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Story time:

One day, as happens now and then with a bleeding-edge rolling release distro, a systemd update reversed my mouse buttons.

It only affected my exact mouse driver, which had a bug in it.

The great thing about rolling release and cutting edge distributions like Arch, is that you get to be a beta tester, whether you like it or not!

I thought this was the way it had to be on Linux: Stability or Cutting edge features, not both.

But that wasn't right at all, with NixOS you can have everything, everywhere all at once!


I'm sorry there's been no video for a while folks, I have a good reason: The video on Autism has been WAY HARDER to write than I had anticipated.

I've written a REALLY high-quality script, but it's not good enough yet. 

ADHD is simple compared to Autism, every book I read makes me rewrite the script!

I'm nearly there, but it won't be this month's video. I have put it on the back burner, and produced a simpler video this month instead:

Anyone who's seen my discord activity in #⁠linux over the last month might have been able to guess what was coming - finally, my NixOS video 😅 

Hope you like it! Thank you all for your support, talk soon <3





Hey Tris, about ADHD: just got my ADD diagnostic a few weeks ago and started Concerta last week. Your coping mechanisms video was eye-opening and a big inspiration in my journey. I even referenced the video during my discussions with the neuropsychologist. Thank you again for putting your struggles into words.

Ruaidhri Lumsden

The idea of using more than one computer, or dual booting, fills me with anxiety - so I've largely made peace with exclusively using Windows on my Framework laptop so that I can achieve full compatibility. I do kinda want to try Nix though. Dammit Tris, why do you have to go and make it sound so compelling!!


Great video, I have used arch Linux for 15 years, I don't understand why you had to reinstalled just because your kernal update did not work, depending on your setup there is different ways to just downgrade packages and deal with them later.. In general if you have a deadline just don't update your system, Arch often gets shot at because an update can break your system, that is true, but often I think people just blindly update their system.. It is quite easy to look if the kernal is being update or gpu driver or the DE/WM if any of these are update and your system does not work as normal after, it should be fairly easy to figure out why.. Maybe it cannot be fixed but then just rollback that package


What's your experience with asahi linux been, I'm really interested in hearing about that since I'm on an m1 pro mac right now. I don't want to switch to another machine since i periodically do ios development, but not all the time, and I'd really like to be able to run arch on the same machine.


Fantastic, if you're stuck with the hardware, dual boot asahi - your compile times will be *faster* than native (somehow!? what is apple DOING!?)


I've booted from a live usb to fix arch for the last time, NixOS does everything arch does but better - I'm astonished! Give it a try! :-D


Great presentation, I'm sold and have installed NixOS on my dev machine... The only problem is rust is a bit finicky to work with. Could you post your setup to get rust development working smoothly?


This is the best I've found so far: https://discourse.nixos.org/t/rust-src-not-found-and-other-misadventures-of-developing-rust-on-nixos/11570