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Hey, y'all - unfortunately, I have to push back the release by about a day. 

The video is basically done and I figured I'd be able to spend a couple more hours on fine tuning some stuff and do a watch through with my wife (I like to have another set of eyes take a look at my videos before I send it out to y'all.) 

I figured I would end up uploading it this afternoon and get it to y'all this evening - but, unfortunately, I woke up to find that my car won't start; which has kinda fucked up my whole schedule a little bit because I have some errands that I need to run and I wanted to get them done before things got busy and crowded, but now it looks like I won't be able to do that. 

So, unfortunately I'll be spending my morning/early afternoon getting a new battery and running those errands - and then I'll come back and wrap up the video. 

So, I'm sorry to push it back again - but it will definitely be on here within the next 24 hours. 

I'm looking forward to sharing it with y'all!


Syed Ali

I couldn’t have asked for anything more for my birthday than another episode from my favorite creator, thank you OA! Coming clutch once again

overanalyzing anime

So, for anyone who sees this post - the video is done. It’s been done for a few hours now, I’m just having trouble uploading it to Patreon for some reason; it has to be an internet issue in my end because YT is giving me the same issue. So, hang tight - it’s still coming today.