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Yep, 2 stories a day - a gift for the weekend 🎁

It’s longer than usual, make sure you got the time.


On a trip back from Barcelona, while waiting for your flight in the airport, you’ve noticed your flight is being delayed by more than 2 hours, you’ve sighed in anger looking at the timetable, and then a flight attendant approached you.

“Hello sir, I’m sorry for the inconvenience, but I would like to offer a compensation”

You looked at her, closed your laptop, “yes, of course”

“Since you are business class passenger and a male, we can offer you a stay at the airport’s shrunken lounge until it’s time for the flight”

“Excuse me, did you say shrunken lounge?”, the words didn’t make any sense to you.

“It’s quite new here, a pilot currently, but it’s quite amazing, I can show you the place if you want to”

You checked your hand watch, you have about 4 hours until the flight, why not spend them in a lounge? You packed your things and followed her.

After walking for 10-20 minutes you arrived to a fenced area, containing a huge model of a hall and a beautiful local receptionist standing at the entrance.

“Hola, would you like to enter the lounge?”, the receptionist told you with a perfect smile.

“I, um..” you blushed

“His flight is being delayed and it’s a compensation from us, the airline will pay for his stay and everything”, the flight attendant continued.

Your eyes drifted off to the lounge, it looked simply amazing, a “huge” pool, massage beds, a big dining hall, many tinies were walking through the rooms, they all seemed excited and having a lot of fun, how come no one thought of it before? Shrunken lounge is an amazing idea.

“Awesome, sir, if you may just enter the shrinking room and I’ll place you in the lounge”, she gestured over a door with a warning sign saying “Shrinking Room”, you handed your belongings and they were placed in the next room, you entered and quickly shrunken down to about 5 inches tall, the receptionist placed a silver plate in front of you, it had tiny clothes on it.

You blushed as hell, as she looked at you with a beautiful smile when you are totally naked, you quickly climbed on it and dressed up.

She walked and placed you in the lounge.

“As you can see you have a tablet here”, she pointed at a big screen at the entrance, “it has all the flights, you just need to touch yours when boarding starts and I’ll take care of it, otherwise - just press the help button, I’m here for everything you need”.

And as you got off the plate, 5 men were climbing on it, it looks like the perfect functioning machine, they were thrilled and happy, “this place is amazing man, enjoy it”, one of them told you as you got off, “cheers”, another one said as you passed him by, you just nodded and continued into the lounge.


They were right, it was simply amazing, you ate  amazing delicious food, entered a jacuzzi for a while, swam at the pool, there were clocks everywhere so you could always see what time it is, it was like a 5 stars hotel, didn’t feel nothing like an actual airport’s lounge, time went by, and you walked back to the flights table at the entrance, you’ve found that your flight is being delayed by another 5 hours.

This time - you weren’t even mad, you actually hoped it would get delayed even more, it’s heaven here!

You were tired, and thought about taking a nap in the quiet zone. Every bed was a tiny king size with clean sheets, and there was a small alarm clock beside it, you scheduled it to ring in 3 hours and immediately fell asleep.


You slowly woke up, arousing without any ring from the alarm clock, but you felt like you were sleeping deeply for a long time, you checked the alarm clock and your heart sank.

You were sleeping for 8 hours! You got up and started running to the entrance like a mad man, hoping the flight was delayed just a little more, but no - the flight took off an hour ago.

“Ok, no need to panic”, you said out loud, calming yourself down, “I’ll just buy tickets to the next one, it’s just money, relax”.

You pressed the help button to get the attention of the receptionist, she turned to you with a smile.

“Yes, sir?”

“Hi, I
” how come she’s so beautiful, you couldn’t talk to her without blushing and stuttering, “I overslept, I missed my flight, um.. can you please grow me back so I can go to their office and book for another?”

“Oh, it’s the first time something like that has happened, we place clocks and everything throughout the lounge, didn’t you hear the announcing system calling you?”

“I was in the quiet zone, I think I was sleeping deeply, sorry about that”

“That’s ok, I’ll check what is the protocol in that scenario”

She went aside and picked up a phone, then started talking in Spanish, the tones raised up and it sounded like she was arguing with the other side.

She came back blushing with red cheeks, looks like she got mad from that phone call.

“We have a problem”, she said, you paid attention, “usually, the airline pays for the growing process, but since you missed the flight they refuse to pay for it, for some reason a scenario like that has no protocol”.

“I see, that’s ok, I’ll pay for it and will sue them or something to get it back, let’s just get on with it, I don’t want to miss another flight”

“Are you sure sir? It’s 1,500€”

You chuckled, “it’s not a problem, my credit card is in my bag, just use it”

She smiled, “ok, sorry for the inconvenience, I’ll take care of it”, she found your credit card after searching for a while and went back to her computer, you watched her from the entrance of the lounge.

She clicked and clicked, then checked your passport a few times, it looks like she’s getting irritated.

“Sir, I can’t find your registration, I don’t understand

Did you register before entering?”

“Umm, not that I can recall, a flight attendant escorted me, perhaps she did it?”

“It looks like she forgot, hm, you are not registered”, she placed your credit card and passport back in your bag, her expression changed a little.

“Is that a problem? Can’t we solve it after I’m grown back?” You asked, something in her aura changed as well but you couldn’t tell what.

She checked her hand watch, “my shift is about to end, I can’t process a transaction if you are not officially a guest, what a pickle”.

Something wasn’t right, she talked differently, you felt like she’s hiding a smile, but maybe you are just being paranoid.

“Can’t you call someone? It sounds like a simple bureaucratic  bump”

“It’s late, the main offices are closed, look, my shift ends in 10 minutes, and between us - the girl that will replace me is kind of a bitch, I wouldn’t want to leave you in this situation like that”

You opened your eyes in surprise, it felt weird that she is talking like that all of a sudden, “but what do you suggest? Can’t I just stay here and hide or something during her shift?”.

“Bad idea, I know it sounds unprofessional, but I can take you to my home and tomorrow we will figure it out”

“T..to your home? I’m sorry, I think it’s inappropriate and I wouldn’t want to burden you, heh, looking after a tiny man? Sounds like a bother to me”, you chuckled nervously.

“It’s really not a big deal, I’ve done it before”, she said and placed the silver plate in front of you.

You paused, it feels wrong, but what if she’s right and the next shift receptionist will cause you problems? And she looks so innocent and sweet, you couldn’t believe she might do something to you, plus, it can evolve into an interesting experience, the more time you can look at her the better.

You started climbing the plate.

“Is there anything in your belongings you want me to take? Better not leave valuables here”

“Just my backpack if it’s ok, thank you so much for doing it”

“No worries”, she walked with you to the luggage room and took your backpack, then she took a little cage from her purse, “I know it’s weird but It’s safe”

You looked at it and gulped, “ah.. ok”, you stepped inside and she closed it behind you, then placing it in her purse, you could see her smile as she closed you in.

The way was bumpy, looks like she’s taking the metro, you just waited until you get to her home.


As you got there, she opened the purse and picked up the cage placing it on her kitchen table, she sighed in relief and gave you a smile, you just blushed and nodded, scratching your head, the way here wasn’t easy. You waited for her to say something but she just left you there and went to the shower.

You looked around, a humble apartment, very tidy and organised, you were relieved, you felt like you were just being paranoid and she’s just a good hearted young woman who wanted to help and was willing to go the extra mile. Then you started hearing her singing in Spanish while taking a shower, your heart was about to melt, can she be more perfect? Even being in a cage here like that suddenly felt like heaven, some kind of a cultural experience, being in a native’s home.

She finally walked outside of the shower, she wore a slim tank top without bra and shorts, she walked barefoot in the house, she started fixing her hair to a ponytail, smiling while walking, you couldn’t help yourself, you blushed and started having a boner as she got closer, you tried to hide it. She stood in front of your cage and finished fixing her hair, then she paused for a moment.

“I thought about trying to lie to you or something, but I’m going to be direct - I’m not going to help you”, she said casually, still smiling.

You jumped in fear, hoping she just confused her English or you didn’t hear right, “excuse me?” You tried to stay polite.

“You heard right, you are mine now, going to be my little slave and you better forget about your life before being here, I know it’s not easy but you have no choice”

“Wait, you can’t do this, you are kidding right?” You started to nervously chuckle.

“I've wanted one since I started working at the shrunken lounge. I kept this little cage in my purse just for the chance, once I realized you weren’t registered I knew this is it.

No one in the world knows you’ve ever been there, the airline doesn’t care, no one cares, you fell between the cracks, it was too perfect to miss.”

You looked at her perfect face, she had lust in her eyes, you couldn’t even control it, this situation made your erection intensify.

She giggled, “good, I see you like it, now I’ll show you what you’re going to do until your last day”, she opened the cage and pulled you out, you didn’t try to protest or run, you were just shocked, still digesting what was happening.

She placed you on her sofa backrest and laid down, placing both her feet in front of you, you weren’t sure what’s happening but then her foot got close to your face, you looked at it and gulped, it’s real - you are being enslaved.

“That’s right, start licking”

“Wait, I.. I can pay you, I have money, there’s no need for this, you could buy another slave easily”, you tried to bargain.

She started laughing, “it’s so American of you, thinking your money can solve everything. Now start licking”, she gently pushed her sole in your face.

You took a step back, “please, I’ll give you everything, I’d even be happy to, you.. you are beautiful and I’m ok with it, really, you can be rich”

“I don’t want your money, I’m happy to provide for myself, enough talking - tongue out, I just showered - I’m going easy on you”

You bowed your head down and looked at the closest foot, she was clearly a hard working woman, the foot had a lot of dead skin clusters, some looked worse than others, there were many cracks and crevices, you weren’t sure where to begin, you took a deep breath, you were an optimistic person by heart, you thought that maybe you can make some connection with her in order to make things better.

You approached and placed your hands on her sole, then closed your eyes and started licking again and again, between the crevices and however you could.

“I said start licking”, she said again, starting to get irritated.

You pulled your head back, “but I am licking”, you replied miserably.

“What? I couldn’t feel anything”

“I’m sorry, what was your name again?”

She made a confused face, paused for a moment, “Olivia”, she replied by instinct.

“Olivia, your feet are covered in dead skin, of course you aren’t feeling my licks, you should go to a spa, use a grinding stone maybe, I’ll pay for-“

“Enough with your money and pathetic smooth talking, use your teeth or something, we have all the time in the world, especially you”.

You paused, looking at her sole again, you are so little and your teeth are nothing compared to the vast landscape of her sole, it’s going to be an ant’s work, you slowly obeyed, grinding your teeth and trying to remove as much dead skin as you could, swallowing it in the process.


Time went by, and Olivia was a fair enslaver, she cleaned her feet before letting you lick them, she always made sure you had water and crumbs in your cage, and she was beautiful as ever - you enjoyed watching her every time she gets back from work and walks out of a shower.

It didn’t take long and you were ok with it, “a weird vacation”, you told yourself at nights, genuinely submitting yourself at her feet, taking care of them, even kissing them at the end of each treatment, you adored her, looking how hard she work to get by, the way she refused your money, if you had to give your freedom away for someone it would be for her, you kept believing that she will eventually release you, she is a good person.

From time to time you tried to make a conversation, but she always just placed her toe on your mouth or told you to be quiet, you were a pet, or a tool used by her for her feet, but at least she was the kind of a woman that treat her property with respect, she even cleaned your cage on weekends, you convinced yourself that it’s not so bad, it could be worse, much worse.

You got used to the taste of her dead skin, at some point you even liked it better than the crumbs she fed you with, you smiled a lot when you had eye contact, you did your best to create any kind of a healthy relationship with her during your stay.

After 3 years of hard and endless work, and after eating inch by inch any speck of dead skin she had on her feet, you were finally finished, her foot was smooth and beautiful like the feet of a top model.

“Olivia! I finished! It was the last part of dead skin!” You pointed at her heel with pride, jumping in joy, it became your life’s project for such a long time.

She smiled and examined her foot, “Bravissimo, now get back to licking, stop bothering me”, she ordered in an indifferent tone.

You bowed your head down in disappointment, you really worked hard all this time hoping it will soften her heart towards you and it could lead to a conversation that will end up with your release, you rehearsed this conversation in your head during all this time, but the way she responded didn’t leave any opening, you fell back on your knees and continued licking her feet in defeat while she browsed her phone, you didn’t even get a smile, it devastated you.

What were you thinking? She got used to this as well, why would she let you go? tears started accumulating in your eyes as you finally realized that you will never go anywhere, and you will live at her feet for the rest of your pathetic miserable life.



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