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Your best friend set you up a blind date, “trust me, she’s cute”, she told you, convincing you to go for it.

You went to the pub and after a while she came in, “hey, are you Zeke?” She asked with a smile.

You knew immediately that she ain’t your type, she might look good for some but not for you, you nodded with an indifferent face, “hi, yes it’s me”.

She sat down and the date didn’t go well, it’s hard for you to fake attraction or even make a normal date when you know it’s not it.

During another embarrassing silence, she started talking.

“So… let’s be honest, I’m not your type right?” She asked and played with her cocktail’s straw.

“What?.. no, it’s not that, I mean, you know…” she caught you off guard and you didn’t know what to say.

“That’s ok, no hard feelings”, she said and drank a bit more of her cocktail.

“Look, I’m sorry”, you started to apologise but you saw she’s just getting more angry, “let me pay for everything”.

“I’ll pay for myself”, she raised her hand and called a waitress “check please”.

You felt really bad, but what could you do? She’s just unattractive to you, you paid for your drink and she paid for her, disappointed you went out to grab a taxi.

But as you went out, you felt weird, you started having a massive headache, you were getting dizzy, you started taking your phone out but it fell from your hands, it looked like the pavement was getting closer and closer but you were still standing on your feet, everything looked bigger, you realized that you are shrinking down and then you just fainted.


You woke up and rubbed your head, trying to understand what happened and where you were. You realized you were standing on a newspaper, you looked around and saw white bars.

You are inside of a cage, you started panicking, walking around the cage trying to find an opening, you tried to push yourself between the bars but it was useless.

You looked around outside the cage, you were in a guest room or something, there was a couch and a library, and some tabletop games.

You sat down, trying to grasp the situation, you hoped that whoever got you plans on helping you, and they put you in a cage just for your own protection or something.

Then you heard footsteps from behind, you jumped and stood up, looking at the direction of the sound, as you saw her - your heart sank.

It was Veronica from the date.

“Oh look who’s awake”, she said playfully with a smile and got closer, “the one who found me unattractive”.

You gulped, scratched your head in embarrassment, “you know it was nothing personal right? You must have people you find unattractive as well”, you raised your voice so she could hear you.

She looked at you with an unconvinced face.

“Y..you are going to help me, right?” You asked, hesitated and scared.

“Oh of course, of course I’m going to help you”, she smiled again, you were relieved.

“But first I’ll have to teach you a lesson”

“A lesson?”

She opened the cage and grabbed you violently, then walked to her porch and placed you on a table. She laid back and placed both her feet next to you, they were filthy, the smell was so awful you almost couldn’t breath.

“What are you doing??” You pleaded miserably.

“Lick them clean, and I’ll help you”, she said with a satisfied smile.

“You must be joking, come on, please, I have insurance and I’ll get the cure for free, just take me to any medical center, you must have one close by”

She made an exaggerated fake confused face, “didn’t you hear me? Lick them clean, spotless, and then I’ll CONSIDER helping you”.

You realized the terms got worse, you ran  and shoved your face at her sole, got your tongue out and made a lick, your tongue was covered in dirt and sweat, you spit it out.

“Oh no, you are not getting off so easily, swallow it, all of it”

You took a deep breath, letting her feet’s vile stench to get in, she just wants to humiliate you in return, you thought to yourself, better just do it and get it done with. You assumed that once she’s satisfied she will let you go.

You made another lick, then swallowed it with force, placing a hand over your mouth and trying to adjust to the taste without puking it out, it was disgustingly horrible.

“Hmm”, she approved, then watched outside her balcony, “don’t stop, remember - spotless”.

You sighed in despair and continued licking, you made sure you covered everything, beneath and between the toes, over the ball of her foot, the arch, around the heel, you tried to do your best so she would be satisfied with humiliating you back and won’t have any excuse not to help you.

It took a very long time, but after several hours of torment, you finished cleaning her feet, you took a few steps back.

She noticed you were finished and started checking her sole, a huge smile formed on her face, she examined how defeatedly you sat down holding your stomach.

“Well… hmmm” she placed a finger on her chin, like she’s thinking.

“Nope, I’m not going to help you”, she said playfully and giggled.

“What!! No! I did what you asked of me! Please don’t be like that!” You cried

“I said I’ll consider, and I did”, she started laughing.

You held your head, entering a panic attack.

“So you have two options now”

You watched her, paying attention.

“Option one - I throw you on the floor now, then crushing you like a bug, but I’ll make it slow, first your legs… your hands.. and eventually your head with my big-“

“What’s the second option?!” You screamed, you didn’t want to hear it, she said it with such cruel eyes, that ugly bitch.

“Oh but I really like option one, it will be like a celestial justice”

“Please, option 2”

“You get on your knees, bow down and kiss this foot, then tells me how beautiful I am, and how happy you are you have the honor of being my pathetic slave”

You couldn’t believe her words, you just realized how miserable your life is going to be.

“Oh, and thank me, you’ll thank me for the privilege of kissing my feet”, she giggled, thinking it’s a genius idea.

“Veronica, please, I’m so sorry about that date, but I’m a human being, please don’t do this, I have a life”

“This is your life now”, she pointed at her foot, “you can either kiss it or get crushed by it, your call”

You bowed your head down, and with no other choice gave her nasty foot a kiss, it made her smile a vicious smile.

You hated her more than you hated anyone before, “now say it”, she said with an arrogant smile, looking at you from above.

“You..” you stopped and closed your eyes, took a breath, “you are beautiful, and.. I’m happy to be your slave…”

“Oh really? You think I’m beautiful?” She tapped your face with her big toe. Pushing you back, she enjoyed teasing you.

“Yes.. thank you for keeping me alive…” you said in an indifferent tone, with your head bowed down.

“Oh you are welcome, and from now on you are going to say it twice a day, when you wake up and before you go to sleep”

You sighed a sad sigh.


Months have passed and she didn’t had enough torturing you, every morning and every night you had to lie and tell her she’s beautiful, you had to thank her over and over again for being her slave, it started messing with your head, and sometimes when you looked at her face she actually looked pretty to you, it was a weird feeling and you tried to fight it, this evil bitch ruined your life, how could you think she’s beautiful?

But then you had to say it again, and again, eating more of her foot sweat, being dependant on her feet more than anything else, she was literally a goddess to you, if she stopped letting you lick her feet you would die in several days, so in a twisted way your thanks became more sincere over time, she noticed and enjoyed it.

It’s been a year of slavery now, and you couldn’t fight your thoughts anymore, she looked beautiful to you and you couldn’t fight it, you started craving her foot sweat, and you waited to see her face every time, you stared at her, you even masturbated thinking about her in your little cage, she became the most beautiful person you ever knew.

One day she cleaned the house and you stood in your cage, looking at her work, having a boner, she passed by and noticed you were looking at her.

“What are you looking at?” She asked, irritated, wiping sweat off her forehead while cleaning the house.

“It’s… eh… you are beautiful”, you stuttered and blushed.

She opened her eyes in surprise, it wasn’t morning or night, she knew you didn’t have to say it, “what was that?”

“Sorry, you are beautiful, can’t get my eyes off you”, you blushed and your boner grew harder as she bent and got her face closer to you.

“Oh that’s sweet”, she said with a puzzled face and then her eyes were fixating on your boner, she gasped, “oh you are being serious”, it was awkward, you nodded in embarrassment.

She started laughing, wiping sweat off her forehead again, she stopped to think for a moment and then started laughing again, she just went and left you there with the boner and continued cleaning her home.

Just a little boost for her ego, to her it made your slavery more entertaining knowing that you are now really attracted to her, it haven’t changed your conditions much, you stayed her pathetic foot slave wether you like it or not for the rest of your life.




Wow!!! This must continue!!! I loved it!


Ok wow, you surprise me 😅 That was one of the stories I was actually somewhat skeptical when I published, cool, happy you liked it 🫣 But currently there’s no continuity planned on this 🙁