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Hey there!
Thank you very much for supporting me into writing realistic giantess stories.
Apart from encouraging me to continue working hard on creating new creative content, your pledge also helps me purchasing editing software and purchase rights on some images, model commissions and more.

First - welcome to your new life as a potential shrunken slave, because here - the shrinking virus is real, it affects only men, and this world is filled with cruel women who just wants their feet treated by an enslaved human being.
So be warned, a beautiful woman is offering a drink? it might be drugged, and you might find yourself in life of endless foot licking, forget about proper food and water, there's only foot sweat, dead skin, toe jam and grime from now on, if you are lucky - she might also step on something edible that you can eat without her knowing about it. Believe it or not - that's the happiest scenario, because you might also get crushed, killed in brutality, just for their own sick pleasure and games.

I want to give you some tips on using Patreon so you will easily navigate between stories and posts, otherwise you might get abducted and enslaved:

  • For every post I submit, I add a tag:
    • If it's a multiple part story, the tag will be its title name. So every time you are reading a single part, you can always press on the tag at the bottom of the story and then all parts will show up for you. Just drag down to the part you want and start reading from there.
    • If it's a one part story, the tag is "shortStories".
    • If it's a very short story (less than 1,000 words) the tag is "veryShortStories".
    • For roadmap announcements, checks, and months overview, the tag is "updates"
    • Sometimes I share general information about the shrinking virus world, without an actual story, these cool posts are under the tag "information", be sure to check them out.
    • Rarely, there's a special story, it's usually a story with many pictures as attachments and some special added value, it's significantly longer than usual and has easter eggs, the tag for those is "specialStories" as you might have guessed.
    • Also, there are some polls, please vote even if you just joined and the polls were posted a while back, I sometimes go back to see the votes, it helps me understanding my active community.
    • There are many other tags, and I keep adding new ones from time to time, so if you have an idea for another tag - just send me a message! or comment on a post where you think is missing a tag and I'll add it (publishing 1-3 stories per day automatically means that tags will be missing, so I'm counting on you to correct me)
  • Some stories have attachments instead of more images. Why?
    • Sometimes an image gives up the fate of the shrunken victim, which in my opinion ruin the experience for the reader, therefore instead of shoving it in the reader's face, it's being hidden as attachment so you can check it after you finished reading.
  • The Patreon app have many pluses but also minuses
    • Attachments are far easier to watch in the app.
    • The app is faster, changing between posts is almost immediate.
    • The app doesn't have the tags menu, only in web view you can click on a tag from the main page and see its posts.
    • I still recommend downloading it. Personally I switch a lot between the app and the web view, trying to enjoy both worlds.
  • Fan Requests
    • If you pledged for the "Self Sacrifice" tier (Tier 3), you can make a fan request :)
    • I'm not writing giant male stories, so please don't request that ðŸ˜…
    • I'm not doing close family stories, moms / sisters / aunts are out of the picture, unless they are not blood related (for example a step mom makes a wonderful story).
    • The best fan requests is when you give me a setup and let me do the hard work, for example:
      • You can request for another part in a story you liked. (well, when it's possible)
      • You can request for an epilogue for a long story you feel like it's not concluded.
      • You can give me a background, how they met, who is the giantess, who is the tiny, what are their jobs, where it takes place, then tell me if you like a bad ending, good ending, and anything else you think is relevant, I will take it from there.
About Comics:
Comics are special, and usually requires a lot of work, I invest more time in editing the collages and thinking about representing the narrative in less texts, which is actually quite the challenge. Although some short comics are opened to all, the main ones that actually have a meaningful story behind them, are Shrunken Tier (Tier 2) Exclusive, and yet - upon being published, there will be a 48 hours grace period for Tier 1 to enjoy them, make sure you don't miss this window.

Apart from that, I would kindly ask you, if you loved reading a story, click on the heart sign at the bottom, it helps me understand which stories the community loves more. If you feeling like commenting, even expressing dissatisfaction from something - you are more than welcome! I'm open to any kind of feedback, it helps me create better content.

One last thing, I'm not stopping you from downloading content and keep it after you stopped being a Patron, that's ok - you paid for it, but I will kindly ask you to keep it to yourself, sharing content outside will harm and jeopardize what I'm trying to create here, so please don't take a part in destroying it.

About The Interactive Story:
If you subscribed to Tiers 2+ you deserve a free ticket!
Just send me a private message to get your personal free coupon and try your best to survive after getting the shrinking virus in a mall full of women.

So that's it! Go out there and explore stories from the anticipated shrinking virus world.
And because you read so far, here is a collage I made for you:

She forgot he was cleaning her flip flop ðŸ«¢

Added: 2023-01