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So, I wanted to provide a little update about things. 

In regard to Episode 25: 

I wanna start off by apologizing, because I've decided to push back the release date by a week in order to make sure I give y'all the best possible version of the video. 

I've never created a video that was as long as this one, and it's been... well, it's been an experience, I'll say that much. 

To give you an idea of how long it is in comparison to other videos - the script for Episode 21 (which is my current longest video, coming in at around 45 minutes) was 9,700 words. 

Episode 25 is currently sitting at around 13,300 at the moment - meaning it's pretty much guaranteed to be an hour or longer. I'm still in the process of editing and redoing some of the audio here and there as needed and it's just been... a process. 

So, as not to burn myself out and give y'all something that I'm not satisfied with - I'm going to give it another week; which means the release of Episode 24 on YT will also be put on hold for a week, because I told myself that I wouldn't post there without also giving y'all something at the same time. 

Also, if you're in the $5 Tier or higher and only chose to subscribe for one month,  and your cancellation date is before January 27th, please send me a message either on here or Instagram so that I can make sure I upload a version to YT and send you a private link so you can still watch it early (January 27th vs. February 5th). 

In regard to Episode 26:

So, as many of you probably already know, Episode 26 is a recap episode - or, at least the first half is, anyway. 

And I was thinking of doing something special since I don't really see any need to cover the recap since this series is, in and of itself, partly a recap of the series. Lol. So, I was thinking of making the first half a community episode wherein y'all (and the people on YT) can contribute things that I may have missed/gotten wrong from any of the previous episodes (1 through 25). 

I'll make another post in a few days with more details that y'all can use to post your examples of things you think I missed or you can comment on the YT videos (or the versions of those videos here on Patreon). 

I think it could be kinda fun to have like 10-20 minutes where we do our own kind of re-cap of the series, pointing out stuff that I might've missed. 

In regard to Episode 01 of  [Next Series]:

So, I'll be posting the first part of the next series I'll be covering on February 5th (alongside Episode 25 on YT). I'm still going to be covering Death Note - and my goal is to have this shit wrapped up by the end of this year, at the latest], but I'll also be introducing another series into the fold because I need a little more variety in the content I'm making. 

This new series will likely be once every two months until Death Note is done, but, yeah - I just need to switch it up because 11+ hours of Death Note content is... a lot of time spent on a single show.

Now in regard to the what the next series is? Well, I wanna keep it a secret as much as I can, buuuuut, if you send me a PM I don't mind telling you. Some of y'all actually already know, so, yeah - my DM's are open for those who are curious!

But, yeah, just wanted to give y'all an update since I've been pretty quiet on here (and on YT). I hope the first few weeks of 2024 have been treating you all well, and thanks again for contributing to the channel! I know I say this every time, but it really does mean a lot! 



Take your time dude. Im pretty sure its not an easy task to make those videos especially because theyre so detailed. dont overwork yourself. quality over quantity. but most important is your health.. its exhausting to put yourself through deadline after deadline. take it easy and dont stress yourself so much. we have to be and are patient (:

Jeremiah Vernon

I’d like to see you finish death note. So slow and steady wins the race.

overanalyzing anime

Your username is so misleading because you’re anything but an asshole. 😭 Lmao. Thank-you! This video has been especially stressful, but it’s coming together nicely!