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will be posted on YouTube in August, 2024. (but feel free to click the link and leave your comments there!)

link to the google script doc can be found here.




I'm surprised the Code Geass episodes are lasting 55 minutes. I guess that's just for the amount of stuff that happens in Code Geass in such a short amount of timeframe lol.

overanalyzing anime

To be honest, I'm also surprised that these videos are so long. Like, especially the one for Episode 02. I figured I wouldn't really have much to say about the action, but there was a lot that was worth pointing out during it all. Lol. I'm honestly curious how long the videos'll be towards the end of the series. Because as it stands I'm pushing off a lot of stuff for later when characters become more relevant - like Tohdoh, Schneizel, Cornelia, etc.

Jake Relis

Are you planning on doing more over analyzing of specific characters or even between shows? One thing I’m curious about is a more detailed look at Lelouch and how he compares to Light as characters. The two of them get compared a lot and they have superficial similarities, but they are obviously quite different. Wondering if you think the same, thanks!

overanalyzing anime

I have been considering that - especially with the brief comparison I made in the latest Death Note video with them both staring at their reflections, thinking about killing (or, having killed) their sibling. But, if I did, it probably wouldn't be for a while. I'm already struggling with getting these videos out at a rate that I think is acceptable (the goal is every two weeks), so adding something on top of it just doesn't seem feasible at this point in time. That being said, if you're interested in a video like that, you might want to check out this video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnL6_8kxrmY - I stumbled across it a few weeks ago and thought it was pretty good!


On the topic of the geass acting differently each time I think it has to do with the commands issued. First of all Villetta the command was to hand over control of the knightmare and I imagine that the trance might have been a part of that command, after all if she had just handed him the key then snapped out of the trance she would have technically fulfilled her command but obviously directly after acted against it by trying to take back control and the people under geass always try to accomplish a command to the best of their ability so I imagine she waited for him to leave before the geass effect ended. Then the Prince the actual commands come in the form of continuous questions he didn't make a statement to answer his questions or anything at least not with geass he just kept asking questions with geass active so I'm guessing that once he blinks the effect is over and he can't ask anymore questions as the effect has already run its course. Finally with Kallen he makes a statement to answer his questions which is his actual command and then starts asking. While the command period of the geass is over when he blinks she still is under the command to answer his questions which she does until the questioning is over at which point the geass looses its effect.


Hi just wanted to get this but, in the videos where called Clovis and Lelouch Britannian nobility but they’re really Britannian Royalty since their father is the emperor and they truly rule the Empire. The Britannian Nobility make up the high class of the Britannian society. Also the reason that what royal guard captain said what he said was that Lelouch said his royal family name and since they serve the royal family they would do anything he would say more due to the geass giving them not any choice anyway. PS got into their channel and be part of patron due to this series keep up the good.

overanalyzing anime

Sorry, bro. I recently experienced a death in the family (my grandma) and I have been out of town and just haven’t been able to record. I will say, that I do have Episode 29 of Death Note written, and I’m about a third of the way through Episode 30. (I also have Code Geass 04 and 05 written, too.) The writing has actually been a good distraction from… everything. It’s also nice to be ahead by so many scripts (I usually don’t start the next one until I’ve recorded the last; but now I’m almost three scripts ahead.) But, anyway - all of that to say - I apologize for how long this next video is taking to get out. It’s just been rough.