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When strolling around the local pool, you noticed a beautiful girl tanning, you took a deep breath and tried to start with her.

“Hi, what’s your name?” You asked, trying to show confidence.

“Give me a break, the only way someone like you can have interaction with me is by kissing my feet”, she replied with an annoyed tone.

You looked at her feet, “ok”, you said, you gulped and tried to be brave, you bent down and gave her foot a kiss.

She immediately sat down, looking at you shocked, “are you being serious?” She asked and raised her sunglasses.

“What? You told me it’s the only way”, you bent again and gave her foot another kiss.

She reached her purse and got out an emergency shrinking spray and started spraying your face, “get away from me you perv”, she said and sprayed maybe half a bottle in your face, you tried to cover your face with your hands but you had no chance.

You fell over the seat next to her and shrunk on it all the way down to bug size, she turned around to face you, you both were shocked.

She brought her foot to the seat you were on, you figured she wanted to squish you, you immediately jumped and waved, “wait!! Wait!! I’m not a pervert, I just tried to impress you!”

“Impress me?” She asked and removed her sunglasses, placing them next to her, she made a puzzled face.

“Yes, I thought you'd think I’m brave if I do that, wait, please take me to a shrinking center so they can fix it”

“Wow, I’m so tired of you idiots, trying to hit on me in so many absurd ways, get ready to crush like the pathetic bug that you are”, she raised her foot again and smirked.

“No! No, wait!”, you bowed down quickly, “I’ll do whatever you want!”

She sighed and lowered her foot back, “what could a loser like you possibly do for me?”

“I’ll.. I’ll worship your feet while you enjoy the sun ok? You’ll be like a goddess, And you can keep me! I’ll be your slave!” You begged on your knees.

She yawned, placed a hand over her mouth, “you are pathetic, but I’m feeling merciful today, ok, you can kiss my feet while I’m tanning”

“Thank you! Thank you!” You shouted, running to her foot and started kissing it, she couldn’t hold off her smile, then she started laughing, playing with her hair.

Her feet were sweaty but you didn’t care, you tried your best to please her so she might help you afterwards.

“So just kisses? Thought you want to impress me”, she said playfully, caressing her hair.

You got your tongue out and started licking, filling your mouth with her foot sweat and swallowing it, she started laughing again.

“You are the most pathetic creature I’ve ever seen, I want to crush you just to deliver you from yourself”, she said and continued laughing, but you just tried harder, shoved your face inside her foot crevices, shoving your tongue and licked harder, you started getting nervous thinking she will actually do it.

“I honestly think it’s the most humane thing to do now, step on you like a bug and be done with it”

Your eyes started filling with tears and you tried to lick harder, but she just pushed you away with her foot, you were on your back and you saw her looking at you mischievously.

“It’s really flattering that a loser like you is willing to throw his life at my feet, but sorry, I’m not interested”.

You got on your knees, trying to beg again, but this time it only made her smile, “come on, just embrace it, take it like a man”, she teased you.

You gulped and stood up, you looked at her with tears in your eyes, she raised her foot up.

“By the way, my name is Anya”, she said and her smile widened as she lowered her foot on top of you.

You tried to defend yourself with your hands but it was useless, she pinned you on the chair’s fabric, you squirmed and tried to crawl out of there but you just heard her laughing louder and increasing the pressure until *CRACK*, you popped and broke beneath her foot like a bug.

She smeared your remains at the chair and then used a towel to clean the blood away. She giggled and returned her sunglasses, then laid back and continued tanning like nothing happened.




Stone cold Anya… cruel goddess


Would still switch with him anytime, totally worth it IMO 😂