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Angel broke up with you almost a year ago, during your whole relationship she was hinting you are few leagues beneath her and that she feels stupid for dating you, but you always begged her to stay and she reluctantly continued. Eventually she said she can’t take it anymore, and even if you were in the same league - you are a coward, you had no bravery and it turns her down in the most pathetic way. She was the most beautiful girlfriend you had and you just couldn’t get over her.

No matter what you tried to do you couldn’t stop thinking about her, you kept a blanket she used in your apartment and kept sniffing it, always checked her on social media, you felt like you were going crazy just by not seeing her.

At first you tried to draw her attention by doing crazy things and post it on social media, you went to Asia to do a bungee jump, then started doing sky gliding, many crazy stuff and posted it just to show how “brave” you are, she kept ignoring everything, but then you were very close to die in a ski accident so you got scared and stopped with this nonsense.

One day you’ve decided that you just can’t take it anymore, you called her, but she hung up.

“Please, I just want to talk”, you texted her.

“I’m busy”

“Angel please”

Few hours later you sent another message, “just give me a chance”, you texted again.

“I’m already dating with someone”

Her texts were always so cold and emotionless, but this message just broke your heart.

It’s done, she moved on, you didn’t even reply, you just went to sleep in tears.


It’s been a few days, and one night at 3am she sent you a message, your heart started pounding.

“Hey, you up?”

“Yes”, you immediately replied.

“You want to win me back, right?”

Is this really her or someone is messing with you, maybe she is drunk.

“Yes”, you hesitated.

“So come over, now”

You started sweating, maybe it’s real? You quickly dressed up and left for her place.

You parked outside her home, it was pretty dark, you started getting suspicious.

“I’m outside, open the door”, you wrote to her, watching the entrance.

Then it was actually her, she opened the door and looked outside, you got out of your car and went to her, “what’s going on? Are you ok?” You asked, you were happy she invited you but it’s just unlike her to act like that.

“Come inside, quick”, she gestured with her hand.

“Angel what’s happening?” You quickly went inside.

“Drink this”, she handed over a pill.

“What is it?”, you grabbed it, checking it out.

“No questions, prove me you are brave”, she bit her lower lip and you couldn’t stand it, you swallowed the pill immediately.

“Good”, she said.

“What was it? What did I take?” You asked, still confused with this whole situation.

“A shrinking pill”, she replied casually.

“What…” you sat down, feeling dizzy just from hearing this, “where did you get it, you mean it's a shrinking virus?”

“My new boyfriend works in a lab, it’s his idea”

“Oh my god, what have you done…”

She raised her foot and got it closer to your face, “soon you’ll be the size of this toe, excited?”

“But why..” you tried to stand up but your muscles were too numb, you started seeing how everything around you is getting bigger.

“Me and my new boyfriend are looking for new experiences, he said that he wants me to have a foot slave, and I immediately thought of you, you are perfect for this”

You kept shrinking until you were in bug size, standing naked on a chair, she examined you closely and started laughing.

“Did you get him??” A male sound, he went out of the room and looked at you, “oh my god you actually did it! You were dating before?”

“Yeah, a few months nothing serious”, she said, you were actually dating for over a year.

“This is perfect! Make him lick your feet I want to see it”

She smiled and placed her foot on the chair, “well you heard him, start licking”

You looked at her foot, and then at her face, “this is sick, you can’t do this to me, I’ll never do it”

She looked at him.

“Just step on him then, I want to see him being crushed beneath you, it’s so hot”

When you heard it you immediately ran to her foot and started licking it.

“Oh he’s doing it”, she said and started laughing, “it feels so weird!”

Her boyfriend got a boner just by looking at this, he grabbed her and they started going to the bedroom.

“Wait, I want him to see this, maybe he’ll get over me this way”

She went back and grabbed you like a toy.

“Who cares, you are not really letting him walk out of here alive right?” He told her.

“I haven’t decided yet” she took a look at you and tightened her grip, you were terrified, on the verge of a panic attack.

They went to the bedroom, she placed you inside a cage on her desk and they started having sex, looks like they enjoyed the fact you are looking at them.

She moaned loudly and looked at you during the act, smiling in pleasure, you couldn’t get your eyes off of it.

As they were finally finished, they took a look at you together and started laughing, you had a boner, holding the bars of the cage in a pathetic way.

“Anyway, I must get going, that was fun”, her new boyfriend said, they kissed and she escorted him out, then went back, looking at you from above your cage.

“You had your fun, please let me go now”, you said in an unsecured tone as you looked up at her.

She giggled, “but my feet got so sweaty from this hot sex, who would clean it?”, she snatched you out of the cage with a smiling face and threw you over her bed, then sat down and placed her feet in front of you.

“No, that’s disgusting, I’m not going to lick your sex sweat”, you protested in a shaky voice, but it just made her smile widen, she raised one foot up, hovering it above you and watching you with a smirk on her face.

“Well I can’t kill you because me and my boyfriend wish to continue having sex in front of you, but no one said in what condition you need to be”, she started laughing and lowered her foot at you, you couldn’t believe how cruel she is.

Her foot pressed you into the sheets, her foot sweat got smeared all over you, she increased the pressure and pinned you down.

“I’m going to break you, bone by bone, unless you start licking”, she explained casually, and increased the pressure.

You squirmed, tried to push her foot, you struggled to keep your tongue inside your mouth, trying to fight it.


Your arm broke like a toothpick, you started screaming and crying, still pushing her foot helplessly.

“Oops, what was that? An arm? A leg?” She asked and laughed, increasing the pressure even more.

You didn’t want to die.

Defeatedly, you got your tongue out and started licking her sole, swallowing the putrid foot sweat that was accumulated during the sex she had with her new boyfriend, you’ve never been so humiliated.

Then the pressure finally decreased, she just gently pinned you down as you licked her foot.

“Don’t forget between the toes, slave”, she ordered and you pushed your head between them, pathetically licking and swallowing whatever was there.

“I’m so happy you came here, you were always so pathetic I just knew you would come the moment I told you to”, she smeared her foot in your face while she said it, “can’t believe we’ve ever been together, you are so far beneath me”, she stopped and giggled, “I mean - literally beneath me”, she tapped your face with her toe.

“Angel please”, you begged, the pain from your broken arm was overwhelming, “please don’t do this, I love you”, you were pathetic, miserable, you just hoped she would have a bit of mercy.

“If you really love me, then why do you want to leave? Shouldn’t you just be glad I’m happy?” She laughed, smearing the whole ball of her foot in your face, “kiss it, submit to me and become mine, make me happy”, she playfully purred the words out.

You started kissing her sole in the most pathetic way exists, squirming in pain between every kiss, she moaned in satisfaction, “it’s even better than the sex, having you here is going to be so much fun, just try not to die too fast”, she finally pulled her foot away, you grabbed your arm and twisted, moaning in pain.

“Oh so it was your arm that broke? Too bad you have not obeyed faster, here let me help”, she got up from the bed and went to the kitchen, she came back with tiny scissors and a lighter.

“No! No, what are you planning to do with it! Stay away!” You crawled on your back, looking at her in horror, trying to get as far as possible.

“Don’t worry, you forgot that I’m in the middle of med school?” You were frozen, slowly nodding as you watched her hands holding these stuff.

“There are 2 ways to help you, a fixation for your arm, but it will take a few months to heal, or just cut it off and burn the wound, I chose the latter”

“NO! Get away from me! You sick cruel bitch!” you crawled back, dragging your broken arm with you.

“But you don’t need this hand. All I need are your eyes and tongue”, she pinned you down with her nail, “hold still, I might cut your head by mistake”

You were frozen, looking at her in terror as she brought the scissors close, you started screaming.

She casually brought it over your arm and SNAP, she made a clean cut, blood started spilling over her bed, she got closer with the lit and turned it on, she made a focusing face as she tried to precisely burn the bleeding area, the pain was too much, you passed out.

“Perfect, I think you’ll make it”, she said, then threw your broken arm at the garbage and cleaned her sheet with a wet rag, she grabbed you like a rag doll and placed you back in your cage.

“Yea, you should rest, your miserable life is only just beginning, pathetic little slave”, she chuckled and went to shower.


This cool story was my first patron‘s (Giorkos) idea, and I wrote it as a gift to him, thanks for the support everyone.

Looking forward to October with hopes the community here on Patreon will grow bigger!




Amazing story! Thank you so much for this! ❤️


It’s going to have a Patreon Exclusive epilogue as well 😁