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I was taught formal methods at university but these ultra-safe development techniques are expensive, require using unusual external verification languages, and most damning for web and application developers, they slow down iteration.

After graduating and getting a webdev job, I despaired that the safety and guarantees of the formal systems that I had been introduced to weren't available to me as a web developer.

I was going to have to act if I wanted to live in a different world.


I hope you like this one folks, I'm really pleased with it! There's an extra 3-minute deep-dive on formal methods  and the proptest crate for patrons only here.

Thank you so much for your support! <3

I have some alternate title options that I wonder if anyone has strong feelings about? Do let me know in the comments, and thank you again!

1. In Search of Code Purity
2. Rust's Secret Purity System
3. My Purity Journey from Haskell to Go to Rust
4. const fn: Pure Functions in Rust




Great vid! I would be interested to know what it is like to work on a codebase that is full of pure functions. What is easier, what is harder? How much does it turn out can be pure? I am of course already sold on the idea that it would make me feel much happier and secure when changing code :)

Grzegorz Wierzowiecki

Found them https://www.teepublic.com/stores/no-boilerplate ! (tshirts I mean ;))