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We're expanding! As announced earlier this week, we want to try and do more with the USC in the new year and a big part of that is giving patrons more for their money. To that end, we've redesigned our tiers here to fit in more with our new theme and to offer more to all of you!

Rewards currently available include once a month streams/movie watch-alongs, patron voting, credit and shout-outs in USC videos, bonus content and behind-the-scenes sneak peeks. We have plans to expand this even more in the coming months; ideas include merch, access to a patron-built playlist, custom cocktails dedicated to patrons, monthly pub quiz, invitations to future events, a PO Box... the list goes on.

All existing tiers have been moved over to their new equivalent. We recommend everyone take a look at their new rewards and, if you decide you'd like to change tiers, go ahead and do it before the end of the month as that is when these changes will take effect.

We're very excited about what this expansion could potentially bring and we hope you are too! As always, any questions for us can be asked below in the comments.



I'm sad I missed my chance to get my name on the screen behind Karl. Became a VIP too late..


I've upgraded to a regular because why not.