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WE DID IT!! AOT is our next amine we aer adding to the mix! We most definitely were not ready for this one! 😩😩



Ej Evangelista

Nooo why'd ya'll cut out the reaction to Eren's mom getting eaten =(


I KNOW!!! It was a total accident! We didn’t even realize we cut it till we watched it back! 🙈🙈


I will say most will prefer the subbed version for AoT. Anime has so many genres, can watch ones about sports, romance, sci-fi, etc. Just have to decide in what you are in the mood for. lol The season 1 opening song is pretty iconic in the anime community.


One Piece anime started in 1999 and Attack on Titan started in 2013, so you will definitely notice a difference in quality lol. Same goes with today's episodes of One Piece, they look faaaarr better than the early 2000s episodes. AoT is very epic, from the animation to the voice acting to the music. It's one of the best series' I've ever seen. It's amazing. In terms of themes and mystery, Attack on Titan and One Piece share a lot and it's why they're both my top 2 favourite series' of all time Also when the giant one appeared to break the wall, there wasn't two of them. It just looked like that because it was pulling its foot back to do a kick, so what you saw was its foot. I thought there was a second one there for a long time as well when this was first releasing 🤣

Eric Quan

You cut off the end of episode 1 :(


Everything has a reason....including the naked giants... just hold onto your seats.


Attack on titan and one piece have some of, if not the best foreshadowings in anime imo. You should pay A LOT of attention to the details in this show as most of the things you see will have some meaning later on


Congratulation on starting Attack on Titan! it's literally one of the most popular shows out now so this will be good for your channel. I really like where Atack on Titan's story goes(especially in the later seasons). I am going to hold out hope for you guys eventually picking up more shows in English dubs, there are some very high quality ones and this show has one of them. And hey I hope you guys eventually get to Cowboy Bebop and Hunter X Hunter, I feel that these shows have some of the best writing you can find in the medium comparable to One Piece or even arguably better...also BERSERK too I'm so happy someone else recommended that series. It's in my top 3 of all time along withHxH and One Piece they're all like my manga bible hahaha!


No way! I just beat Dead Space 2 for the first time like a couple days ago and your in it! that's crazy to me


I think you're going to like this show. Your son gave a good recommendation.


Haha that’s awesome!!! Had a lot of fun working on both games! We also gave you a shout out in one of the upcoming vids! You’ll have to wait and see which one 😂😂🫶🫶


Great to know thanks! We were actually wondering if the dub version was any good! Yes, we are gonna start adding different ones into the mix in the very near future! Especially those you are talking about 😊