of excuse to punish anyone, so she didn’t care about that - she targeted the good innocent kids who had problematic parents, or orphans, they were her favorite.

It was also more fun for her, she took pleasure in their pathetic response as they have no idea what they did wrong and why they deserve a punishment, their innocence and suffering made her feel powerful than ever.

During today’s class, she started walking between the seated kids, they all gulped and looked straight, trying not to make eye contact.

*Tap.. Tap.. Tap..* Her heels hit the wooden floor as she walked slowly, then she stopped next to Liam, a poor orphan in her class, he always behaved perfectly, yet rarely didn’t get detention.

“Liam, Liam, Liam
 what am I going to do with you?” She giggled, “another failed test”, she dropped a tiny paper that slowly fell next to him.

She didn’t really check his test, it was an A+, but she just blindly put F on anything he submits.

“You are going on detention today, aren’t you sick of it? Every day being stuck to my foot? You are pathetic, probably doing it on purpose, enjoying the stench are you?”, she humiliated him in front of the class.

“Mrs rose, I studied real hard”, he answered, sweating and shaking in fear, sitting next to her colossal heel.

“Sure you did”, she bent down and picked him up, then continued her tour, making a few more steps, “Oh Jonathan, poor Jonathan, also detention today”, his mom was in jail and his father working almost the entire day, she knew he would do nothing about it.

“But.. but why?..” he shivered, tears started filling his eyes.

” she thought for a second, “it’s summer and you are wearing a sweater, such stupidity can’t go unpunished”, she giggled and bent down to lick him up as well.

And she kept going, picking up 2 more poor kids that have done nothing wrong, Adam and Paul.. another orphan and a kid that got abandoned by both his parents.

“Ok rest of the class dismissed, walk on the marked lines, you don’t want to get squished like that pathetic kid last week”, and they all quickly started walking in line leaving the class.

Kimberly sat down and released a sigh, placing the kids on her table, they all looked at each other, another day at detention, they met like this almost every day.

She hummed a song to herself and picked up a tape, ripping it with her teeth, “who wants to go first?” She playfully asked.

Liam stepped forward, he did everything he could to try and satisfy Kimberly, hoping it will make her have mercy on him but it actually did exactly the opposite, “I will go first mrs. Rose”, he said with his head down.

She grabbed him with a smile, shoving him at the ball of her foot with his head facing the gap next to her big toe, he started crying, they all knew it’s the worst spot to be in, she forcefully pushed him and taped him, making sure he can’t move a muscle except his tongue. Then she brutally used her finger to shove his head in.

“Oh don’t cry Liam, it’s just foot sweat”, she giggled, then just for fun ripped another piece of tape and placed it on his upper side of the body, firmly pushing his head further into the grime between her toes.

She ripped another piece of the tape, “who’s next?” She teased. The kids were all shaking, looking at each other, “the volunteer will go inside the arch, but if you make me choose - it’s the toes”

Adam stepped forward, “I’ll go”

She grabbed him, then still pushed him beneath her toes, “you said the arch!!! Mrs. Rose please!!”

“Oh, I lied” she pushed his head firmly into the sweat, then placed a big piece of tape over him and Liam together.

He pulled his head back, “no!! Please I beg you Mrs. Rose!!”, he squirmed.

“Quiet!” She used her finger to push him forcefully into the sweat, then placed a tape over his head, he couldn’t move, his face stuck in a layer of foot sweat.

Then she didn’t ask anymore, she picked up Jonathan and stuck him inside her arch and when she grabbed the last kid she was examining her foot first then noticed a cluster of dead skin, “Paul you got the jackpot, this is your dinner, I know you don’t get to eat anything at home so see it as a gift from me”, she placed 2 pieces of tape in X on his back, making sure he can’t move his head to anywhere else except the dead skin.

” she sighed in pleasure, “get to work kids, work hard or I’ll add another hour to the detention”, she raised her foot up and rested it on a pole, then took her phone out and browsed in social media, giggling from time to time.

While licking, Jonathan looked up and noticed that Adam was not moving, he started squirming and tried to pull his head back to call Kimberly.

“Stop moving, continue licking”, she commanded while staring at her phone, laughing at a video she was watching.

Jonathan kept squirming until he somehow managed by force to flip in 180 degrees, then he started screaming

“Mrs Rose!!!! Mrs Rose!!!!”

“Quiet!” She shouted and slammed her heel at the pole, “use your pathetic little tongues to lick only!!”

Liam and Paul started licking faster, they knew better not to get her mad

“What are you doing!!! Just lick!!” Paul whispered loudly to Jonathan, then bit off a piece of dead skin and started chewing it.

“But look, it’s Adam, he probably can’t breathe!”

Paul swallowed the piece, “I don’t care, all I want is to go home”, then went back to licking the skin that was behind the ripped piece.

Jonathan wasn’t convinced, “MRS ROSE!!!!!!” He screamed with all his powers.

“Ugh”, she locked her phone and placed it on her desk, then checked her foot, “who is it?! Who dares to disturb me?! You are all getting 2 more hours of detention!!” She lectured the kids madly.

“Mrs rose!! It’s Adam!! He is not moving!!”

She made a confused face, “not moving?” She used her finger to tap on Adam’s back, “Hmm”, she ripped off the upper tape and his head fell back, it was all smeared in her foot sweat, sweat started pouring out of his mouth and nose, he couldn’t breath and drowned in her foot sweat.

“Ugh, fuck, not again
”, she sighed and closed her eyes in frustration, pinching her nose.

“What happened? Is he ok?!” Jonathan shouted.

“Yes, Adam is fine, keep licking Jonathan, shut thefuck up already”, she used her finger to flip his face back into her arch, then taped it as well, “mmm!!! Mmmm!!!” His muffled screams were pathetically meaningless.

Kimberly sighed again, “stupid kids”, she mumbled, then slowly started to lower her foot down to the floor, the kids all squirmed and screamed, she closed her eyes as the ball of her foot touched the floor, then slowly raised the pressure.


[open attachment to understand foot pose better]

Adam’s lifeless body and poor Liam were completely crushed, then she scrunched her big toe and crushed Liam’s head as well, “mmm
” she was satisfied with the crushing sounds, “yes, crush for me, pathetic worms”

Jonathan and Paul screamed for help, they were upside down as Kimberly twisted her toes and ball of her foot forcefully over the floor, smearing them beyond recognition, “ahhh
” she sighed in pleasure, then started lowering the rest of her foot to the ground, stomping it hard


Paul’s face pushed against the dead skin and popped, pulverised, she twisted her foot ripping his body apart completely.

Jonathan cried and screamed, safe inside the arch of her foot that doesn’t touch the floor.

“Ugh, of course”, she raised her foot back up, blood dripping down from the poor 3 kids’ crushed bodies.

Jonathan looked at her terrified, screaming, he somehow managed to remove the tape she placed over his head.

“Jonathan, why can’t you just die?” She ripped off the tape, making him fall down on the floor, then she hovered her foot above him.

“Mrs Rose please no!! Please, I beg you!” He was on his knees, crying with his hands in a begging pose.

She looked at him with a smug, “Hmm, you know what Jonathan? I’ll take you home with me, I think you’ll grow up to be a pathetic obedient miserable slave, just the type I like the most”.

She started ripping off tape after tape, the crushed bodies were still stuck on her foot, Jonathan looked at it from below, shaking in fear, bloody pieces of tape fell all around him, then she used tweezers to pluck the crushed bodies away from her foot and placed them in a bag, then grabbed a moisturized tissue and started thoroughly cleaning her foot.

Jonathan just looked at it frozen, shivering in terror.

Kimberly sighed again, threw the tissue at the garbage, placed the tweezers and tape back in the drawer, picked up Jonathan and shoved him in her pocket.

Then on her way out of school, she carefully dropped the crushed bodies outside of the “Tinies Walking” line, making it look like a casual accident, she threw the bag and went home with Jonathan, ready to tame him and grow him as her pathetic foot slave for the rest of his life.



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