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You watched how the hearing goes from your little cage, every time Clementine spoke you admired her, how confident and assertive she is, you wish you had even 10% of that, she was amazing and it looked like they won the case before it even started, she is a valued attorney for a reason.

It was done and Clementine headed home, she threw herself at the sofa, she was tired, she sighed loudly, you really wanted the chance to do something for her now but she left you in the tiny cage.

She kicked her heels down then walked barefoot to change to casual clothes and removed her makeup. When she came back she passed by your cage and opened it, picked you up and went with you to her lawn, placing you on a short glass table and laid on a sofa she had there, you felt like she’s angry with you.


“Hmm”, she barely replies, lying on her back and tapping her iPhone.

“Can I please massage your feet? I’m sure you had a hard day today”, you tried to be nice and proactive, you had the worst day of your life and yet you tried to be compassionate with her personal hardships.

She turned her eyes to you, a mocking smile started forming on her face, you felt like she’s holding off a giggle, then she picked you up and placed you next to her feet and laid back with her phone.

Your muscles started healing, so you thought it’s a good opportunity to show her you are capable of working hard.

You started with kissing her soles, long passionate kisses, just to show her how much you appreciate her help. The feet were extremely sweaty and somewhat dirty, it wasn’t pleasant, to say the least, but you really wanted to get a good word out of her.

After the kisses you started pushing the spots you remember relieved her last time, and it actually worked, you heard a very satisfied moan when you pushed your whole body at the arch of her foot, then you turned to lick it, swallowing her foot sweat, you licked with passion, trying to impress her, you climbed the foot and shoved your head between her toes, licking like an animal, swallowing disgusting toe jam and grime, then when you pulled your head back you could see behind her toes that she’s not laying on her back anymore, she is actually in a sitting position.

She had a partly amused smile, a finger on her lips probably to stop her from laughing, your struggle to impress entertained her, you felt somewhat humiliated with the way she’s looking at you while you work but you tried to ignore it, as long as you’ll get a good word it will worth it, you shoved your face again and again between each and every gap of her toes, swallowing more and more grime that was accumulated there.

You wanted to puke so much, you felt sick, your stomach was overwhelmed, but you didn’t want to stop, you must prove to her that you are dedicated.

She didn’t stop you, she just kept staring, amused.

After maybe an hour you felt like if you will swallow one more drop of foot sweat you will just faint and puke, you didn’t want to be disrespectful, so you gave her feet few more kisses, thanking her for allowing you to massage her feet, and then stepped back, looking at her with a worried face.

She removed the finger from her mouth and you could see a smile, “I want every single foot massage from now on to look like that”, she said smiling.

You immediately had a huge smile, it lifted your spirit from the ashes to the sky, just hearing those words made this day from the worst to the best day of your life, you fell on your knees and bowed down with your entire body, thanking her like she’s a goddess who just bestowed a favour upon you.

It made her giggle, “don’t exaggerate”, she said embarrassed, then she stood up and picked you as well, she went to the kitchen and placed you on a deck, she started stretching her whole body, she was still smiling and it made you happy knowing it’s because of your hard work, then she went to shower.

You were excited, your dopamine levels were above the roof, you finally got that good word out of her, you proved your worth and she approved it.

She walked out of the shower and yawned, then started making herself dinner, cutting vegetables and making an omelette. It smelled amazing, then she sat down at the table and you watched from afar, drooling over her food.

After a few bites she noticed you and brought you to the table, “so tell me”, she talked between bites, you saw how she’s chewing and swallowing the omelette, you wanted even just a crumb that fell from her mouth, “are you happy here?” She completed her question.

“Yes Clementine, very much, thank you for having me”, you bowed in respect.

She grabbed a glass of cold water and started drinking, you gulped and started sweating, with all due respect to her foot sweat, you really wanted some water.

“I’m sorry about what I said at the office, I’m happy you chose shrunken custody, I think you wouldn’t have survived jail”, she said and got another piece in her mouth.

“I agree”, you said and scratched the back of your head.

“It’s the holidays soon”, she continued while eating, “I’m going for a vacation in Greece, bought the tickets earlier on my phone, you know, YOLOed it”

“Oh wow, I heard it’s beautiful there”, you said but all you could think about is what will happen to you during her vacation.

“You’re coming with me”, it’s like she hears your thoughts, “I’ll need a foot massage while I enjoy the sun and drinks”, she said and giggled, you pathetically joined her giggles too.

She continued eating without saying anything else, then you thought you might try to ask her for a crumb.

“Hey Clementine?” You insecurely asked.

“Hmm”, she replied while chewing.

“Do you think I can have a single crumb of that omelette please? And a drop of water?” You pleaded with a miserable face.

“Hmm, I don’t know, do you think you deserve it?” She asked assertively, while swallowing another piece.

“Well I.. I..” you started stammering, you blushed, her response surprised you, you were pretty sure she would just throw you one.

“Because I honestly think you don’t”, she said, then grabbed the glass and started gulping what’s left of the water there, she placed it back and released a satisfied breath, “being objective, considering today, except the decent foot massage at the end the rest of the day was rather disappointing, so I’ll ask again, do you think you deserve it?”

You were shocked for a second, then bowed your head down in shame, “you are right, I don’t deserve it”, you mumbled, tears started forming in your eyes.

“I didn’t hear it”, she said as she used her fork to insert a piece of her salad in her mouth, chewing it slowly, enjoying the flavor.

“I don’t deserve it”, you said loudly, still with your head down, tears started flowing.

“Good answer”, she said casually and finished her meal, she picked up her plate and placed it in the sink, there were crumbs left on the table, you were shaking, you wanted to run and eat them.

“Clean the table, but don’t you dare to eat anything, pile up the crumbs and I’ll throw them after I finish here”, she said just before turning on the water and cleaning the dishes.

You walked slowly to where her plate was, looking at all the crumbs, you were drooling, how would she know you ate just one little crumb? But you didn’t want to defy her order, like a tamed dog with a cookie on his nose when his owner won’t allow him to eat it - you didn’t.

Just as instructed, you defeatedly piled everything in one spot, hoping she will reward you with anything.

She finished washing the dishes and came with a wet rag and swooped the pile to her hand, then opened the garbage bin and threw it all there, she didn’t even look at you during the act, she stretched again and yawned loudly, “I better go to sleep”, she mumbled.

On her way to the bedroom she picked you up and placed you in your aquarium, “sleep tight and think of how you can work harder and better tomorrow”, she said and turned off the lights, proceeding to her bed.

You contemplated the day, and you thought you are getting better in this, you are still adjusting to this new reality, but you were sure that by the end of your serving year Clementine might even release you on good behaviour.


The next few days looked almost the same, you gave everything, cleaned her heels before hearings, rubbed her feet while she worked, licked them once she got back home. You’ve never worked remotely as hard for anything else in your entire life, you started to see the “rehabilitation” in this kind of life, you learned to respect the small and obvious things, like clean water, an unpainful body and freedom.

Although Clementine was mostly unsatisfied with your efforts, she gave you a good word once in a while, it encouraged you to push yourself even harder.

She still haven’t let you eat or drink anything, her foot sweat was your only source of nutrition, and somehow it kept you alive, but you were definitely losing weight - both because of the extremely hard work and the malnutrition.

On Friday’s evening when she got home, Clementine placed her briefcase with you at the tiny cage attached and spread her hands in joy, “finally weekend!” She shouted and threw herself on the sofa with a big smile.


End of part 4

A good word



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