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As hackers, we are always trying to get more out of our tools and ourselves. Stealing back hours from sleep is an incredible - and very achievable - technique. Today I'm talking about my experience sleeping only 5 hours a day with Polyphasic sleep.

Thank you all for your support, I hope you like this one! <3



Great video! Polyphasic sleep was absolutely revolutionary for me when I was a student. Not because I was awake more hours, I actually slept about the same amount as usual (5 + 2.5 hours), but because it just made me more focused and motivated than I had ever been before, and have ever been after. For me, maximizing awake time wasn't the best way to maximize productivity.


I know that waking up earlier than I do now generally feels great, but I always lack sleep afterwards unless out of pure luck. So I'm gonna try first-shift siestas for a few days/weeks to see how it goes for me.