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“What do you mean to grow you back?” Looks like your request annoyed Kim, “already? We barely took a few perspective pics, can you hold it a bit longer?”

“I mean… ok, but how long? I’m feeling pretty uncomfortable at that size”.

She picked you up from the floor, holding you.

“I don’t know, a few days? I’m finally being noticed on Instagram. We can't just throw it away. And what’s so uncomfortable? I’m taking care of you”, seems like she’s a bit offended so you’ve decided to back off.

“It’s ok Kim, sorry, I’m here for you”, you said in a calming tone, trying to defuse this explosive situation.

“Ok I’ll bring you something to eat and then we will take some more photos ok?”, you nodded and she left for the kitchen.

She came back with a bottle tap field with water, and some bread crumbs, “I hope it’s ok”, she said, then sat down on her chair again, probably browsing through Instagram again.

You bent in front of the tap and drank the water, then started eating the crumbs, it wasn’t great but it was ok.

Then Kim placed her feet on the desk again while being on her phone, in a moment the strong and horrible taste of sweat filled your surroundings, you ate the bread but it felt like you’re eating crumbs that were stuck on her feet, it was just disgustingly impossible, so you tried to drink some water.

Then Kim scratched her soles in one another, making dirt and debris that were stuck on her soles to fly around, dropping into your water and on your food, you were so frustrated by how reckless and inconsiderate she is.

“KIM!!!” You shouted at her, “I’m eating here!!!”

She didn’t respond, probably too focused on the comments she’s getting, then her foot moved and pushed you over, also crushing the bread crumbs and spilling over the water, “oh shit”, she said and looked behind her phone, “oops I didn’t notice”, she added.

You stood up, cleaning yourself from the crumbs.

Kim started laughing, “oh I’m so sorry, are you ok?”

“Not really, Kim I’m very uncomfort-“

“Look the comments are amazing, everyone wants to lick my feet apparently”, she giggled, completely ignoring you, then she looked at you again, “would you try it?”

“Try what?” You irritatedly asked, still trying to clean yourself from her feet’s debris.

“To lick my feet”, she suddenly popped her sweaty sole in front of your face.

“What?! NO!” You snapped, “Kim I understand that you are excited with the likes and comments and everything and I’m rooting you all the way but seriously that’s the line”.

“Why are you so dramatic about it? So strangers want to lick my feet but my boyfriend wouldn’t do it?”

“I guess it’s easy typing a comment with some emojis, but it’s a whole different thing to stand here bug size in front of your soles, please place them on the floor or something, I’m not saying they smell bad but at that size any smell intensifies”

Kim yawned, without even conceding her mouth, “sometimes I don’t know what I’m doing with you, you never try new stuff”

“What?! How can you say that when I’ve just shrunk for you today!”

“Whatever, take some photos of my feet”, she placed them both very close to you, so you went to bring the camera and started taking photos.

“Take a selfie with them in the background, let’s see what feedback it gets”

So you went with it, placing the camera in front of your face with her feet in the background.

“Now get closer, take some selfies sniffing them or something, it will drive them crazy”

“Ugh, Kim, come on, can we not?”

“Just for once do as I say!”, you figured she is about to enter one of her childish tantrum attacks so you just got closer and took a selfie.

“No you have to touch it with your face! Oh god stop being such a kid!”

You tried to take a deep breath but the air was so humid and thick, worse than a sauna when you were so closed, so you coughed and then just quickly smashed your face in her sole and took several picks, then you stepped back and started breathing fast.

“No, it doesn’t look right, it looks like you suffer. I don't like it”, she said in a dissatisfied tone.

“Imagine being close to a foot when you are a size of a toe, it’s not pleasant you know”, you tried to explain.

“Let’s try again, place the camera on a timer and give it a kiss, I’m sure it will get tons of likes”.

You sighed, and just as she said, you placed the camera down on the timer and then approached the stinky sole and gave it a kiss, long enough so it will take a picture and then you pulled it back and went to the camera.

“Oh, I think this one is perfect I’ll upload it”, she said and started tapping on her phone, you sat down far enough from her feet, thinking when will she have enough.

She got up and started walking back and forth in the house, tapping from time to time, making excited “yay”s here and there.

“Listen the comments are SO GOOD, people wants to send themselves over, giving me money, it’s unbelievable”.

“Nice… I guess” you said.

“Someone even asked me to step on him, I mean when he’s shrunken, it means crushing him, you think he’s serious??”

“I honestly don’t know”, you sighed, “so I guess you can continue this perspective photos with one of them, I’m sure many of them would love to do that for you”.

“Yeah, probably, I don’t know”, she said and kept staring at her phone,”we just crossed 10k likes, I never had anything close to that”.

You didn’t even respond, you just sighed, you were tired, you laid down and tried to get a nap, but then you heard a thud and smelled her sweat again, you opened your eyes and saw her feet in front of you again.

“Listen we have to make another where you actually lick my feet, maybe a video, we can make a boomerang story where you lick my sole”.

She was excited, and you didn’t like any of it.

She pointed at the ball of her foot, “here, I think this spot is the dirtiest, it also has a lot of sweat on it, just give it a long lick and swallow whatever’s on your tongue, we will go viral with this”.

“Kim, do you hear yourself? This is going too far. I'm sorry but I can’t do what you ask of me”, you tried to stay reasonable but inside you wanted to snap and scream at her.


End of part 2



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