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You woke up from the noise of furniture moving around, you rubbed your eyes and went closer to the bars, trying to understand what’s going on.

You looked at the window and it was an early morning hour.

“Here, let’s place it here”, you heard Noa voice, “that way the client can sit and have the window in front of them so they can enjoy the view while he licks their feet”.

“Looks comfy, but are you sure they don’t prefer him on the floor?” It was Dana’s voice, she probably helped Noa rearrange your old study as some kind of Clinique.

You checked your arm, the fixation was good but you were still in pain.

“Good, you woke up”, Noa walked inside the room, she was sweaty, wearing a tank top, looks like she and Dana worked hard this morning, she used her hand to wipe sweat off her forehead, “the first client will be here in around 30 minutes”.

You jumped, “first client? Noa I’m with a broken arm”

“I shared the news with all of today’s customers, some cancelled their booking but some will come here to your new Clinique, it’s going to be a more relaxed day, and I asked them all to go easy on you”

She didn’t listen to you, looks like she didn’t care at all that you are injured, all she thought about right now is all the money she lost for the clients who cancelled.

“What if I can’t do it”, you stated bluntly, she looked at you madly.

“Can’t do what? Your tongue isn’t broken, it’s all you need, enough with the excuses, I’m working so hard to make it possible, the least you could do is shut up and work”, she removed her tank top and stayed with bra, using it to wipe off more sweat from her body.

“Oh you are working hard?! Who is the one who licked dirty feet yesterday for 16 hours straight, and eventually broke his fucking arm?!” You were furious, shouting and pointing at her aggressively.

She threw the tank top at the bed in anger, then raised her foot and placed it on your cage, sweat started pouring and sticking to the bars, she looked at you with angry eyes, “any other husband would kiss my feet and thank me for arranging him such profitable work! But you were always an ungrateful bastard!”, she pressed stronger with her foot, the bars creaked, a drop of her foot sweat fell next to you, you gulped and froze.

“You know what? Maybe we should do that, maybe you should kiss my feet and thank me until the client comes”, she lowered her foot back to the floor and opened your cage in an aggressive way, picking you up.

“Hey, wait Noa, I’m sorry”, you stuttered, “I’ll work, you are right”, you quickly suggested, she scared you.

She finally calmed down, you could even notice half a smile, “ok then”, she placed you back in the cage and wore a shirt from her closet, “let’s show you your new Clinique”

She walked with you to the other room, there was a sofa, some kind of a chair that looks like a dentist chair with a towel on it, at the entrance was something that was intended to wash feet, she walked around and explained about the facilities, you looked at everything, she definitely invested a lot of thought in this.

“Noa.. isn’t it Friday now? Aren’t you going to work?” You asked in the middle of her tour.

“Oh”, she giggled, “I took some time off”.

“Time off?”

“Well I actually planning on quitting next week, it’s a waste of time, yesterday we made what I make in a month in just a day”

“But quitting?? Don’t you think it’s a little extreme? What about your career?” It made you nervous knowing she hung so many hopes with your new job.

“I’ve decided to go 100% on this business, maybe you don’t understand but it’s an amazing opportunity, we are the only ones offering this service in town at the moment and the demand is sky high”

You nodded, as much as you hated to admit it Noa was right, you are making tons of money and at least it’s finally the weekend tomorrow and you’ll be able to rest a little.

She placed the cage at the bottom of the Clinique chair, “so have a good day, work hard and make the clients happy”, she smiled at you and left. You could hear her sitting at the salon and talks with Dana when after a while the door knocked and someone walked in.

She walked together with Dana into the room, she guided her into washing her feet, then she walked to the chair, “oh my god he’s in a cage?? It’s so cute”, she exclaimed and picked you up, she opened the cage and picked you up, you felt humiliated again.

“Hey there, I hope you are hungry because my feet have so much dead skin”, she laughed and placed you at the bottom of the chair and her feet in front of you.

It was hard working with a broken arm but you kept licking the dead skin clusters and biting them off, chewing and swallowing them.

The day went on, client after client, you could hear Noa taking care of the kids, walking around the house and watching TV while you lick and treat strangers’ feet.

It was getting dark outside and clients kept coming, you were angry, there were definitely more than 10, but then the last client left.

Noa and Dana walked in and you were relieved, but still angry, you waved at Noa and she picked you up.

“Good job today honey, you were amazing, all the clients were happy”, she smiled.

“What time is it?! How many did I treat?! Are you crazy?!”

The smile was gone from her face, she coldly opened the cage and shook it above the chair, making you fall down, you fell on your back, holding your broken arm in pain.

“Dana, sit down, and let my spoiled husband lick your feet”

Dana gulped, “wait I’ll wash my feet”

“No need, just sit, we have to teach him his place”

“My place?.. Noa are you hearing yourself?! You gone completely mad, that’s enough!”

Dana sat down, “sorry”, she mumbled then placed her feet in front of you, they were dirty from walking inside the house, sweaty as well.

Noa looked at you from above, “lick my cousin soles, or I’m throwing the washing machine to the garbage, all the clients will have sweaty dirty and disgusting feet”

You couldn’t even imagine surviving a day with clients that have dirty feet, you walked to Dana’s soles and started licking, the salty taste of sweat burned your throat as you swallowed it, it’s gone too far, you couldn’t believe Noa is forcing you to go through this, but looked like Dana was enjoying it, she laid back and closed her eyes.

“Between the toes, don’t slack off”, Noa commanded from above, “every drop of sweat”, you defeatedly obeyed and shoved your head between the toes.

“You are working for me, I own you now, understand that? It was the last time you raised your tone on me”, Noa said with a cruel, strict cold tone, in all your time together you never heard her talking like that.

“Noa I really think this is going too far, let’s all calm down”, Dana suggested in a shaky voice.

“He must learn to behave, maybe that shrinking virus is messing with his head, I’m trying to be supportive and provide for the family but he keeps complaining and being ungrateful”, Noa continued scrutinising you while you desperately licked Dana’s toes.

“I..I think he learned the lesson, he just treated 15 clients he must be tired and exhausted, and he has a long day tomorrow”

You stopped licking and took a few steps back.

“Wait, tomorrow is the weekend, I must rest”, you pleaded with tears.

Noa placed her finger at the back on your head and pushed you firmly into Dana’s sole, shoving your face at the dirt and sweat.

“You will work as much as needed, I don’t want to hear a word”, she continued smearing your face and you squirmed in pain.

“Please Noa, I’m not comfortable with this”, Dana said again with a sore, shaky voice.

Noa released her grip and you fell on your back, “you are lucky my cousin has a soft heart”, she picked you up and placed you inside the cage, “you better rest because tomorrow is fully booked”, she left the cage in the Clinique and they both walked out, turning off the lights behind them, Noa paid her and Dana left.

You didn’t even know what “fully booked” means anymore, every day is worse than the day before, Noa is being completely ruthless with you, she placed the money above all else and she didn’t care at all about your relationship.

You realize now that it’s not a new job, you are being enslaved by your wife, and you are going to work very hard in the foreseen future.


End of part 6



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