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You couldn’t sleep that night, you kept thinking about what Noa told you, about the fact that there’s already a cure for the shrinking virus but you are still enslaved here, about the fact that you haven’t got a good look at your kids for a very long time.

The sun rise, and you sat in an embryo pose inside the cage, you knew it’s going to be a hard fight and Noa is not the type to give up easily, then suddenly Noa walked in with another woman, you raised your head and looked at her, you had a bad feeling about this and she didn’t look like a customer.

“Here, that’s him”, Noa said and opened your cage, you ran to hold the bars but she plucked you easily with her fingers, holding you with her hand and showing you off to the stranger. You squirmed and kicked her hand.

“Ok, yeah I see he’s a fighty one, let’s go to the living room, don’t worry about it”, she told Noa and they went together.

“He must start working at 10am, I’m losing a lot of money for every hour he’s not working”, Noa told her on the way there.

“Don’t worry about it”, the stranger said again, something in the way she talks terrifies you, she started picking inside her purse with her hand, then she took out a tiny collar and a small remote, you looked at it and gulped.

“Jim, last chance, I don’t want to do this but you leave me no choice”, Noa said, looking at you with what felt like fake compassion, you just hugged your knees harder and placed your head between them.

“Ok then, do your thing”, she told the stranger, who suddenly had a smile and took you from Noa’s hand.

“Ok so first I’m going to collar him”, she explained, then grabbed your head with her fingers pulling it out like you were a rag doll, you squirmed but it was hopeless, she used her other hand to snap the collar on your neck, she was a professional, once it snapped she left you on the table, you tried to remove it with your hands in panic.

“Now I have this remote here, you just click it and it will electrify him, use it every time he’s being rebellious, he will have no other choice but to obey”, and she clicked it.

BZZZZ, a horrible electric shock came out of the collar and made you fall over your knees, you started screaming and holding the collar, you started coughing in shock.

“Noa this is crazy! How can you do this to me after all we’ve been through!”

The stranger placed both her feet in front of you, “Lick”, she ordered in a low terrifying tone, you looked at Noa, “Noa, this is wrong, plea-”BZZZZZZ

another electric shock sent you down, you were squirming, the pain was unbearable.

“Lick”, she ordered again, getting her foot closer to you, you remained down, looked at Noa again, she seemed a little worried, “What did you say his name?” the stranger asked Noa.

“It’s.. It’s Jim”, she stuttered for a moment.

“Ok, Jim? My feet are tired, and honestly - I have no time for this, you might not be able to get up from the next time I press this remote”, she had a cold terrifying tone, you were shivering in fear.

Noa let out a worried sound, looking at her, but she gestured for her to let her do her thing, she’s bluffing, you were sure of it, but you still didn’t want to get electrified again.

“No”, you said in a weak voice.

“Jim, just fucking do what she says, you want to die for your stupid pride?” Noa said and stood up but the stranger gestured for her to sit back down.

“Ok Jim, that’s cool”, she pressed, BZZZZ, she didn’t let go this time, you were quenching, it was like a dying fibrillation, then after maybe 30 seconds of immense pain, she finally released the button, you laid down on the table, you started to cry loudly, suddenly her big toe pressed your head.

“Kiss”, she ordered, you couldn’t take it anymore, you desperately kissed the sticky surface.

“Good boy, we are making progress”, she said with a smug, “now get on all fours”.

You looked at her, saw how her fingers were playing over the remote, you fought the pain and quickly got on all fours.

“Now repeat after me - I am a slave”, she commanded.

You sobbed, shaking, bowing your head further down, touching it with your forehead.

“I… I am a slave…” you repeated.

Noa gasped, then started giggling.

“I will do whatever you say”, she continued chanting the words you need to repeat, and you did.

“I am nothing but a worthless, useless and miserable bug”, she said with satisfaction.

You paused, there’s no way you are saying that, you worked so hard here, satisfying hundreds of women for the last year, you raised your head and took a deep breath in order to shout a protest


you moaned in pain, placing your head back on the table, “I am nothing but a worthless, useless and miserable bug”, you repeated, then continued crying.

“Good boy, see? it’s not that hard, now lick”.

You raised your head and saw her sole in front of your face, you stuck your tongue out and started licking.

Noa started clapping her hands in joy, smiling ear to ear, “wow, you are amazing!” She told the stranger who just made a proud smug.

“It’s nothing, your husband was far easier to break than my usual captives”, she said and scoffed, then brought her toes to your face and squeezed your head with them, “see? he doesn’t even squirm to release himself, 100% obedient”, you just shook in fear with your head between her toes, afraid to make a move, afraid to get electrified.

“Simply amazing, so you think he can start working in an hour?”

“He can start working even now”, the stranger bent towards Noa and handed over the remote, “any kind of disobedience, you press here, and just repeat until he does what you say, but I doubt he will even try”, she explained.

“Fantastic”, Noa stood up, then the stranger released your face from her grip and also stood up, they started walking to the entrance, then the stranger noticed the feet cleaning device at the entrance of the clinic, “Noa, what’s that?”

“Oh, it’s for clients to wash their feet before treatments”

“I see, throw it away”, she said in a cold tone, you raised your head to look at them, hoping that Noa wouldn’t do it, “licking clean feet spoils them, it makes them think they have a say or any kind of power, also dirt is an important part of their nutrition”.

“Oh”, Noa replied.

“I bet that’s what made him rebellious in the first place, he should lick dirty feet from now on, foot sweat, the more the better, no breaks and no regular food and water, don’t spoil him”

You held your head as you heard it and started crying.

“I see, I will do it then”, Noa nodded.

“Also, he is not your husband anymore, he is a slave bug that works here to make you money, and this is how you should treat him”

“Yes, I’m already doing it”, Noa replied.

“Good, anyway, it’s 750$ for the tame, plus 200$ for the collar, I should get going”.

Noa shoved her hand inside some box that was next to the clinic, she pulled out a huge pile of cash, then started counting, “here, take 1,000$ and keep the change” Noa smiled, the stranger smiled back, took the money and walked away.

Noa bent over to throw the washing machine, then placed your cage next to you and coughed her throat, you slowly walked inside.

“Good, I hope you know your place now”, she said while looking at you arrogantly from above.

She brought you to the clinic and placed you next to the chair, “the next customer will be here shortly, she’s not going to wash her feet, so prepare your pathetic tongue”, Noa said coldly and walked out.

You shouldn’t have protested yesterday, it was a big mistake… Now your life is going to get so much worse.


End of part 8
