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Destroying SPACEWOLF Art In The Most Creative Way

  • Karl 4
  • Brad 20
  • Nisha 21
  • Lucas 6
  • 2023-05-12
  • —2023-05-31
  • 51 votes
{'title': 'Destroying SPACEWOLF Art In The Most Creative Way', 'choices': [{'text': 'Karl', 'votes': 4}, {'text': 'Brad', 'votes': 20}, {'text': 'Nisha', 'votes': 21}, {'text': 'Lucas', 'votes': 6}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 5, 31, 23, 1, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 5, 12, 13, 31, 24, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 51}


We've just released a video on the Untitled Side Channel in which we were challenged to destroy SPACEWOLF art in the best/most creative way.

Watch the video here before you vote: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkBl2wH4V_I

Let us know who you think wins this challenge!



I was going to vote for Karl, but I agree that it's not fair if he has two of the same piece of art. Lucas wins in my heart because I'm biased toward dogs.


Nisha's definitely the winner for me; not only did she wreck the art, but since she used glitter, it's going to wreck anything it comes into contact with for the rest of time.