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One of your friends from class told you about a crazy trek she wants to do in the summer. It was in the South Island of New Zealand, it’s a 4-5 days hike.

You thought it sounds good, and you didn’t have any plans for summer, and luckily you passed all the exams of the semester so you won’t have to deal with studying also, you asked her if it’s ok to join her.

“Of course it is!” She said with a huge smile, “I think you are going to be the perfect partner!” She said and giggled. You blushed and thanked her.

As summer arrived, you flew there, the landscape was amazing, just like in the Lord of the Rings movies.

At the end of each day you stayed in a hut, you talked a lot, played cards, you really enjoyed her company.

As you went to sleep, you noticed she doesn’t take her boots off. At the third night, you decided to say something about it.

“Hey, sorry for pointing it out, but why won’t you take the shoes off at the end of the day, it’s like the first thing I want to do, after all these hiking my feet are killing me”

She giggled, “why do you care though? It keeps me warm, I like it”

“That’s ok, I’m just saying, you might feel a lot better if you take them off”

“Haha, believe me you don’t want to smell my feet after 3 days of hiking”

You joined her laughs, “I’m sure it’s not that bad”, you said.

“We will see”, she said, but then she just continued playing cards, smiling. You thought she would take them off but she didn’t, she went to sleep and you started the last day of the trek.

As you stopped somewhere along the way for a snack, she gave you some of her peanut butter, and shortly after eating it you started getting dizzy, you felt bad.

“Hey Shani, I’m not feeling so good”, you said as you tried to get up from the ground but you couldn’t.

“Oh that’s because you are shrinking”, she said casually.

“I’m what?…” but then you really saw it, she was getting bigger and bigger, the whole environment was getting enormous. A few minutes later you stood like a bug on the ground, looking up at her, you were shocked, you are vaccinated to the shrinking virus, it can’t be a coincidence.

She bent down and looked at you.

“Help me!” You squeaked.

She started untying her right boot, you didn’t understand what’s going on, she finally removed the boot and made a disgusted face “oh god”, she said and then quickly pulled her sock off, “disgusting, but I just have to see your reaction”, she got her foot closer to your face.

The smell hit you like a truck, you couldn’t breath, you started coughing , suffocating, trying to walk away but the smell was so bad it got you numb.

“Oh my god, it’s so much worse than I thought”, she started laughing, “but I just had to know”.

“K..know what!” You barely got a voice out, “get it away from me!” You continued coughing, you never experienced a smell so terrible in your life.

“I read a blog post about someone who died from a bad smell, I had to know if it’s real, sorry”

Your eyes burned, your throat was sore, it didn’t matter if you were breathing from your nose or mouth it’s just equally bad, your systems started shutting down, as you fell down you heard her laugh booming from above.

“It’s actually working, wow, the smell is terrible in normal size it must be so much worse for you”

Your eyes slowly closed, you couldn’t take it anymore, your body gave up, her disgusting foot and smiling face was the last thing you saw before you died.

She examined your body for a while, smiling and laughing, “he really died just from the smell, that’s hilarious”, then she got up, pushing your body with her stinky toe for a few seconds, making sure you died.

“So awesome”, she said, and then landed her foot on top of you, twisting it and pulverising your lifeless body, then putting back her sock and back to the boot, she has a few more miles to finish the trek.



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